Chapter 39 Who Is The Father

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Juliet POV

The next day I went to the tour bus. I began to clean. "Juliet. What happen in here?" Zayn told everyone what happen. "Are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine I'm just going to clean up a bit." They were all talking I found a picture when I was pregnant. Josh and Analeigh were next to me. Back row was Dan Niall Liam Zayn. Back of them Jon, sandy, Louis, and Harry. I missed this. "Juliet." I tired around it was Josh. "What do you have there?" "The picture frame Analeigh gave me." "I remember that day." "Yeah it took us 5 tries to get this right." "Yeah." "Boo." I looked at Zayn. "The picture frame." "Remember Analeigh dropped your café on her dress." "Yeah. Louis and Niall where arguing about food." "I remember they both got mad because we went out to eat what Analeigh wanted." The lands help me clean up a bit. "Juliet your dad is calling you." "Okay princess." I got off the tour bus. "Yeah dad." "Sound cheek now." "Alright."

Zayn POV

I cleaned up Juliet tour bus. "What happen with Juliet and Amy?" "Amy does like Juliet." "How come?" "She was pregnant with josh kids. She hates that Josh is still over protective over her." "She stays away from him." "I know but he still finds her." "Is Josh Toby dad." Josh came in. "I'm Toby dad."

Josh POV

"I'm Toby dad." "No Josh." "It makes sense it's been 11 months since Juliet and I were together and for 9 months this she went away. Where is Juliet?” “Josh you’re not a dad not Toby dad.” “Who would you know?” I went to look for Juliet. “Paul where is Juliert.” “Guys on stage now.” “Whereis Juliet?” “Josh on stage now.” “Paul.” I went on stage. Juliet, pass by. We finished sound cheek. “Juliet.”  “              yeah Josh.” “Juliet. On stage now.” “Alright dad.” Juliet left. “Hey babe what’s wrong.” “I might be Toby dad.” “What?” “Come on Amy I told you now it’s been 11 months.” “Josh he looks like you.” Lou was carrying Toby. “He look he has your eyes your noise and your lips.” “Josh go get ready.” I did as Paul said.

Juliet POV

I got off stage. “I knew you would keep Josh son away from him.” “What are you talking about?” “I know Josh is Toby dad.” “Josh is not Toby dad.” “Yes he is. Come on Juliet he looks like him he has his ears, eyes and lips.” “He is not Toby dad.” “Then who is. Why don’t you tell me?” “You’re the last person I would tell who Toby father is.” She slept me. My dad pulled her away and Alex took me to my dressing room. “Boo are you okay?” “Yeah I’m fine. Zayn go back on stage.” “What about you?” “I’m fine, your fans are waiting for you.” He kissed me and left. I had my hand on my cheek. Marcus sat down next to me. “She is crazy.” “Yeah why do they care who the father is they should just be happy that Josh isn’t the father.” “They aren’t going to stop.” “Juliet. Come over here.” I went up to Lou. “I’m going to clean up your cut.” She cleaned up my cut. Zed came in. “Amy did that to you.” “Yeah.” Josh came in. “I have to tell you something.” “What is it?” I moved so he wouldn’t see my cut. “What happen?” “I don’t want to talk about it.” “Who did this to you?” “It was Amy. She did this to my sister.” Marcus was mad. “She did this to you why.” “She thinks Toby is your son and he is not.” “He looks like me.” “He is not your son Josh how many times do I have to tell you.” “I did the math came on Juliet it’s been 11 moths.” “He is not your son.” “He has my lips and.” “No he is not your son.” “I don’t believe you.” “Fine. Take a DNA test and find out.” “Fine let’s go.” Josh Toby and I headed to the hospital. “Why are you guys here?” “We want to take a DNA test.” “Fill out these forms.” “Okay thank you.” “Just bring them up when you’re done.” We went to sit down Josh filled out the forms. “I’m done.” He gave the nurse the forms. “Just wait in a few minutes the doctor will be with you.” “Thank you.” We sat down. Toby began to cry. “Shhh baby .” I began to sing to him. He stops crying. “Josh Devine.” “That is us.” We went in to the room. “Who is taking the DNA test?” “Toby and I.” “Alright. How many months is he?” “2.” “Alright. I’ll call you within 48 hours so you can pick up your results.” “Thank you.” We left. “Juliet, when I first saw Toby your dad said he wasn’t your son. Why would he say that?” “For this reason he knew how you were going to react.”

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