Chapter 19 The Mall

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Josh POV

“What are you doing up?” “I had to take care of something.” “Go to sleep we’ll take care of it later.” “Okay Josh. I’ll see you tomorrow dad.” Juliet went upstairs. “What happen?” “She said she going to talk to you.” “It is that bed.” “She is going to talk to you.” “Okay. “ I went upstairs I saw Juliet was already sleeping. I fell asleep. I woke up Juliet was gone. I went to Analeigh was sleeping. She was gone as well. I went to the kitchen I found a note. “Josh I took Analeigh out will be back at 9. Love Juliet.” I called her. “Hello.” “Where are you?” “At Liam.” “Why are you there?” “I had to talk to him.” “About.” “I’ll be home in 5.” “Okay.” I texted Louis. “Hey what time are we leaving?” “In 40 minutes.” Juliet, come in. “Hey where is Analeigh.” “She wanted to stay with Jon and Harry.” “I tough she was leaving this morning.” “She was but there was a change in plans.” “What was that?” “Her parents are getting a devours. They wanted her to stay with me for 3 months.” “Really.” I hugged her. My phone began to ring. “Hello.” “We will be there in 5.” “Okay.” Juliet and I walked to the car. We arrived at the mall.

Juliet POV

They were all excited about getting things for the twins.

Harry: “What should we get?”

Liam: “How about the crib?”

Louis: “Let’s go.”

They all ran to the store. We enter the store, they all ran there separate ways.  I was just looking for someone but all of them were running around the store. They all had shopping cars. “Juliet this is all I found.” “Niall, what a TV?” “Yeah this is for the baby nursery.” “You have so many things.” I saw Louis Liam and Harry. There carts were full. “Where are we going to put all this?” “At your house of course.” “It’s a lot.” “So.” I saw Dan, Sandy, Jon, Josh, and Zayn they also had their carts full. “Guys this is a lot of things.”

Jon: “Don’t worry, we are paying for it.”

Me: “We only have 2 cars.”

Zayn: “Don’t worry, will make it fit.”

Louis: “We still need more things.”

Josh: “Let’s go to that store.”

Louis: “We have to pay first.”

Harry: “That right.”

They all went to buy there things. I was getting tired of standing. “Were done paying were going to the other store.” “I’ll be at the food court.” “Why?” “Dan I’m tired of standing.”  “Okay love, will be out in a minute.” I walked to the food court. “Keaton.” “Juliet what are you doing here.” “The boys wanted to go shopping.” “For what?” “For the twins.” “Really.” “Yeah, I’m excited about eh twins but they are more excited.” “I can tell.” He pointed at them, they had more things. “They have more in the car.” “Why are you here and not with them.” “I got tired of standing.” “Don’t look now but they are going into another baby store.” “I should stop them before they buy the entire store.” “I’ll go with you.” “Where is Finn?” “With my dad.” I saw Josh. “Josh, stop shopping.” “Why?” “You’re buying so many things.” “So.” “We don’t even fit in the car.” “We are excited.” “I know Josh; we still don’t know the sex of the baby.” “Hi Keaton. “ “Hi Josh.” They all came with more bags. “Are you guys going to do more shopping?” “Yes.” “Tell me you’re shopping for yourselves. “No, for the twins.” “You I’ll be need 5 houses for all of the things.” Louis point at Niall, Liam, Louis, harry, and himself. “That is why. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. We just need 4 more houses to go.” “They all ran to another baby store and left Keaton and I standing there. “So you must be hungry.” “Yeah let’s go.” We went to the food court again. “They are excited.” “I know.” Josh texted me. “Where are you?” “The food court.” “Will be there in 10 minutes.” “Josh said there coming in 10 minutes.” “I think we should leave.” “Why is that?” “Please just saw us and tweeted that we are here.” “Oh no.” We were outside. We saw people screaming. “My car is over here.” “Where are we going?” “To your house.” We arrived at my house my dad and Analeigh were there. “Where were you?” “The mall with the lads.” “Okay where are they.” “They mall.” “What are they still doing there?” “Buying things for the twins.” “They are excited.” “Yes very.” Dan was calling me. “Where are you?” “Home.” “Okay will be right there.” “Okay.”  In 5 minutes they were here.

Sandy: “Juliet you have to see this.”

Dad: “How much things did you buy?”

Dan: “We have more in the car Paul.”

Dad: “Where are they going to go?”

Zayn: “In every house. So they come over they will have things at our house.”

Louis: “We should start the nursery room.” Everyone ran upstairs.

Dad: “They are excited about the twins.”

Me: “Yes they are but they have to wait 6 more months for the twins.”

Dad: “It will go buy fast. I’ll go see what they are doing to the rooms.”

My dad went upstairs and Keaton Analeigh and I sat on the couch watching The Little Mermaid.

Josh POV

“Where is Juliet?” “She stayed downstairs with Keaton and Analeigh.” I walked downstairs and I saw she was sleeping. “How long has she been asleep? 20 minutes.” I carried her to her room. “She is sleeping.” “Yeah.” Sandy went back to the room. “I laid her down on her bed. I notice Analeigh was getting sleepy so I carried her to the room. I went back to the room.

Liam: “What color are we going to color this room?”

Louis: “Purple.”

Harry: “What about the other room?”

Dan: “Blue.”

Sandy: “We have to redo the basement.”

Me: “That true.”

Jon: “3 in this room, 3 in the next room, and 3 in the basement.”

Louis: “Liam, Harry and I will do the other room.”

Sandy: “Jon Zayn and I will do this room.”

Dan: “Josh, Niall and I will do the basement.”

Paul: “I’ll go get you guys some food. Don’t wake up Juliet she very tired.”

Louis: “Okay Paul.”

Dan, Niall and I went to the basement. “So what are we going to put here.” I saw someone coming downstairs.

Me:  “What are you doing here?”

Juliet:  “I didn’t know you were here?”

Dan:  “You should be sleeping.”

Juliet: “It’s 3 in the afternoon.”

Niall: “Why are you down here?”

Juliet: “I umm. I have to get something.”

Me: “Like.”

Juliet: “Forget it.”

She left. Liam came down stairs. “We were thinking if we all just do one room today the other tomorrow.”

Dan: “That fine.”  

We all went back to the room. Juliet wasn’t in the living room. “We should put everything in the basement than we should paint it.” “Okay Liam.” We all put the thing in the basement. “We just need to paint the room and put the things tomorrow morning.” “Alright.” We finished painting it was already 6. We went downstairs to eat. Juliet was playing with Analeigh. “Where is your dad?” I sat down next to her. “He went home.” “The food is in the kitchen if you want I can go get some more.” “No, it should be enough.” I kissed her cheek and went to the kitchen. “Niall stop eating everything.” Liam yelled at Niall. Juliet came in. “I’ll go get more.” “No, I’ll go.” “Josh I’ll go.” “Stay here, I’ll take Niall because he all everything.” “Do I have to go?” “Yes Niall come on.”  Dan also came with us.

Juliet POV

“You know you have time to fix the rooms right.” “We know but we want to do this.” “Okay.” They all hugged me. “Ow.” “What?” “They just kicked me.”  


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