20 {Part 2}

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I could hear Clara's screams. They filled the entire house. I wanted to cover my ears to the violent sounds but I knew it wouldn't do any good. I sat with my mother in her bedroom as she cried. She just lost her mate. The man she loved with all her heart and the father of her children. She didn't speak or even look at me. She just sat in bed and stared straight ahead as tears rolled down her face. I knew she didn't need anyone to take care of her, because she knew as well as I that my dad would always be with her. But for now he had to go away.

My mom had given up for some time she was going to need space, then she could be pack mom again. Right now she needed time to herself to reflect on everything.

So I got out of the bed, kissed her cheek and walked out of the room.
I headed out of the room and ran right into Dinah Jane.

"Lauren's awake." She told me and tried to smile, but I could see the tears in her own eyes. Everyone had a connection to my father. Something that tied them together, more than just pack even though pack was the strongest connection anyone could have.

"Thanks Di," I told her and headed towards my bedroom where Lauren was. I barely had time to worry about myself because of the chaos that was around me. And most importantly I had been worrying about Lauren. Watching her high above the ground under some type of sleeping spell? And I couldn't save her. I couldn't save anyone.
Once I made it to my bedroom door, I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I listened or for Lauren's heartbeat on the other side of the door.

Beep beep. beep beep. Beep beep.

Another sharp breath fell out of lungs, she was (for the most part) fine, living and breathing. I opened the door and took a huge step forward into the bedroom. Looking for Lauren.

She ran at me so fast she was a blur, then suddenly I felt the impact of her throwing herself into my arms. She wrapped herself around my neck and held me tightly, clutching onto me. I grabbed her by her middle and held her close. She smelled like winter and I could smell the bitterness wafting off her but I didn't question it once the scent of relief took over that too.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Lauren asked when she pulled back grabbing my arms as looking them over, the half werewolf half witch was looking at me so intently I would've laughed if I could.

"I'm fine, Lauren." physically.

"Good, thank goddess." She said then I gave her a once over.

Her cheeks were bright pink and her pupils were blown. She looked confused and flushed.

"Are you okay, Lauren?" I asked her "and I don't mean just physically."

Lauren stopped for a minute, holding her breath and looking away from me. she turned away from me for a second, running her fingers through her hair, then back to me.

"I was out for a long time wasn't I? She asked and I nodded "I was dreaming... It was.... so weird"

"What was it?"

"It's starting to fade away, I'm forgetting it already. I just- it felt like we were like... Fused? I don't know, I can't explain it."

"It's okay, don't worry. As long as you're okay. That's what I worry about."
"I'm fine I guess."

I was about to open up my mouth again when a loud scream ripped through the air, so high pitched and loud. I knew it wasn't coming from Clara.

"Allyson!" I yelled out turning away from Lauren and out the door, running towards the screams of my pack member. To find her shaking on the floor blood pouring out of her wrist.

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