Chapter 2 How Do we tell her

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Josh Pov

We arrived at the mall. We just walked around for a bit until someone mentions what store to go. Niall: "Do you know who your parents are?"Juliet: "I'm adaptive."Me: "Really."Juliet: "Yeah. My parents told me they didn't want me."Me: "That not true." She looked confused. "Let's go in here."We enter Forever 21. I picked out an outfit for her.Me: "You're not going to buy it."Juliet: "No."Me: "Why not?"Juliet: "I like it but..." A guy was in front of Juliet. I whisper in Niall's ear. "Here buy this don't show her." "Okay."Niall went to buy her outfit. Juliet: "What do you want Nick?"Nick: "I want you back."Juliet: "You are the one that broke up with me."Nick: "No."Juliet: "Yes. Why are you even here?"Nick: "I want you back and knowing that you're with this guy that thinks he's better than me. Sam told me you were here."Juliet: "First of all you don't know him. He is super nice and nicer than you if you don't like it go back with the girl you couldn't keep your hands off."Nick: "How do you know about it?"Juliet: "She told me. I don't want to see you ever again."Nick: "I love you."Juliet: "I don't love you."He kissed her. She tried to push him off.Me: "What are you doing?" I pushed him off her.Nick: "Who do you think you are?"Me: "I'm her friend so back off."Zayn and Niall were next to us.Nick: "I don't care who you are. She is mine."Juliet: "I'm not yours. I will never be."Nick: "Yes you are."Niall: "Come on Juliet lets go." We left and he began to yell. "You can't leave me I love you. You belong with me and not him." We walked to Panda Express.Niall: "I'm hungry."Me: "Niall we just ate an hour ago."Niall: "So. Your point is."Juliet: "Come on Niall lets get some food." Niall and Juliet ran over to the register. "They seriously do love food don't they." "Yes, they do." They sat down at a table and began to eat their food.Niall: "Juliet, do you ever want to meet your parents."Juliet: "They never want me, why would I want to meet them."Me: "What if that wasn't what happen?"Juliet: "Why do you know what happened? Even if they didn't want me. I don't want to waste my time with someone that never wanted me."Me: "I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean to upset you."Juliet: "It's fine."Me: "So after showing me around do you want to go to dinner."Juliet: "I'll love too." She smiled. Her smile is amazing.Zayn: "You're showing him around can I go."Juliet: "Of course you can come." We finished eating. We were about to leave when."OMG, YOUR ZAYN AND NIALL. AHHHH" girls scream. "Hi," Zayn tells the fan. "We should run before more fans come," I spoke too soon we were surrounded by girls. I grabbed Juliet's hand and ran. Niall and Zayn followed us. We were in Juliet's car. "Juliet, are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine." Juliet drove us to our hotel room. "Do you want to come in." "Yeah." We went to my room. Juliet was sitting down and Paul enters my room. "Hi, Juliet." "Hi, Paul." "You're gowned up." "Yeah." I knew she was confused. "If you need anything, anything at all just let me know." "Okay, thanks," She answered confused. Paul left Juliet checked her phone. Juliet's phone conversation. "Hello." "Stay away from Niall he is mine." "Who is this?" "Niall girlfriend." "Why aren't you with him right now?" "Stay away from him or I will hurt you."She hung up the phone." "Juliet who was it," I asked her. I guess she got a death threat phone call. "Niall girlfriend." "I don't have a girlfriend," Niall said. "Are you okay?" "I'll see you guys later." "I'll walk you out," She said bye to Niall and Zayn. "Are you sure you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine." "You won't get hate I promise." "Thanks. I'll text you later." "If you want to talk just text me." "I will."I hugged her. She entered the elevator. I walked back to my room. "She scared and won't tell anyone," I said. "We should tell Paul he had to know he is her father." Paul came back to the room. "Where's Juliet?" "She left." "Why did she leave?" "Someone told her that Niall had a girlfriend." "They told her to stay away from him." "Yes." "No one knows her name beside you guys. I know she hasn't tweeted yet. Who could they found out her information." I open my laptop someone sent me. "Paul's daughter found hanging out with Josh, Zayn, and Niall." "Paul do you know if she had seen this." He saw what was on my screen. "I haven't told anyone that she is my daughter." "How should we tell her that you're her father without losing her." "Josh, she knows you better you tell her." "Niall she gets along with you better." "You have a date with her tonight." Paul said "It's not a date. We are just hanging out." "I know you want it to be a date." "Shut up Niall." "Never." "Josh do you like my daughter." I Couldn't lie to Juliet's dad. "Yes." "Take good care of her." "I will Paul." I got a text from Juliet. "Hey, I have to ask you something." "Ask away." "It is true Paul is my father." I looked at Paul. "Yes." She didn't text me back. "Josh, what's going on?" "She asked me if you were her dad. She hasn't texted me back." "I'll call her," Zayn called her. "She not answering." "Where does she live?" I told Paul where she lived. "I'm going to see if she alright." Paul went to her house.

