Chapter 43 I Promise

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Juliet POV

Anne was at the door. “Hello Juliet.” “Hi. Did he behave?” “Yes he was an angle.” “Mommy.” “Toby. Did you have fun?” “Yes Mommy.” “Anne whenever you want to spend time with him it’s fine.” “Thanks Juliet. I have to go. I’ll tell Harry when I can look after him.” “Thank you Anne, I’ll see you at Toby birthday party.” “Yeah I’ll be there.” “Thank you for taking care of him.” “I love taking care of him. Bye Juliet.” “Bye Anne.” I sat down next to Perrie. “I’m going to pick something up for the party do you want to come with me.” “Yeah I’ll go.” Josh came down. “Hey where are you going?” “We are going to pick up some things for Toby party.” “Can I come?” “Yeah.” Zayn and Harry came in the living room. They were both being strange. “Mommy.” He pointed at his Woddy toy. I got his toy. “Josh ready to go.” “Yeah.” “Where are you guys going?” “Babe we are going to pick up things for the party.” “I’ll wait for you guys here.” “Bye Zayn.” We arrived at the store. “What things should we get?” “Anything that has to do with Toy Story.” “Alright.” We finished with the decorations. “When are you getting the cake?” “I’m going to drop Toby at my dad house. I want to get his present.” “I have to go. Bye Juliet. Bye Perrie.” “Bye Josh.” I drop off Perrie at my flat. I went to my dad place. “Juliet.” “Hey dad.” “Grandpa.” “Toby. Do you want to play with Jeremy?” “Yes.” Livy took Toby upstairs. “I have to pick out his present.” “Alright sweetie. I’ll bring him tomorrow morning.” “Thanks dad.” I went to the store. “Lewis. What are you doing here?” “I came to pick out a present for Toby.” “Me too.”(clik on external link to see the present) “What are you doing to night?” “Nothing.” “The guys and I are going to the bar so you want to go.” “I’ll go.” “We’ll pick see you there.” “Okay.” We bought the present. “I’ll see you in s few.” “Yeah.”

Zayn POV

“Should we tell her?” “We should wait.” “Should we tell Josh?” “No.” Juliet came in. “What are you guys talking about?” “What we are doing tonight?” “I have to get ready.” Juliet ran to the bathroom. “Do you think she?” “No. She can’t be.” I went upstairs Juliet was lying down. “Are you going out tonight?” “No.” “How come?” “I’m not feeling well.” “How come?” “I don’t know.” “I’ll let you sleep.” I walked downstairs. “Is she okay?” “She not feeling well.” “Do you think she is?” Josh came in. “Have you seen Juliet?” “Yeah she is in her room.” Josh walked up. “Harry we have to tell them.” “Liam we don’t know if she is pregnant.” “Who might be pregnant?” We looked Josh. “Juliet friend.” “Alright I’ll see you guys tomorrow.” “Bye Josh.” It’s been 3 days and Juliet hasn’t left her room. “Juliet are you okay?” “Yeah.” She got Toby ready. “Where are you going?” “To the doctor.” “Do you want me to take you?” “No it’s fine. Thanks anyways.” Juliet left. “Where did Juliet go?” “She went to the doctor.” “What if she is pregnant?” “We tell her the truth.” It’s been 2 hours Juliet came back. “How was your doctor appointment?” “Okay.” “What did the doctor say?” “I just had the flu.” “Alright.”

Juliet POV

How should I tell my dad? I went to my dad place. “Hey dad.” “Juliet, how did your doctor appointment go?” “Well.” “What happen?” Liam came in. “Hey Juliet how was your doctor appointment.” “Good I just had the flu.” “Alright.”

4 Months ago

“Hey boo.” “Hey babe.” “Can we talk?” “Yeah.” “I love you, you know that.” “I know.” “I care about you.” “I care about you too.” “I think we should break up. We can still be friends right.” “Yeah we still can be friends.” Lewis came in. “Hey Juliet.” “Hey Lewis.” “Do you and Zayn have a date tonight?” “No we just broke up.” “Why?” “We diced to be friends.” “That means you’re going to be my wing man I mean women for tonight.” “Okay I’ll talk to my dad.” “Alright.” I went to my dad room. “Hey dad can you take care of Toby.” “Yeah where are you going?” “Lewis wants to be his wing girl.” “Have fun.” “Thanks dad.” Lewis and I arrived at the club. “That one likes you.”

Present Time

Ben came in my room. “What is bothering you so much?” “If I tell you, you can’t tell anyone.” “Alright I won’t tell.”

