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I got home to rest of my pack, my mother Andrea, my dad Derrick, my sister Arielle, my cousins, aunts, uncles, and some of their human mates. Usually mates are not included in pack meetings but this was insanely serious.

“Are you trying to invite a new pack member, Normani?” My mother asks as we all sit around our large living room.

“No,” I tell her “But we do need to watch her, inform her on what she is because one day she can figure it out and do some things she may regret or even hurt our pack. We know what happens to wolves that go rouge.”

I watch a shudder goes out through my whole pack and I grimace as well.

Dealing with a rogue wolf is worse than dealing with an omega. An omega wolf is just a lone wolf sometimes looking for a place to call and sometimes just roaming the world on their own. Even though it’s natural for wolves to be in packs a few wolves have come past our land once or twice, usually not looking for trouble.

But a rogue wolf is a wolf that’s gone bad, chosen the dark over the light for whatever reason. Rouge wolves are so strong and powerful and so full of rage it usually takes a whole pack to take one down. Anger makes us stronger but can also take over and make us out to be the werewolves in all the storybooks.

“I’m guessing Ally is befriending her then?” My father asks looking over at Ally who blushes, even after years of being with me and my family she still blushes when she gets recondition.

“Actually, she isn’t. I will Ally actually has another project to work on instead.” My father nods.

The moment I turned eighteen the pack was given to me and I became alpha, he no longer held the responsibility as pack leader, but he was still an important piece of the fact not only because he was my father but because he had the most information and dealt with pack and pack issues since he took the pack over from his father before him. He was also the reason the pack merged with Ally’s. My father and Ally’s were both from rival packs but once both men became alpha they deiced to merge and put an end to the feud and who held more land than the other.

“You’re not a people person Normani, do how do you plan to approach her?” My father asks sitting back in his chair, he knows the answer to this. He knows I have no idea how to approach this girl, the girl I knew nothing about expect that she was a wolf and didn’t even know it herself.

“I have no decided yet, but it will be done and done soon.”

“I trust you Normani, this pack trusts you.” My father says firmly and I nod again the pack trusting me wasn’t the problem. It was about me trusting myself. 


“Father, what do you think?” I ask once the whole pack is gone and I can take away my brave face.

My father just sighs and turns to me “It’s very random, but I don’t think it’s coincidence. A new wolf who has no idea of what she is appears only months after you’ve become alpha? The waters are being tested, you are being tested.”

“But by who?” I ask feeling the feeling of fear and smelling it on myself, I pushed away my fear and took a deep breath.

“That,” my father points his finger toward me “Is the question… how about I work with Ally and find out more about this… cabello family while you work on getting to know Lauren.”

I nod my head in agreement “You know I’m not a people person,” and he nods

“But you are also an alpha with the power to compel and a beautiful smile, who can ever say no to you?” My father says and tickles my side making me smile and giggle. “I love you,”

“I love you to Father”


I was sitting with Ally and Dinah on the school steps it was lunch time once again and I was about to talk to Lauren Cabello for the first time, I could tell Ally was worried for whatever reason even when I told her to relax under alpha orders she still would not be still, her legs were shaking. I put my hand on her thigh trying to relax and nuzzled her neck when I was sure no one was looking our way. I took in her scent, warm like chocolate but sweet like strawberries. I placed a kiss soft on her skin before pulling away, this time she relaxed and took my hand in hers intertwining our fingers. Dinah watched the students who passed by occasionally and watched Ally and I. I knew how she felt about my relationship with Ally and Allyson knew as well but she was just a beta. Not even my first so her comments were practically invalid, but sometimes at night I can still her accusations in my head.

“Have you decided how you’re going to talk to her?”  Dinah asks leaning her shoulder against mine and I lean back into her touch and she hums with happiness.

“No, I still haven’t but it is gym class maybe I can teach her a few things, she doesn’t know how to use her natural abilities it’s almost like something has stunted her growth. I have no idea what could do that to a person but I’m going to find out.”

“Do you think she’s gonna know you’re a wolf?”

“No, if she hasn’t smelt it already then she probably doesn’t know to detect and realise it’s different than others, that it’s not natural – human.”

“Be careful okay?” Ally says “I don’t want you getting hurt.”

“Oh please,” I chuckle “This girl probably couldn’t hurt a fly.”

“Still, I have the right to worry about my alpha.” Ally says and Dinah nods in agreement feeling the same way and I understand that. Every time my dad went out for a mission I always felt the strong fear of losing him. So I pulled both girls close and tried to sooth them the best way I could, just by holding them. Letting them listen to my heartbeat. I couldn’t promise them anything but I knew how to take care of myself. We all could only hope. 

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