Chapter 34 You Haven't Told Him

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Jon texted me. “Go on Skype.”

I got my laptop.

Me: “Hi guys.”

All: “Hi Juliet.”

Analeigh: “Uncle Dan where is Uncle Josh.”

Dan: “He is.”

Someone was knocking. I went to open the door. “What are you doing here?” “I came to see you.” Toby began to cry. “I got him.” Zayn went to get Toby. “Can we please talk in my room?” I went up to Derek. “Can you watch her? I’ll be right back.” “Yeah.” Josh and I walked to his room. “What are you doing here?” “I have to talk to you.” “About.” “About us.” “What is there to talk about? You moved on so did I.” “You’re not engage but I’m. You didn’t move on. You broke it off because of me didn’t you?” “You think everything is about you don’t you.” “No.” “Yes you do. Why I broke of my engagement has nothing to do with you.” “Tell me why you broke it off.” “Why should I tell you?” “It was because of me.” “No it wasn’t.” “Then tell me.” “If I didn’t break off the engagement he would have…” “He would what.” “He would have kidnapped me. Happy.” “Why would he do that? And no I’m not happy.” “Max and Daniel want money and they can get it from me.” “I didn’t know. Why didn’t you tell me?” “Your fiancé doesn’t like me.” “She likes you.” “Come on Josh, she hates me.” “No she doesn’t.” “I have to get back to my son.” “Wait.” His lips press agents mine. How much I miss his kissed. No. I pushed him off. “What?” “You’re engage.” “Don’t tell her.” “That is up to you.” “You kissed me back so you do have felling for me.” His phone began to ring. “Hello. Hey babe. I can explain.” I went back to my room. “Where did you go?” “I was talking to Josh.” My phone began to ring. “Hello.” “Hey Juliet. I heard you’re with Zayn.” “Yeah do you want to talk to him?” “No. I have a question for you.” “Alright.” “Has he asked you out?” “No he is your boyfriend.” “We broke up. He is in love with you Juliet.” “No he is not.” “Yes he is.” “Can I ask you a question?” “Ask away.” “Why did you too break up?” “He still loves you and he wants to see if things work out for you too. I just ask to do me a favor.” “Anything.” “Say yes and please don’t break his heart.” “I won’t break his heart.” “Thank Juliet. I have to go I’ll talk to you soon.” “Bye.” I sat next to Analeigh. “Juliet, I’m hungry.” “Me too. Bye guys I’ll see you soon.” “Bye Juliet.” Derek, Analeigh, Toby Zayn and I went to get some food. “Juliet. Can I ask you something?” “Sure.” “I know it’s soon. Do you think we can give us one more shoot? Will you be my girlfriend?” “Yes.” “Yay Uncle Zayn and Juliet are together.” Analeigh was excited. “Did you know about his?” “Yes.” I hugged her. “Come on I’m hungry.” We were eating. I saw Daniel. “Juliet.” “Hi.” “What are you doing here?” “Eating out with them.” “What are you doing in LA.?” “I have an interview. What are you doing here?” “I’m here with my friend Max.” “Have an amazing time.” “You too.” He left. “Do you think he is still planning it?” “I think so.” I called my dad. “Hi Juliet is everything all right?” “We just ran into Daniel.” “Don’t even think about leaving Derek or Zayn side.” “I won’t.” “We are going on tour in 2 day.” “We are leaving tomorrow morning.” “That is good. Be careful.” “Okay dad.” We finished eating and went back to the hotel. “Your ex fiancé was looking for you.” “We saw him.” “He said he wanted you back.” “He can kiss my.” “Juliet.” “Sorry.” I went and lay down Toby. “Where I’m sleeping?” “Well. You can sleep next to me.” “Juliet, if Uncle Zayn sleeps with you. Where I’m going to sleep?” “You still fit Analeigh.” “Yay.” She lay down. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” “By Josh.” He left. “Tomorrow at 10 we are going to eat and then we are going back to London.” “Night Derek.” The next day I woke up someone was knocking. I got up Zayn was still sleeping.  “Hi Juliet.” “What are you doing here?” “I need you back please.” “Daniel.” “Please Juliet I love you.” “Babe. Who is at the door?” “It’s Daniel.” “Please Juliet take me back.” “I’m sorry.” “Why tell me why?” “Boo. You should get ready.” “Are you too a couple now?” “Yes.” “How could you do this to me?” “We broke up.” “I still love you.” “You should leave my girlfriend alone.” He left. “Get ready.”

Josh POV

7 months ago

I was on twitter.  I saw Juliet was getting hate. “If you hate Juliet then you hate me as well.” “Why are you defending her?” “I still care about her, she still be a part of my life.” “I’m your girlfriend.” “I know.” I care about Juliet. Zayn walked in he was talking on the phone. “He Juliet…. Yeah he is here…. Yeah he is coming tomorrow…I’ll see you then bye.” He looked at me. “Hey Josh, how have you been?” “Good, how is the tour going with Little Mix?” “It’s going really well.” “How is Perrie?” “Good. I have to go get ready.” “Alright.” It sucks that I can’t talk about Juliet when Amy here. Amy likes her but when I bring her up she get mad. “Babe, I have to go home. I’ll see you tomorrow.” “Okay bye.” Amy left. “Zayn, how is Juliet.” “Good. Why don’t you talk about her in front of Amy?” “She gets mad.” “Who wouldn’t?” “I have to pick up someone from the airport. I’ll see you in a couple of weeks.” I texted Juliet hoping she will right back. “Hey Juliet. Can we please talk?” I saw it Juliet was calling me. “Hello.” “Who is this?” “Josh.” “Stop texting my girlfriend. She mine she wants nothing to do with you.” “Babe. Are you ready to go?” “Yeah. Stop calling her and texting she.” He hanged up. I love her.

Present time

I saw Juliet holding hands with Zayn. Juliet was carried Toby and Zayn was carried Analeigh. They looked like a happy family. I sat next to Derek on the plane. We went Jon flat.

Dan: “Juliet, you’re alright.”

Juliet: “Yeah. Did something happen?”

Niall: “Read this.” He handed her a letter.

Juliet: “Is he crazy. I knew this was going to happen in I left him.”

Zayn: “What does the letter say?”

Juliet: “He has un finishes business with me. If I don’t do as he says I’m going to get hurt.”

Jon: “What now?”

Louis: “Paul is on his way.”

Harry: “Does he know you’re coming on tour with us.”

Juliet: “I haven’t told him, but I knew Max did.”

Me: “What does Max has to do with this?”

Sandy: “You haven’t told him.”

Juliet: “No.”

Dan: “Tell him.”

Juliet: “Fine. The reason I broke of my engagement was. I found out that Daniel and Max wanted to kidnap me.”

Me: “You told me if you didn’t break if off he would kidnap you.”

Juliet: “If I got married with him. Max would have made sure I never showed up to my own wedding.”

Me: “How did you know about that?”

Juliet: “I heard Daniel talking to Max about it. My dad got a picture of Max and me sleeping together. It was his plan all alone.”

Paul came in.

Paul: “Is it true that you two are dating.”

Zayn: “Yes.”

A/N I love reading your comments. Thank you for voting. Remember I love you and you’re awesome :)

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