Chapter 9 I'm Sorry

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Keaton ran to the store and got some snacks. "Let's go." We arrive at the Keaton house. I got a text from Niall. "Hey love, what are you doing?" "Watching a movie." "Can I come over?" "Keaton, Niall wants to know if he can come over." "Yeah, it's fine." "Niall you can come." "Awesome I'll be there in a bit." Someone knocked on the door. I got up and open it. "Um, pizza." "What? No, hello." "Nope. Just kidding, Hi Niall." "You're funny." "We'll thank you." I saw Liam and Harry. "Hi, guys." "Hey, Juliet." They came in and sat down. "So Keaton you're taking care of my sister." "Yes, Niall." "Good." I walked in. "What are you guys talking about?" "Nothing." "Really." "Yeah." "Okay." Keaton walked to the kitchen. "So I'm like your little sister." "You heard me." "Yup." "I'm just looking out for you." "You know they are just my friend's right." "Yeah but their guys." "Okay Ni." We watched the movie. I fell asleep. The next day Finn woke me up. "Juliet, wake up." "Umm." "I have to go to work. So does Keaton."

Josh pov.

"Chelsea I'll see you tomorrow." "Bye Josh." Juliet was coming back today. I had to get Chelsea out. I cooked breakfast for us. I was done cooking when Juliet came back. "Hi, Juliet." "Hi, Josh." I hugged her. "I'm going to go shower." "Are you going to eat?" "I already ate." "Oh." She left. I got a text from Harry. "Hey is Juliet back." "Yeah." "Tell her we are going to the club tomorrow." "Will do." Juliet came back down. "Get ready we are going to the mall." "Why? I want to sleep." "We are going to the club tomorrow we have to get you something." "But." "No buts come on." "Fine." We arrived at the mall. "What did you do last night?" "Just watched a movie." "What movie?" "Toy Story." "Why?" "Liam wanted to watch it." "Liam was there." "Yeah." "Did he ever pick up Daniel from the airport?" "I don't know." "Do you want anything to drink?" "Yes," I order her a drink. "Here your coffee." "Thanks, Josh." "Look I'm sorry." "OMG, IT'S JULIET AND JOSH." "Hi," Juliet told her. "Can I get a picture with you, Juliet?" "Yes." I took the picture. "You took to make a cute couple." "We are just friends," Juliet told her. "Josh ask her to be yours come on," I whisper in her hear. "Soon." She had the biggest smile on. "Okay." She left. Juliet and I went to a store. "I'll be right back." "Okay."

Juliet pov

I saw this amazing dress. I couldn't help it. I just keep looking at it. "You know that dress will look stunning on you." "Umm. Thank you." "I'm Jack." "Hi, Jack I'm Juliet." "What a lovely name for a beautiful girl." "Thank you." "Do you have a boyfriend?" "No." "Who is that?" "He's just a friend." "So I have to get back to work but can I have your number so I can take you out to dinner." "Okay." I gave him my number. "Bye Juliet." "Bye Jack." I went back to where Josh was. "I saw you looking at that dress what do you think." "I like it." "Hold on." "You're not going to buy it are you." "If I do." "It better before the one you love." "It is." "Okay. I'm going to Hollister." He better not get me that dress. "I'll see you there." "Look at those buns." "Juliet." "Keaton." "What are you doing here?" "Shopping with Josh." "Why?" "He wants to hang out." "Keaton back to work." "Okay." Keaton leaves." "Are you Juliet? Keaton friend." "Yes." "Can you come to my office?" "Okay." We walked to her office. "Take a seat." I sat down. "Keaton showed me some pictures of you in a fashion show." "Oh." "They were amazing. Will you be one of our models? You will be traveling with Keaton." "When will I start?" "Next week." "Thank you so much." "You're welcome." I left her office. I saw Keaton. "Well, hello coworker." "You got the job." "Yes." We hugged. "Juliet, there you are." He looked at Keaton's surprise. "Keaton, what are you doing here?" "I work here." "Juliet you never told me." "Well he does," I whisper to Keaton hear. "Don't tell anyone about me getting the job." "Okay. So Josh, what are you doing here?" "We're going to the club tomorrow and I want Juliet to have something to wear tomorrow." "Okay. I'll see you around I have to get back to work." "Bye Keaton." Josh and I walked out. "Let's get some food." "Let's go." We went to Hooters. "Niall just text me telling me he is on his way." "Okay," I answered him.

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