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"What... the hell," I was me, but I wasn't me. I was standing in the forest, but not my forest, not the pack land. I could hear words not of the English language I could see hands in front of me, almost as if they were my own but I knew they weren't. My nails were always painted a bright color like neon green or a soft blue but these nails were black and the skin was much paler than my own. 

"This has to be the spell, it has to be" 

I tried to look around me but then I realized I was not the one in control. 

I was in another body. 

In a way I was happy because the spell worked but how the hell was I supposed to get back to my own body? 

Think Ally, think! Come on!

I watched the scene around me confusion and fear rolling around me, it was cold. In a way I could feel it, but it wasn't mine to feel I was just a passenger in another's body and I couldn't even control it. I thought back to what I was doing before when I was here, what was I doing? 

I was with Normani, sleeping in her arms and enjoying every second of it. But once I had fallen asleep I must have let my guard down and damn it, he told me not too. I had just gotten so distracted with Normani... I shouldn't have been so stupid.

I sighed I didn't know what to do next so I guess I'll just have to sit and watch.


Normani POV

No one dared to questioned why Ally had been in my room that night and not her own, it wasn't a secret that Ally and I spent time together at night but they also knew not to disrespect me at a time like this, I was on edge, nervous, and jumpy. I watched Harry Cast stand over the girl I loved, I could see the concentration on his face and the way he began to sweat. He kept saying words under his breath, so soft not even I could hear him. But that could also have to do with the fact my mind couldn't really focus on anything else. I just wanted Allyson to be okay.

My dad had only stayed for a little while, once he realized their wasn't anymore he could do for Ally besides put her in the hands of Harry and hope for the best he left and I didn't care to find out where he was going but I knew that Dinah and my sister did with the way their eyes followed him as he left the room. They both had kissed my cheeks before leaving me alone with Harry, running after my distant father.

"Harry... I need to tell you something,"

"Normani, now really isn't the time -"

"I kissed her, Harry," I said cutting him off. "And I mean, everyone always says don't make connections with someone who isn't your mate, is this why? Did I kill her? Is she dying Harry?"

Harry turns and looks at me and I see his eyes shinning tears that had yet to fall he takes a deep breath and looks back at Ally's indeed unconscious body. He let's his hands fall from above her and let's one fall to her cheek before sighing again and turning back to me.

"I need to tell you something, Normani," He settles on finally "I told her -"

A gasp ripped from behind us and Harry and I turned to see Ally sitting up in bed grabbing at her heart, which I could now hear pounding in my ears she looked around the room.

Harry and I didn't move, we just looked back at her, wondering if we were staring at a living corpse. 

"Hi," She finally says 

And that is when I lose it, "Allyson Brooke Hernandez," I snap making my way back to the bed and sitting beside her, placing my hands on her cheeks "Are you okay?" I asked and my eyes were wide and I was staring into her's I could see her blown her pupils were and the scent of her fear was overpowering, but she was awake, she was breathing, and she was talking so I held onto those pieces of information as I looked at her. 

She stared back at me just as much confusion on her own face but she nodded back at me. "I'm cold." 


Arielle, Harry, Dinah Jane, and I were all in my bed snuggled up around Allyson, trying to warm her up I had let out a howl to let the rest of the pack know she was awake and my father had came in and asked Ally the same questions I did but all she said was that she didn't remember a thing, I could tell she was scared and worried but all she would tell me was that it was cold wherever the hell she was or whatever happened.

For a while my dad had taken Cast out of the room jut to talk to him about what it could have been to fallen upon her, some kind of spell? Or some type of live action nightmare? How bad could this be? And could it affect Ally forever?

I never got to hear his answer, to distracted with besides the coldness Allyson was fine. I kept staring at her wondering what the hell I would do with myself if I had ever lost her, and how I vowed to never let that fear happen to me again.

And now I was rubbing circles into Ally's back and marking her skin with my lips and teeth, I wanted her to be marked with me so everyone knew I wasn't letting her go anytime soon.

For a while we didn't speak we just held her all making sure to be touching some part of her to warm her up and in a way, to let ourselves know she was fine even though she was right there with us.

"Hey guys?" Ally says, speaking up

"Yeah?" Arielle said, answering first

"Do you mind if I talk to Harry alone? I need to talk to him about some stuff if that's alright?"

I could feel the surprise within everyone before they did so I opened my mouth to try to stop the feeling of god awful tension.

"Of course you can, I think we all need to go out for a run anyway, come on girls." I tell them all, pulling back and away from Ally's back and the new mark I had been placing on her.

I backed up until Dinah (who was behind me) got off the bed I could tell she and my sister were confused at my action; because what the hell honestly I could practically hear my sister saying but I just strode out of the room and I knew they would follow. I was trying to keep it together and I knew if they would do something out of order or even something not out of order I most likely explode in anger or tears. We continued to walk until we were out of hearing distance until I spoke.

"So, what the hell do you think happened?" I asked my pack next to me and Dinah spoke up first, pushing her blonde mane behind her.

"I think it's Clara, I think she's found a way to invade our pack and is trying to take us all out, could this have been the battle she's been planning for?"

"I feel like that's to subtle," Arielle rebuttals "She always seems like the type to set things aflame, being an Earth and elements witch and all. This isn't the battle but she is trying to find out information, that's what this has to be." 

"Trying to find information, sounds about right. But we are not going to let her hurt Allyson again, or anyone in this pack. We are going to kill this bitch" I snapped and Dinah Jane's smirk was loud and proud and almost as loud as Arielle's growl 

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