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Y'all... should comment... tbh.

"NO, NO!" I cried falling into his red fur, he turned and looked at me, I could see his ragged breathing, harsh and nasty. Blood was all over his teeth, falling out of his open mouth. My father always hated blood.

He turned and looked up at me, at first I don't even think he could tell it was me. But then he did something of a smile towards me and then fell out of his form as well. He was born human, which means he reverts to human when... when... he's about to die.

"Daddy, no, no, I'm gonna help. I'm gonna get you better - HARRY!" I yelled but I knew it would be impossible for him to hear me

"No..." He says, voice soft as he looks at me. His eyes are glassy and it looks like he can't find his focus. "I lied... I lied that day... she... won't be the death of you. You'll love her and live a happy life, I promise."

"Dad no, stop what-"

"It's okay, you're going to be okay. I knew you were destined for greatness, I knew... you are going to be the one everyone admires. You can change the world."

"Not without you," I whisper "I can't be without you guiding on me,"

"You were always destined for greatness my love, I always knew - I'm sorry I was so hard on you."

"Daddy, dad, it's fine. It's fine, I promise. I love you,"

My father coughed harshly and blood poured out of his mouth and more tears fell from me, when did I even start crying?

"You h-have to g-go now," He says and I can tell his voice is getting softer and his heartbeat slower in my ears

"I'm not going anywhere," I told him, I could hear my voice breaking and my mouth was quivering and I couldn't control my emotions and I laid down next to him and held his hand

"Remember who you are, and your greatness." he leaned over so I could feel his breathing along my cheeks and he smiled "I love you," he mouthed, he couldn't even speak anymore. I nodded my head and told him I loved him too and I stayed with him until his heart stopped beating.

Then I had to be a leader and take care of my pack. I had to take control of my own emotions and be the person my pack needed. I transformed back into my natural state and let out a furious howl to tell that raging bitch I was coming for her.

I ran back towards the commotion on all fours and my nails tearing apart the ground beneath me, violent, uncontrolled anger pushing me forward. This woman had an idea of where my family would be before I was even born and I was still fated to be with her daughter. This was meant to happen because a witch was always a witch, always conniving, always cunning. I couldn't contain my anger with her.

As I ran back I barely noticed it had started to thunder and rain again, I could hear whimpers of my pack and I noticed Harry Cast doing counter spells, directing them all towards Clara. I looked around the air for Lauren who was floating unconsciously in the air, when I made sure she was still safe I ran at her mother. Who was standing on the ground with her hands up facing the air chanting in Latin. I watched as a tornado rotated around her and I felt my own anger making me buzz with energy. My mouth was up in a snarl as I watched the unnatural storm around the woman I was going to cut my teeth into.

The storm moved around in a circle in three seconds which meant I only had a three second window, which was more than enough for me.

I waited for two and lunged.

I felt the wind, the cold rain, and the particles of dirt and glass ripping at my fur but the actual pain and cold and fear were all numb to me. I would avenge my father.

My front paws landed on her stomach and she fell, tumbling over under me and the anger inside me ripped from me and onto her body from my mouth, I was biting and cutting at her skin. Sinking my teeth into her arms and legs. The storms stopped. Clara was so busy screaming and yelling in pain for her to continue her spells.

For a minute that's all there was the sound of breaking bone, screams, and chopping teeth as my back nails dug into the skin of her thighs and I enjoyed it. I lived in the fact that I was causing a woman so much pain when she had caused me so much more. I was livid.

Then I heard more screams but not from Clara, but from... Allyson.

My head snapped up immediately and turned to her cries. She was in Harry's arms screaming and holding at her temples. I could see blood dripping down from her arms, her leg, and her neck. Harry looked wildly around her looking for what was happening then he looked away.


I jumped, surprised at his words and he commanding me to do something, the surprise took me more than anything I had ever witnessed. I jumped off of the woman who now laid unconscious on the ground with a slow heartbeat. She'd be dead soon enough. I jumped and ran over to where Allyson was now on the ground blood seeping from every piece of her body. I switched back into human form and fell at her feet.

"What's happened?"

"It's the damned spell!" Harry Cast ends up yelling out to me and I rose my eyes and moved up to Allyson who was still awake and it looked like her wounds were healing, her breathing steadied out and she looked up at me with widened eyes.

"What the hell did you do Cast?" I snapped then turned away "Dinah! Take Clara into the basement, Arielle take Lauren into my bedroom. Now." I snapped and I could hear the girls moving into action.

"It's... not him..." Ally spoke up, her voice sounded wrecked but I could tell her vitals are stable. "I made him cast a spell on me, and he - well, - I made him Link me to Clara."

"What the hell does that mean?" I yelled? I could hear the beast in my voice and I could feel my eyes flashing. I turned up and looked at Harry Cast who was backing away form me.

"I made him, he didn't want too, but that means. If you hurt Clara you hurt me too."


"What the actual fuck is wrong with you?!" I snapped, it was hours later and we had Clara chained up in our basement and Allyson healing her bedroom even though she was linked to Clara she could still heal like a werewolf and Clara could not, thank god, and now I sat in a bedroom with Allyson and Harry, who were now trying to justify the fact that they linked Allyson to Clara.

"This is the best way to save the pack!" Ally said raising her voice just a little.

"If you really think that's your job then you obviously have not been listing I'm alpha! I take care of you. The only responsibility you have is to make sure your safe so I can breath!" I yelled back "Do you know what would happen to me if something happened to you? I would go out of my freaking mind."

I couldn't even look at Allyson right now, I was disgusted and angry. "So when you had dream, when you were almost freezing to death, that was because you two are linked?"

Allyson didn't answer and I wasn't looking at her which meant she was nodding, the idiot.

"I can't deal with this right now," I snapped and turned away.

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