Chapter 30 That Is Not Me

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Juliet POV

Miles keep texting me. "Stop texting me I don't want you near me." "Why not I love you?" "If you love me you would leave me alone." "He is using you." I looked at Josh he was still sleeping. "So what." I knew that josh would never do that. "I'm looking out for you." "Stay out of my life. I did fine without you." "We'll see about that. If you get pregnant it's going to happen again." "I know that you have something to with that." I texted my dad to see if he was still awake. "Dad, are you awake I have to tell you something." "Come in my room." I was walking to the door when Josh woke up. "Babe, where are you going?" "I have to talk to my dad." "Why?" "He wants to talk." I kissed his cheek and left. "Is something wrong?" I showed him the text message. "We are going to change your number." "Okay." "When that time comes you won't get hurt." "Thanks dad." "You have a photo-shoot today go get ready Finn will be here in a bit." "Okay." I went back to my room. How can someone just bring it up like nothing? "Juliet." "Yeah." "Are you okay?" "Fine." I got my bag and left. Finn was outside. "Juliet, how is it dating Josh?" "I love him." "Why?" "He is Josh the guy that there for me. Sorry but I have to go." I got in the car. "Juliet what's wrong?" I told him everything that happened with Miles. "You know he won't come near you." "I know I have such an amazing family and friends." We got to the photo-shoot. We took 6 hours. "You guys were amazing." "Thank you." Finn took me to the arena. "You have a concert today." "That right." "Go I'll see you there." I went to the concert.

Zayn POV

Juliet came in. "You're on now." She got onstage. "She amazing." I told Josh. "I know." "You know she told miles to back off." "I know she keeps telling me." "She is off for two weeks." "That is good." She finished going the concert. We went back to the hotel.

Josh POV

Juliet and I got to the room. "Josh I'm really sorry." "Juliet It's okay. Please stop beating yourself over it." "Okay." She fell asleep. She looked so peaceful. The next morning someone was knocking. "What are you doing here?" "I came for Juliet." "She isn't going anywhere with you." "Yes she is." "No she is not." "Didn't she tell you?" "Tell me what." "She doesn't love you so she coming with me." "Why don't you find someone else to follow around and leave my girlfriend alone?" "She told me to pick her up." Juliet was still sleep I don't want to wake her up. "You know is she only using you." "You know you're pathetic." "That would be you." Alex came. "Little boy get away from here." "Juliet asked me to come okay." "We don't care now leave." Alex kicked him out. I walked back to the room. "What was all that yelling?" "Miles stop by." "Why won't he leave me alone?" "He said you asked him to come." "Why would I do that I told him to stay away even ask Zayn." "I believe you. Come on let's all go eat breakfast." "Okay." We all went.

Dan: "Were only here for 2 weeks."

Paul: "Yes."

Sandy: "Are you coming back home?"

Juliet: "Yeah."

My phone began to ring. "Hello." "Hey Juliet I have some news." "What is it?" "We have to go to London we have an interview tomorrow morning." "Okay, I'll see you at the airport." "Yeah our flight leaves in 3 hours." "Bye." Everyone was looking at me. "I have to go pack." "Why is that?" "I have an interview tomorrow morning." We all went back to the hotel and packed. We arrived at the airport. "Juliet." "Where are you going to stay?" "I guess at a hotel." "No stay at my place." "Alright josh." We got to the airport. "Come on." I sat Analeigh next to me. "Go to sleep." "Okay." Right away she fell asleep. I fell asleep as well.

Josh POV

"Juliet, we are here." She woke up. I carried Analeigh. Juliet went her interview and I went home with the guys. Analeigh was still sleep. "What are we doing tonight?" I asked "We'll we can go to the club." Harry answered "Ill text Juliet." "Hey babe, do want to go to the club." "Okay but I have nothing to wear for tonight." "I got that don't worry." "Thanks. Ill text you when I'm on my way." "Okay. You're going to be awesome. I love you." "Thanks I love you too." I looked at the guys. "She said yes. I'm going to the mall." "For what." "I'm getting Juliet an outfit." "Let's all go." Analeigh woke up. "Where is Juliet?" "She has an interview." "Oh." "Do you want to go to the mall?" "Yes I'm hungry." "We'll get some food." We went to Nando's. "Why are we at the mall Uncle Josh?" "We have to get Juliet an outfit." "Okay." We finished eating I found Juliet the perfect outfit for tonight. "Hey babe I'm going home." "So are we we'll see you there.'' We went home. Juliet was already there. "This is what I got you." "Thanks Josh." "So go change so we can leave." "Who is going to take care of Analeigh?" "Your dad said he'll take care of her." "Okay I'll go change." "Uncle Josh I'm going to spend the night at Paul house." "Do you want to?" "Yes." "Okay I'll tell him okay." "Okay." We drop off Analeigh at Paul house.

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