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I have not updated this in 22 days... I'm trash. 

Fear and desperation filled my nose so fast and so thick I didn’t even realize it was coming from me until my body transform, my back arched harshly and a low pitch growl escapes my throat. My father watches me a look of confusion on his face but he backs away until he’s up against the other side of the wall, away from me.

“You don’t know anything about her, anything about us, you know nothing.” I growled and my dad is trapped up against the wall a look of fear and desperation on his face.

“You’re stronger than me now, you’re alpha, you also need to learn control Normani, control your rage and turn it into something else. Take that feeling in the pit of your stomach and change it to something else. Do not act on your rage.”

Regadless of the blood rage I was feeling towards the man, he was still my father, and the man who taught me everything he knew… apparently not everything. I threw myself away from the man, turning and looking away. I could feel my eyes changing color and the heat against my fingers and my teeth coming in. I took a deep breath, pulling myself together. “Father,” I said once I got myself under a little more control “You have to tell me what you know.”

My father sighs and comes closer to me again, patting my shoulder. “Once she’s gone child, I promise.” Then he gives me a little smile “I will, once she’s out of this house.” And with that, he turns leaving me in the hallway.

I could still feel my anger, rising up just above the surface. Pulsing through me like nothing I have ever felt before, I didn’t know why I felt so incredibly protective, all I knew was that she was under my protection and nothing was going to hurt her, I would rather die than see her hurt. Even when I thought about it I knew how crazy it sounded. I shouldn’t be so intense about her, Lauren Cabello was quickly taking over me and I didn’t know why.

I walked back into the kitchen where I left her, she was sitting on the countertop kicking her legs back and forth, looking so innocent and childlike I wanted to wrap her up and keep her away from the world around us. She smiles when she sees me and hops down, coming close to me so she was right in front of me. “Hey,” she says and I smile back at her not saying anything. “Are you OK? You seem worried, I don’t want you to be worried.”

“I’m fine,” I tell her but she shakes her head and lets her fingers graze on my wrist, “You know Normani, I’m very intuitive, I can tell when someone’s lying to me; always. So you might as well tell me what’s bothering you.”

I smiled at that, she calls it intuitive; I call it her natural magic trying to break through.

“How about this, something is bothering me, but I don’t want to think about it right now, I want to think about having a good time with you. Is that okay?”

Lauren nods her head “Don’t worry too much,” she says and continues to trace my wrist. “Nothing is as bad as you think.”

I don’t know what to think is what I wanted to tell her, but I couldn’t without her asking more questions. I didn’t want to tell her my dad called her a freaking Jauregui whatever the hell that means and that she could kill me, from my dreams of her I knew she could or – or that our relationship could be the death of me, every time I touch her it could be the last time. But what did that mean? Was this fate? Some type of messed up destiny?

But when Lauren touched me, I felt something, something I never felt before. Something like a spark that heats me up inside and cools me down. This was a type of physical touch I have never experienced. Even though the pack was closer than any other human family, it was different. When we were in human form, I didn’t like to touch people, for them to touch my bare skin and not my fur was for me… quite annoying and the only person I actually craved touch from was Ally, and now Lauren as well.

.touch.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora