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6 years later.

At 24 years old, my life was no longer my life where we last left off.

I was an unsteady 18 year old who had fallen in love with her pack mate and found her mate. Then lost a girl I loved and my father.

We had defeated an enemy in combatant but lost so much in the process. A boy lost his mate he barely knew he had. My pack had lost its father, I had lost my father the harsh and cold man who taught me everything I knew and the person I became was all because of him and his harshly burning love.

I knew he loved me just as much as he knew I loved him.

Allyson Brooke Hernandez was the love of my life, the one who made me feel young and like I didn't have to be strong all the time. The one I could tell all my fears too. The one who loved me unconditionally and practically, the one who could calm me down when I was practically burn down the room with my emotions. She kept me cool.

And she sacrificed herself for my pack, for our pack to kill another she was so unbelievably selfless I wished I could be just as strong and amazing as the late Ally Brooke.

I missed her every single day. Sometimes her smile and laughter haunted my dreams. Her late nights in my bedroom never to far from my mind.

Her love for me marked me and made me the person I was, something when the wind blew in my fur I could catch her scent in my air.

I saw a lot of her in my 5 year old daughter Erica Brooke Jauregui.

We lived in a world of magic and mates and where the fates can touch you and give you your own miracles.  

I found out I was pregnant just a few days after the battle, I had transformed back into my natural state and that's when I felt a little wolf kick and instantly fell back into human form in surprise grabbing at my own belly, looking for the feeling again.

I don't know how but Lauren felt it too, she ran outside to me clutching at arms asking me what's wrong and I couldn't say anything. I just kept touching my belly. She kind of figured it out from there.

"Does this mean?"

I nodded

"Is this possible?"

I nodded again.

She took me inside and brought me to my mother's side who put a hand on my belly and smiled. She went on to tell me about the fates and more magic telling to let us know, yes, we were indeed pregnant. And as sad as I was at the time, I had never been so happy.

Erica brought me out of the final bits of depression. And her mother as well.

As the pack mourned the death of two deaths Lauren became the new pack mom, making sure we all ate, bathed, and slept well. She used her magic and also just a natural loving touch. I think she was trying to prove to everyone she was nothing like her birth mother.

Camila also came around more once she found out. If anyone asked, they had both been in a car accident, I was also in the car which was another reason why no one saw me in school anymore.

Camila also loved the fact that was pregnant the little duck was suddenly always around. Making sure I was happy and healthy. After a while I began to love her too. She reminded me of Allyson so much now that she was gone.

When Erica Brooke was born Lauren gave her a DNA test, because for one I had never been with a man but I carried her so obviously she was related to me but Lauren was looking for some type of connection to this baby, yes she was my mate but no we hadn't had any type of sex.

When the test came back with the 99.9% relationship she jumped for joy, this baby was her's just as much mine.

She came up with the name for Erica Brooke, I gave her Lauren's last name because so much of her was Lauren.

She had Lauren's eyes, those fierce beautiful green eyes that always took my breath away. She had her mouth, that lovely smile. And even just the way she moved her chubby little arms was so Lauren it was a constant reminder of the woman I would always have by my side.

Her ebony skin glowed and her fur coat was such a rich brown, her full lips were always smiling, and when she howled into the night sky it was always so joyous. She brought my own mother peace to her broken heart.

Two years after Erica's birth Lauren, Erica, and I moved in together, the two wolves and the magic lady. We fell into a basic routine as we all continued to get our education.

Because our pack was so large and family orientated there was always someone there to watch Erica, to keep her safe and teach her ways of the wolf.

Once Erica turned 4 we realized she could shapeshift into more things than just a wolf, any animal she liked. That was Lauren's magic running though her veins.

Erica was the light of my life and I thank the magical gods for bringing her into my life.

Lauren and I would of had such a rocky relationship if it hadn't been for her. Our relationship had never been simple, until we found out about our pregnancy.  Then suddenly everything made sense.

We were mates
We were made to be together
We needed to fuse our lives together

It just made sense.

After that our relationship was calm and everything I needed to heal.

Now at 24 I was a mom, a wife, and a leader of the most wonderful pack and family who always had my back, my wife's back, and my baby's back.

Erica would play with Dinah as an owl, flying around her head "oooo oooo oooo" she would say and Dinah would laugh. The whole pack would laugh. We needed the laughter more than anything.

Sometimes now when Erica would get upset I could see my father, the strong determination in trying to get her way and the way she would look down on me even though she want even half my height.

I cried that day, I cried so hard my baby turned herself into a cub and licked my tears away until I could breathe again.

She had a bright a beautiful life in front of her. I couldn't wait to see it.

One day when Lauren and I sat in bed way past our daughter resting and sleeping in her own bedroom she spoke up to me.

"We never really had a love story,"
"I mean, Yes, we're mates, but this story was never really about us. It was about what was surrounding us."
I thought about it and agreed.
"But we can change that now, it's just us now"
I jumped up and hopped on top of my mate, kissing her deeply. And she fell into my kiss, closing her eyes and her smiling against my mouth.

"It's our story now."
"Yes it is. Yours, mine, and Erica's."
She smiled back at me "Yours, mine, and Erica's."

The end.

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