Chapter 41 They Don't Know About Us

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Juliet POV

I try out the dress. “Boo, you look beautiful.” “Thanks.” “Juliet, you really do look beautiful.” “Thanks Josh.” “Are you getting that dress?” “I don’t know.” “Get that dress. You look beautiful.” “I will. Thanks Ben.” “Is our bet still on?” “It still on.” “Miss Can we get her a tux in her size.” “What’s going on?” “Juliet and I made a bet to see who looks better in a tux.” “You guys be our judges.” I went to try on the tux. “Ready boo.” “Yeah.” I was standing next to Zayn. “Ben you go first.” “Well… I pick Juliet.” “What no way? I should I have gotten that point.” “We can stop if you want.” “No. I know I’m going to win.” “Dan your next.” “I pick Zayn.” “Ha 1 to 1.” “Jon you are turn.” “Juliet.” “1 to 2.” “Not fair. Okay Harry.” “Zayn.” “Yes 2 to 2. Sandy you are next.” “Juliet.” “2 to 3. Yes I’m winning. Louis you are next.” “Zayn.” “3 to 3 Juliet. Josh your next.” “Juliet.” “Ha 3 to 4. Liam you are next.” “Zayn.” “What 4 to 4? It’s a tie.” “So what does this mean babe?” “It means we are both sexy in a tux.” “Oh yeah.” He was about to kiss me when I went back to the fitting room. I heard anyone laughing. “Boo.” “Sorry babe.” I ran up to him and kiss him. “Stop we still have to plan the wedding.” “Sorry Josh.” I got Toby and headed to the car. “Boo give me the keys.” “Here you go.” Ben sat in front with Zayn. “Why don’t I take Toby home and you guys can have a guys day?” “Boo I want you to stay.” “You guys hang out I’ll be at home.” “You’re coming with us.” “Babe, I’m tired. Toby needs his nap.” “Who is going to stay with you?” “I’ll ask my sister or someone.” “Alright.” I drop Ben and Zayn at the mall. “Just text me when you get home.” “Alright.” I got to my flat. I put Toby in his crib. Someone was knocking. “Juliet.” “What are you doing here?” “I have to talk to you.” I got my phone and texted my dad. “Dad Nick is at my flat.” “Juliet please I’m sorry I didn’t mean it.” “Because of you I don’t have my daughter and son with me.” “I’m sorry he told me to do it.” “Just because he told you doesn’t mean you had to do that to me. You ruined my life.” “I’m sorry. I have to live with that all my life now.” “Do you know what I am going throw?” “No but you look happy with Zayn and Toby.” “I have to be happy for my son.” “I’m sorry.” “Why?” “Why what?” “Why did you have to listen to Danny?” “I had to but I didn’t think it would happen.” “I never want to see you again.” “I’m sorry Juliet.” “Get out. I never want to see you again.” “Please forgive me.” “No.” My dad came in. “You shouldn’t be here.” I hear Toby cry. I ran upstairs. I carried Toby. “Shhh.” I got his bottle. “Hey sweetie.” “Thanks dad.” “For what.” “For coming here.” He hugged me. “It’s going to be alright.” “Go shower. I’ll take care of Toby.”

Zayn POV

I texted Juliet. “Boo who are you with?” “My dad.” “We’ll be home in 30 minutes.” “Where is she?” “She is at her flat. She is with her dad.” I got food for Juliet. We went to Juliet flat. “Paul. Where is Juliet?” “She went to the hospital.” “Is she okay?” “Why is she there?” “Nick is in a coma.” “What happen?” “He was here when he left, he crash into a truck.” I ran to my car and drove to the hospital. I saw Juliet. “Boo are you okay?” “He might not make it. He has 30% of making it.” I hugged her. “What happen when he came to your flat?” “Danny told him to crash into my car. He apologizes to me.” “What did you say?” “I never want to see him again.” “Boo it’s going to be okay I promise.” “It’s my fault he here.” “No it’s not.” “Yes is it.” I hugged her. “You didn’t eat.” “I don’t want to eat.” “Come on boo you have to.” We walked out of the room. “Go lay down. I’ll heat up your food.” “Thanks.” “Anything time.” I headed up her food. I went to the living room she wasn’t there. “Where is Juliet?” “She is in her room.” “Thanks Josh.” I walked upstairs. “Boo.” She was sleeping. I kissed her forehead and left. “How is she?” “She fell asleep.” I sat down on the couch. Ben was with Toby. “You really love Toby.” “Yeah, I’m his uncle.” He was happy every time he said uncle. “Ben.” Juliet came down. “Yes.” “Toby needs his nap.” “Okay.” They went upstairs. “What I’m going to do?” “About what.” Niall sat next to me. “She says it’s her fault Nick is in a coma.” “It’s not.” “I know she believes it.” “Zayn. Can I talk to her?” “Yeah.”

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