Zayn POV

“I’m going to check up on Juliet. Then we can leave.” I walked upstairs. “Promise you won’t tell. It’s our secret.” “I promise.” I walked in. “Ben are you coming with us?” “Yeah I’m coming.” “Do you want to go Juliet?” “No thanks.” We were at the restaurant. “So Ben what was the secret Juliet told you?”


“Um. She told me not to tell.” “Come on Ben tell us.” “I promise.” “We are family Ben tell us?” “Fine I’ll tell you. Juliet is dating someone.” I texted Juliet. “I told everyone that you are dating someone sorry.” “Now who I’m going to date.” “Sorry.” “Who is she dating?” “Some guy she meet on tour.” “What’s his name?” “She didn’t tell me.”

Juliet POV

Now where I’m going to get a fake boyfriend. I opened the door. “That would be $19.20” “Here you go. Wait.” “Yes.” “What are you doing tomorrow?” “I’m working. You’re Juliet Higgins.” “Yes.” “I love your music.” “Thanks.” “What where you planning for tomorrow.” “If you wanted to hang out.” “I’ll love to. I’ll pick you up at 5.” “Okay bye.” He left. I turned on the TV. Mean Girls is on. I was still hungry. I order Chinese food. 15 minutes my food was here. I sat on the couch everyone came in. “You’re feeling better.” Niall says. “I tough you weren’t hungry.” “I know but now I’m really hungry.” “I’ll help you.” “Don’t you dare touch my food Niall Horan?” “Why not?” “It my food.” “Please.” “Fine.” I order more food. “Why are you ordering more food?” “Someone just finished it all.” I looked at Niall. “I’m sorry.” “It’s fine.” I open the door. “More food.” “Yeah my friend eat it.” “Here you go.” “I’ll see you tomorrow.” Louis was next to us. “Is this your boyfriend?” “Yes I’m her boyfriend.” “So what’s your name?” “Jeff.” “Well Jeff do you know has a son?” “Yes his name is Toby. If you don’t mine I have to deliver food.” “Bye Jeff.” “Bye I’ll see you tomorrow Juliet.” “Bye Jeff.” I got my food and sat on the couch. “You’re going on a date with him tomorrow.” Harry asked. “Yeah.” “We have to ask him question. Right Josh.” “Yup.” “Oh gosh.” I walked upstairs. The next day I woke up. “Mommy.” “Toby. Did you eat?” “No Mommy.” “Come on I’ll buy you pancakes.” “Okay mommy.” We went to the restaurant. “Juliet.” “Hi Jeff.” “What are you doing here?” “My son and I are hungry.” Some girl came up to Jeff. “Babe are you ready to go?” “Yeah. Bye Juliet.” “Bye Jeff.” “You’re Juliet Higgins.” “Yes.” “You’re amazing.” “Thank you.” “Bye Juliet.” “Bye.” Toby and I sat down. “Mommy who was that?” “Some fans.” “Okay. Mommy I want a brother.” “You do.” “Yeah mommy. Why isn’t Daddy here?” “He is with your Uncle Ben.” “Okay mommy.” We finished eating. “Mommy why are they people with cameras.” “It’s going to be okay.” I carried him. “Juliet over here.” “How old are you Toby?” “Juliet when are you getting married?” “I’m not getting married.” “Why not?” “I still haven’t found Mr. Right.” Toby began to cry. “Excuse me.” I put Toby on his car sit. “It’s going to be alright Toby.” “I want to go home.” “It’d going to be alright.” I gave him his Woddy toy. “Mommy I want cake.” “Cake.” “Please mommy.” “Okay we’ll get some cake.” We got to the bakery. “What kind of cake do you want?” “Toy Story.” We got the cake and left. “Daddy. Mommy got me cake.” “Really what kind of cake?” “Toy Story.” Liam ran to the room. “Toy Story.” “Mommy got me cake.” “I want to see.” “My cake Uncle Liam.” “Toby you’re going to share okay.” “Okay Mommy.” I cut the cake. “Mommy.” “Yes Toby.” “Where is my brother?” “Toby. You want to a brother.” “Yes Uncle Harry.” “If you get a brother what should his name be?” “Woddy.” “Woddy.” “Yes.” “What did your mum say?” “Nothing.” He was sad. “Toby, you have to wait a couple of months okay.” “How many is that?” “9.” “That a long time mommy.” “I know it’s a long time.” “Where is he?” I pointed at my stomach. “Why is he there?” Someone was knocking. I open the door. “Analeigh.” “Juliet. Mommy said I can stay here till Toby birthday.” “Okay everyone is in the kitchen.” “Okay.” Harry sat next to me. “You’re pregnant.” “Umm..” 

A/N Thank you for reading and voting. I love reading your comments. I might upload in 4 days. I can’t handle what happen. Remember I love you and you are amazing never forget that.

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