Chapter 25 Working With...

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Zayn POV

"Where are they going?" "I don't know." Juliet looked at her phone. "Zayn, I have to go." "Where are you going?" "To the studio."

"Who is going to be there?" "Austin and Cody." "I'll go with you." "Thanks Liam." Juliet and Liam left. I got a text from Josh. "Is Juliet home." "No. She just left." "With who?" "Liam." "I'll be there in 5." What were they planning. "Zayn what time is she coming back." "I don't know. What did you guys get." We got something for the twins and I got a picture frame so she can have a picture of all of us."

Juliet POV

I couldn't believe it Cody Simpson was in front of me. "Juliet." "Hi Cody." "I told Simon we should work on a song together and he agrees." "Are you serious?" "Do you want to?" "I'll love to." "Awesome let's get started." Austin Cody and I started working on a song. We did twicam and told everyone that we working on a song together and we answered some questions. Liam left half way during the twitcam. "Do you want me to take you?" "Alex is taking me." "Bye Juliet I'll see you tomorrow." "Yeah." Austin and I were outside. "Juliet I really like you... I was going to tell you this tomorrow but will you be my girlfriend." "Austin.. Umm." My phone began to ring. "Hold on. Hello." "Where are you?" "I'm on my way." "Okay Analeigh waiting for you." "Okay Josh." I looked at Austin still waiting for an answer. "Austin your cute, I'm pregnant. It's really complicated right now, I don't the media making thing up." "I understand can we will be friends." "I'm sorry, yes we can still be friends." "I'll see you tomorrow." "Bye Austin." I got flat everyone was in the backyard. I sat on the couch I was tired before I knew it I fell asleep.

Josh POV

"Is she here?" Sandy asked. "I'll go see." I walked to the living room. I saw her sleeping. I carried her to my room. I kissed her forehead and left. "She here, But she is sleeping." "Oh She didn't eat." "What?" "Yeah I just asked Cody and he said she didn't eat." I walked into my room. "Juliet, wake up." "Umm." "You have to wake up." "What Josh?" "You have to eat." "I'm not hungry." "I know you didn't eat." She sat up. "How do you know?" "Cody told Liam." "I'm not hungry." "You have to eat." "Okay just give me a minute." "Okay I'll be downstairs." "Okay." I walked downstairs. "Did you go upstairs?" "I woke her up." "You know it's been 10 minutes she hasn't come down." "I'll go." I went back upstairs Juliet was sleeping. "Juliet." "I'm coming." I sat next to her. "Is everything okay?" "Yeah why." "What happen?" "What?" "What happen today? Why don't you want to eat?" "Nothing happen today." "You're lying." My phone began to ring. It was a picture of Austin and Juliet picture. "Austin and Juliet are finally together." I looked at her, she was confused. "You and Austin huh." "What are you talking about?" "Look." "That not true he asked me out but I said no." "Why didn't you tell me?" "It's not a big deal." "Then let's go downstairs." "Fine." We went to the walked downstairs. "Juliet, look what I got you." Analeigh handed her the picture frame. "Do you like it?" "No I love it." She hugged her. "Do you like the toys I got for my cousins?" "They are amazing." We went to the kitchen. "Juliet, you don't look so good." "I'm fine." She began to eat. "Are sure you're okay." "Yes I'm fine." "Let's go to the doctor." "I'm fine guys." "No you don't look well." "Come on." "I'm fine." I carried her to the car. "Let's go." She fell asleep. "Juliet, we're here." We went inside. "Juliet what brings you by?" "They don't believe me I'm fine." "You don't let run some test okay." "Okay." "You're staying overnight to see how your feeling." "Okay." The doctor left. Juliet fell asleep. Some girls entered the room. "Sorry you can't be here." "I'm her friend." Juliet woke up. "Sami." "Juliet." "What are you doing here?" "I was in tow and I remember you moved here? It's true you're pregnant." "Yeah." "When are we having the baby shower?" "Next week." "Do you remember I have doctor's appointment?" "That right." "I have to go." "Bye Sami." The doctor came in."

