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I woke with a start, thunder crashed and lighting sprayed through my dark bedroom. I looked out towards the window and I could see the rain pounding against the house. I sighed and ran my hands over my eyes.

"Ally," I said, my voice still caked in sleep and I reached out in the bed, grabbing at Allyson's wrist. Her arm was cold to my touch, which was odd because 1) Allyson was never cold and 2) we were werewolves we never got cold unless under extreme conditions.

These were not extreme conditions.

"Ally, hey, wake up," I told her turning my body towards her and grabbing at her soft and freezing skin. Ally didn't wake or move at the sound of my voice, which should of been enough. I was her alpha for one, and for another she should just hear my voice from being right next to her.

Slowly I grabbed at her shoulder and gave it a soft shake, "Allyson, you have to wake up, come on, Ally." I said to her trying to coax her out of sleep. She had to be sleeping, just sleeping.

But still, my mind began to wonder so I closed my eyes and tuned into the girl next to me. I connected my ears to the sound of her breathing and her heartbeat. Reassuring myself that Allyson was very much alive, just freezing and sleep (unconscious?) i got back to work on trying to wake her up.

"Ally? Can't you hear me? Please Ally wake up," I was shaking both of her shoulders but Ally continued to sleep. Her breathing was regular and heartbeat was fine, but it was like she was frozen solid and I had no idea why she was like this.

I turned away from her and grabbed at the sheets of my bed that had been pushed away within the night and wrapped her up in them, trying to warm her as best as I could before leaving my bedroom.

In some ways I had learned how to master my fear, I could feel it bubbling inside me but in some ways it was mushed down. I could feel my body starting to shake but in other ways I didn't feel anything at all.

I was running to my parent's room at full speed,I could hear my feet slaming against the floors as I moved but I didn’t care, if I was lucky I would actually wake up Dinah Jane. She was always the person I ran too when something was wrong with Ally. Once I made it to the east wing of the hosue, I couldn’t take it anymore and yelled out “Dad! Mom!” There room was at the end of the hall and it felt way to far to get too.

I felt it the instant they both got up, it was like another part of me had woken up along with them. I heard my dad getting out of bed at the same time I made it to the door and threw it open. “Something’s wrong with Ally, she won’t wake up, I can’t get her to wake up. Her breathing is normal and her heartbeat is steady but she won’t wake up, she always hears me. Always.”

My dad stares into my eyes, listening to me and I could tell he was listening to the rush my words and the shakiness in my voice before nodding his head and putting his hand on my shoulder pushing me around to turn forward “Let’s go, Andrea! Wake up Cast, we may need him for this one.” He yelled back to his wife before running with me back towards my room “How long has it been Normani?”

“Um, I don’t know, not long I came to you when I realised she wouldn’t wake up, even when I shook her.” I told him and he nodded before speaking again “I’m going to head to your room, find Arielle and Dinah Jane.”

I didn’t ay anything back when we got to the end of the hallway I turned in the oppiste direction of my father, running towards the movie roo, a lot of times Dinah would fall asleep in their and if I was lucky my sister would be right there with her.

“Dinah!” I yelld out throught the house, I had a feeling because of my loud voice and also because I was alpha I could possibly wake up the entire house but I think if there is something seriously wrong with Ally the whole house should be awake anyway. When I made my way into the threate room I caught the look of Dinah’s long blonde hair scattered all around her face as she slept on the giant sofa, her head and main of blond hair was splashed along my sister’s belly who Dinah was apperently sleeping on.

“Girls! Wake! Now!” I growled

Dinah jumped at the sound of my voice drool hanging from her mouth “What? What’s going on?”

My sister’s eyes snapped open “Mani?”

“Come on we have to go, something’s wrong with Ally.”


“You didn’t tell me she was freezing like ice!” was the first thing my father said when Arielle, DInah and I walked back into my bedroom and I gasped at the sight infront of me.

Harry Cast stood over Ally, his hand running up and down her body without actually touching her, he was muttering in latin and every now and then would cruse again.

“What’s going on?” I asked harshly waking towards her as she sat on her bed, eyes still closed and her breathing was simple and even but what the fuck was wrong with her?

“I don’t know!” Harry snaps “I’m trying to counteract her freezing but nothing I do is letting up, I could set her body on fire and she still wouldn’t warm up I don’t know… I don’t know…” Harry was shaking his head as sweat poured from his forehead. I could smell his fear and worry dripping from his entire escence. It made my toes curl and my stoamach turn, I knew Harry was practly pack but what I didn’t understand was why he was so upset.

“She’s not dying,” Harry continues “Everything about her is stable expect she isn’t responsive, my spell isn’t helping, and she’s freezing cold.” He puts his hands down and turns to face me “All we can do now is wait, see if it let’s up on it’s own.”

“Fucking hell, Harry, that’s it?” Dinah says coming in and putting her arm around my shoulder

Harry turns away for a minute and wipes his eyes and nods “Yeah, this is it.” and with nothing else said he turns and walks out the door, never looking back,

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