Chapter 22 Are You Going On Tour

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Josh POV

"I’ll talk to her about it." We all went to sleep. I woke up Juliet was next to me. "Morning." "Morning Josh." "Why are you here?" "Your bed is so comfy." "Sure it is." "Yes it is." "Is something bothering you." "I have an interview in 3 hours." "You should get ready." "Fine. When I come back the first thing I'm going I do is sleep in your bed." "No you’re not." "Yes I'm." She sucked her tongue out at me. We went downstairs. We found a note on the frig. "Sorry I ate all the food -Niall."

"I bet he had food in his house." "Are you sure Josh?" "Yeah I have a key." We went to Niall flat be was still sleeping. "I can make a milkshake." Juliet started making the milkshake. "What are you guys doing in my house?" "We'll you see I had no food and I love milkshakes." "Sorry I are your food but how did. Josh you used the key I gave you." "No." "I know you did. Here money, go buy some food and let me sleep." Juliet kissed his cheek. "I love you too bye." He went upstairs. "I need to get ready." "You need to eat." "Derek is bringing me some food." We went home. "Who is picking you up?" "Derek." "Remember after your interview we’re going out all of us." "Okay."

She left and everyone else came in.

Juliet POV

Derek: "You’re really hungry."

Me: "Yeah."

In: "Juliet, how are you?"

Me: "Grate, how about you?"

In: "Grate thanks for asking. How are the guys taking it?"

Me: "They are very excited."

In: "I can tell." She showed the pictures of the guys shopping for baby cloths.

In: "How much did they buy?"

Me: "I couldn't even count how much they got."

In: "You and Austin did a song together."

Me: "Yes."

In: "Are you going on tour with him?"

Me: "He hasn't asked me. I don't know what I’ll say."

In: "Are you and Justin dating?"

Me: "No we are just friends."

In: "Oh really."

Me: "Yes."

In: "Justin going on, you are you going to join him."

Me: "That is a surprise."

In: "You are."

Me: "I can't say anything right now."

In: "If you want to see Juliet in concert go buy tickets to see Justin Bieber."

I texted josh. "Hey I'm on way home."

"Okay we're waiting for you."

Josh POV

Sandy: "Josh, she didn't say she was going on your."

Me: "Yes she is sandy."

Liam: "Look at her interview."

 She didn't say she was going I already tweeted about it.

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