Chapter 31 I Miss You

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Juliet POV

I punched the mirror. “I really punched the mirror.” “Yes.” The only one in the room was Josh. “Why?” I remember what happen. “He…” “Everything going to be alright.” He hugged me. “I’m going to use the washroom.” He left. I tough it was all a dream but it wasn’t. Someone came in and covered my mouth. “Now that you’re alone. You have to do what I saw.” “You have 3 months to break up with Josh.” He removed his hand. “JOSH HEL.” He covered my mouth again. “If you don’t do what I say He is going to get hurt is that what you want. I’m going to remover my hand you better not yell.” “Don’t you dare hurt him?” “Do what I say and he won’t get hurt?” He left. “Juliet, are you okay.” “Fine can I leave now?” “I’ll go ask the doctor.” He left Niall came in. “Hey how are you feeling.” “My hand hurts.” “I saw Danny stopped by. What did he tell you?” “I have 3 months to break up with Josh.” “Really.” “I don’t he is going to hurt him. What do you I do?” “I knew he won’t be able to hurt Josh.” “Should I tell him?” “Yes.” Josh came back. “The doctor said you can leave now.” “Good.” We went back to Josh House. “I’ll buy a new mirror.” “You don’t have to.” “Please, just let me by it.”

Josh POV

“It’s fine Juliet you don’t have to.” “I’m the one that broke it please.” “If you really want to okay.” She been a bit off since we got back from the hospital. “Josh.” “Yes.” ”Danny stopped by.” “Did he do something to you?” “He told me I have 3 months to break up with you.” “Is he crazy?” I hugged her. “If I don’t he is going to hurt you.” “He won’t hurt me. I love you.” “I love you too.” She looked at her phone. “Josh, I have to leave.” “Where are you going?” “I have to go to California.” “For how long.” “For 3 weeks.” “I’ll take you to the airport.” She finished packing.  We were in the car. “I have to go to my dad house.” We arrived at Paul house. “Hi Juliet, Hi Josh.” “Hi Paul.” “Analeigh we have to go.” “Okay.” We got back to the car. “Analeigh did you had fun.” “Yes it was fun.” “What did you do?” “We ate pizza and we watch The Little Mermaid.” We got to the airport. “Bye Analeigh.” “Bye Uncle Josh.” “Bye babe.” “Bye Josh.” “Call me when you land.” “I will.” I kissed her.  Juliet and Analeigh got in the plane. I went home. “Hey where is Juliet.” “She went to California.” “Oh.” “What going on?” “What do you think?” Niall showed me a picture of Juliet kissing another guy. “She wouldn’t do that. Would she.” “No, I think it’s fake.” “That picture is from this morning I dropped her off at the airport.” “Did you kiss her?” “Yes.” “We just have to wait till she calls.” “You’re probably right.” I lay down on the couch. What if she is cheating on me? Is she really using me?

Juliet POV

“Come on Analeigh.” We got off the plane. I called Josh. “Hey babe I just landed.” “Okay.” “Is something wrong?” I saw the newspaper. “Juliet cheating on Josh. Are they even in love?” “Josh did you see a picture of me kissing some guy.” “Yeah it’s true isn’t it? I knew it.” “That picture is fake the only one I kiss is you and you know that.” “Sorry I just.” “It’s fine I have to go.” I can’t believe he would think I would cheat on him. We arrived at the hotel. Zayn came in. “Is everything okay.” “Yeah.” “You’re lying what’s up?” “Josh tough I cheated on him. That picture is fake.” “I know it’s fake.” Analeigh was sleeping. “Come on you have a concert today.” “My hand.” “It will be fine, we should perform together.” “Are you sure?” “Yeah why not. “ “Let’s go.” He carried Analeigh. “Hey Juliet.” “Hello Perrie.” “You and Zayn are going to sing a song together.” “Yes.” “What happen to your hand?” “I punched a mirror.” “How come?” “I was really mad and drunk.” “We should go to the club.” “That a good idea.” “You’re on now.” I got on stage.

Josh POV

She still hasn’t texted. “Hey babe. I miss you.” It’s been an hour she still hasn’t texted me back. “Hey babe, I knew you texted me an hour ago but I couldn’t text I just finished the concert.” “It’s fine.” Niall came in. “Hey.” “Hey.” “Did she explain you the picture?” “Yes she told me it’s fake.” “See she wouldn’t cheat on you.”

Juliet POV

“You were amazing.” “You were to Zayn.” Someone was in my dressing room. “Hi.” “Hi Juliet I’m Marcus.” “Hi Dan this is Zayn.” “Hi. I’m big fan.” “Thanks.” “I just wanted to meet you.” “Do you want to join us for dinner?” “I’ll love to.” Zayn Perrie Marcus and I went to I hop. “So Dan where are you from.” “London.” “That is cool.” “Yeah. Your show was amazing.” “Thank you.” I looked at my phone. “Hey babe, I miss you.” “I miss you too.” “What are you doing?” “Eating with Zayn Perrie and Dan.” “Who is Marcus?” “A Fan.” “Oh.” “I love you Josh.” “I love you more Juliet.” “No I love you more :)” “When are you coming back? I miss you.” “In 3 weeks. I miss you too.” We went back to the hotel. “Night Zayn.” “Night Juliet.” Analeigh was sleeping. I lay next to Analeigh. “Juliet.” ‘Go to sleep.” “I can’t sleep.” “Why not?” “I miss Uncle Josh.” “I’ll call him.” “Okay.” I called Josh. “Hey babe.” “Hey someone wants to talk to you.” “Alright.” “Uncle Josh.”

Josh POV

“Hi princess.” “Uncle Josh, when are you coming?” “Shouldn’t you be sleeping?” “Yes.” “Go to sleep.” “I can’t.” “Why is that?” “I miss you.” “I miss you too. I’ll be there tomorrow morning. Don’t tell Juliet.” “Okay.” “Go to sleep okay.” “Okay.” I packed my things. “Where are you going?” “Analeigh miss me so I’m going to see her.” “Can I come?” “Yeah let’s go.” Dan and I headed to the airport. “Zayn is with her right.” “Yeah.” We arrived at the hotel were Juliet was staying. “Josh.” “Juliet.” “What are yu doing here?” “I miss you and Analeigh.”

A/N Sorry this chapter is short. The next one will be better. I love reading your comment. Thank you for voting. Remember I love you and you’re awesome :)

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