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Camila and Lauren were having a blast I could tell, it had been hours and they still played and laughed in the ten foot long pool rather it was in the shallow end making fun of their new teachers or rather Camila was talking about a boy who fancying her.

“Are you sure you don’t want to come in?” Lauren asked me coming closer to where I was sitting on the bench. “It’ll be funnnnn,” she sings “and I feel bad, like you’re my mom or something just watching Camz and I play,”

I laughed easily “Don’t worry, I’m use to watching kids,” I give Lauren a smirk and she opens her mouth in a wide expression then turns it into a smile.

“Fine,” she sighs “Do what you wish,” and Lauren turns away from me before diving back underwater and swimming back to her best friend.

I couldn’t focus everything felt out of place, ever since Lauren touched me all I could picture were the green and sliver lights, following around each other and the feeling that came with it. That warm rush, like eating chocolate cookies fresh from the oven, then the rush of calm but the feeling of excitement at that same time and I couldn’t understand what perception of this I was supposed to have. Should I follow the feeling?

But why did it appear the first place?

And why was Lauren the person to give it to me?

I was ready to go home and sulk.

But I had to watch Lauren and see what stopped the influence of her change, what caused her life to be drastically changed?

The whole thing was befuddling and the fact that I most likely wouldn’t know anything until I got Lauren to open up to me and my stomach turn in a mix of anger and desperation. I wanted to know, and I wanted to know now.

“Do you have a crush on my sister?”

I looked up, out of my confusion and into the eyes of Camila she has a smile on her face her whole body dripping with chlorine and water she had a soft smile on her face. I rose my eyebrows just a little bit at her and squinted my eyes as I watched her.

“Excuse me, Sugar?” I said before turning so my body could face hers. Camila nodded, somewhat to herself and sat down next to me.  

“I would like to say that I’m very good at understanding someone’s character and that I can tell if they are a good person or not and I see the way you look at Lauren and all I can see is that you have this fascination with her. Like your trying to figure her out…” Camila sighs and pushes her hair back.

“I can’t tell you if she likes girls or not, she’s very… private about the way she feels when it comes to things she’s interested in. She’s insecure in ways I will never understand, but for the most part… she’s an open book.”

“And what makes you think that this is some type of love? Or… fasciation as you put it?”

Camila clucks her tongue “You’re cute, acting as if this isn’t obvious. Why don’t you come over for dinner tomorrow? You can meet the rest of the family and get to know Lauren a little better? And I know you would love that.”

“You don’t know me, Camila, or my antics.” I moved a little closer to Camila so that our thighs touched “What makes you think it couldn’t be you I was after?”

Camila’s breath hitched as she looked into my eyes and I could see that she was looking into my eyes looking for me to tell her I was joking or if she was actually the one I ‘liked’ but she also had that wrong as well because I didn’t like anyone I was simply looking out for my pack and Lauren could be something to hurt my pack. As alpha I couldn’t let that happen.

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