Paul pov

"I know something was wrong with my daughter. I didn't know what it was. I reached her house the ambulance was there. I got out of the car and ran towards the person they were taking away. I saw there face. "Sir you have to step back." "She's my daughter." "I'm sorry to step back we are doing the best can, please stay back." I did what they said. "You can follow us to the hospital." I got in my car and texted Josh. "Tonight Juliet and you won't be going out to dinner." "Why not?" "She's going to the hospital." The ambulance left and I followed them. How did this happen? I got to the hospital. "Sir you have to wait out here." "She's my daughter." "Sir will let you know when you can go see her." I sat down in the waiting room. "Hello." "Paul how is she." "I don't know." "We are in our way."

Josh is pov

When Paul texted me that I wasn't going to go to dinner with Juliet my heart broke. I haven't done anything wrong. She at the hospital. Niall was with me "It's my fault she's there." "No, it's not, Josh we don't know what happened." "If she hurt herself." "She wouldn't don't do that." We got to the hospital. They try to cheer me up but nothing worked. "Josh it's not your fault." "Yes, it is." "Josh it's not. Someone hit her." "Who would do that?" "We don't know." I checked her twitter. She has been getting hate. I promise she wasn't going to get any hate.

Me: "Juliet is a wonderful person. She is an amazing friend. Stop sending her hate and death threats. You aren't fans if you do that. #getbetterjuliet"

Niall: "Juliet is an amazing friend. She eats a lot like me :) if you sent her to hate your not fans. She is only our friend and she needs her friends with her. #getbetterjuliet"

Zayn: "Juliet is an amazing girl. I wish I knew what happens to her. Stop sending her hate fans don't send hate to our friends. #getbetterjuliet"

Liam: "Juliet is an amazing person. She doesn't deserve this hate. She is our friend she isn't our girlfriend. #getbetterjuliet"

Louis: "A wonderful person like Juliet doesn't need your hate right now she needs love. If you send her hate then you hate me as well. #getbetterjuliet"

Harry: "If you send hate to Juliet then you hate me. She is our friend, and friends stick by our friends. #stophattingonjuliet & #getbetterjuliet."

I saw what the guys twitted. I saw #getbetterjuliet trended. "You can see her now." The nurse told Paul. Paul went in with Niall. "She going to be fine." "This is my fault I should have begged her to stay she wouldn't have got in hurt." "We didn't know this was going to happen." Niall came out he was crying. "Josh your turn." I walked to her room. "How is she?" "She is a coma." "How?" "They hit her pretty hard." I knew this was my fault. I should have told her to stay. "Why aren't her Foster parents here?" "They are out of state." I walked out of the room I couldn't believe it. Who would hurt her? "Who going next?" Zayn got up and left. I checked her twitter. "Happy that you aren't here right now." Something told me that it was Nick that did this to her.

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