Juliet POV

"Juliet, everything is okay. You have to eat; I'll see you in a week." "Okay." "You can leave now." "Thank you." We went to my flat. Everyone was in the kitchen I was in the living room with Analeigh. Someone was knocking. "Mum, Dad." "Juliet we miss you." "What are you doing here?" "We heard that you are pregnant." Everyone was there. I lied after I left I never wanted to know about them. "I'm not pregnant." "Yes you are look at your belly." "I just gain a lot of weight." "We saw the news it said you are." "I lied I'm not pregnant. I just did it for fame." Right there the twins kicked. "You're lying to us." "Okay." "Okay that all you have to say." "When you slap me was that okay to." She was about to hit me when Zayn stop her. "It's better if you guys leave." They left. "Why did you lie?" "Why should I tell them the truth, they kept me away from my dad all these years." "Go to sleep. You have to go to the studio tomorrow." I woke up the next day and went to the studio. Austin and Cody were already there. "Liam told me that you went to the hospital." "Yeah." "What happen?" I told him what happen. I finished doing my album. "In 3 weeks we go on tour." "It's going to be amazing." "Just us 3." "You mean 5." I pointed at my stomach. "That right." I left the studio I saw Danny. "Hey sexy." "Get away from me." "I saw your baby daddy today." "What do you want?" "I told you I want you." "That will never happen." "Why not remember when we use to be so happy together." "We were never happy." "Yes we were." "You're crazy." "I'm not crazy." "Let go." "You'll be mine soon just watch me." "What are you going to do?" "It will just be me and you." "What?" "I'll see tomorrow." "Tell me." "If I tell you, you'll go tell him. So no!" He kissed me and left. "Juliet." "Finn can I come over please." "Yeah where are you I'll pick you up." "The studio I'll be there in 5." "Okay." Alex drove me to Finn flat. "Juliet, are you okay." "I left the studio and I saw Danny." "What happen?" I told him what happen. "He is crazy. Are you going to tell Josh?" "I don't know how he is going to react. They don't like each other." "Talk to Sandy. He knows him." "Okay." My phone began to ring. "Hello." "Where are you?" "I'm at Finn flat." "Why are you there?" "I haven't seen him I came to visit." "How long are you going to take?" "I don't know." "Just call me when you come back." "I will." I texted Sandy. "Hey can you please come over to Finn's flat." "I'll be there." I looked at Finn. "Sandy is coming." "All right." He hugged me. "It's going to be alright." Sandy came in. "Is everything alright." "Danny, talk to me today." "What did he say?" I told him what happen. "I haven't told anyone that I have my doctor appointment tomorrow." "He won't hurt you or any of us okay. Did you eat?" "No." "Come on." "Bye Finn." We got pizza and went to my flat. "Juliet, you have food." "Yeah." We finished eating, went to my room. All I can think about what Danny told me. The next day I woke up. The guys had an interview I was alone, Analeigh stayed with Livy. I walked downstairs. I got hungry.

Josh POV

Juliet is 5 months pregnant now. Alex texted me. "Juliet isn't home did she go with you." "No she stayed home." I called her. "Hello." "Where are you?" "Nando's." "You have to be at your doctor's appointment in 40 minutes." "I know but I was hungry." "I'll call you in 5 minutes okay." "Okay." "What's wrong?" "Juliet wasn't home." "Where was she?" "At Nando's." "Josh, tell her to get me some food." "Okay I'll tell her." "Did she tell anyone that she was there?" "No." We should get going if we want to be on time to the doctor's appointment." "Okay let's go." We were in the car. I called her. "Hey where are you?" "10 minutes away." "Are you driving?" "Yes, but in at a red light." "Okay." "Yeah and Keaton and Derek are behind me." "Derek back." "Yeah." "Be careful." We arrived at the hospital. "I will." I heard a loud crash. "Juliet. Juliet, answer me." "Josh what's going on." Liam was worried as much as me. "I heard a loud crash." "Miss, are you okay." I heard some guy say. "Juliet, please tell me you're alright. JULIET." I remember Keaton was by her. I called him. "Hello." His voices, he was worried. "Where is Juliet?" I heard someone day. "She is pregnant please help her." "Keaton what's going on?" "Are you at the hospital?" "Yeah." "Will be there in 5 minutes." "Is she okay?" "Some car crash into her car." I dropped my phone. I covered my mouth with my hands. "What happen?" "She got in a car accident." "Josh your lying." Everyone was in shock. "Zayn Keaton just told me." We saw Derek. "Keaton told you." "What happen?" "A car passed the red light and hit Juliet car." "Where is she?" "She is coming." Juliet passed by. Finn came running. We were all in shocked. "You weren't lying." "Zayn tell me this is a joke." "We have to think positive they are going to be fine." Paul tried to claim us down. Dr. Hernandez came out. "Mr. Higgins." Paul, stand up. "We're doing our best. Just wait here." She went back inside. I looked at my phone. Someone tweeted me. "Josh how is Juliet it's fake right she didn't get into a car accident." I tweeted. "Someone tell me this is all a dream. Everything will be okay." "Mate she is strong they will be fine." "The doctor said if something else happens she could lose the twins." "They are strong you'll see. Just 4 more months okay." "Okay Sandy." The doctor came out. "How is she doing?" "We are still doing our best." "How is she?" "I really have to go." She walked away. "If something's happens to them." "Josh, there are going to be fine." "We haven't eat anything do you want anything." "No." "You're going to eat. Niall and I will be back." Jon and Niall left. "Dan, what if." "Josh they will be fine. I bet the doctor will come out soon." "Mr. Higgins." "Yes."

A/N Thanks for commenting and Voting. Remember I love you and you're amazing

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