Chapter 7 Who Is Lying

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Juliet POV

His lips touch mine. "Zayn." I pushed him away from me. "What?" "You have a girlfriend." "No, I don't." "Okay." I walked away leaving him in my room. I found Josh in Liam's room. "What did you and Zayn talked about?" "Nothing important." Josh always knows when I'm lying. "What do you want to do?" "Watch a movie." "You always fall asleep halfway throw the movie." "I know."

"Fine, I'll put in the movie." I lay down on Liam's bed. "What really happened with Zayn?" Josh asked me. "Umm." My phone began to ring. "Who it is?" Josh asked "Max." "Are you going to pick up?" "Nope." "Why not? Give me the phone." Liam took it away from me.Liam: "Hello."Max: "Is Juliet there I need to talk to her."Liam: "How dare you call?"Max: "It's important."Liam: "Why would I ever let you talk to her? You're disgusting. Stay away from her."End of conversation"What did he say?" "He wanted to talk to you." Josh hugged me. "Come on watch the movie. I know it's your favorite." Halfway to the movie, I fell asleep.Josh povI was still hugging her. "Liam Something happened when she was with Zayn.""How do you know?" "I can tell she is hiding something." "We'll see if we can get it out of her." I carried her to her room. I laid her down. I lay down next to her. Before I knew it I fell asleep. The next day Liam and Zayn came in. "Josh! Juliet! wake up." I open my eyes Juliet was still sleeping. "Juliet wake up." I moved her shoulder. "She a heavy sleeper." "I know how to wake her up." Zayn goes around the bed were Juliet is lying down. His lips touch her. "Juliet wake up." "What?" She moved her head and hit Zayn on the lip. Liam began to laugh so did I. "What happen?" "Nothing. Get ready so we can leave." "Okay." She got ready. We all walked to the car. "Juliet, are you going to stay at josh hose." "Yeah." "Okay." We got to the plan. Juliet's phone began to ring but, she ignored it. "Who was it?" "Um, no one important." "We sat on our sits Juliet sat by the window I sat next to her and Niall at the end. Juliet fell asleep first. I notice Niall took a picture. "Niall." "What?" "Why did you take a picture?" "She looks cute when she is sleeping." I fell asleep as well. Niall woke us up. We got out of the plane. We saw fans waiting for us. "Juliet you look lovely." "Thank you." "You don't deserve Josh." "What your problem?" I told her. "I just want you." "I'll not give you a chance ever." "Why?" "The way you talked to her. I don't like girls that are like that to my friends." "But Josh." We walked to the car. "Babe are you okay." "Yeah." She looked out the window. We arrived at my house. I went upstairs and showed her to her room. "This is your room." "Thanks, Josh." "Do you want to get something to eat?" "No." "You have to eat." "I know. I'll go later." "Are you sure?" "Yeah. Go eat." "Okay, I'll be back." "Okay." She stayed in her room. Niall came with me to get some food. "Why didn't Juliet come?" "She didn't feel like coming." "Why is that?" "I'm guessing the hate she got." "That is awful." "I know I just don't know what else I can do. I hate seeing her like that." "I know. I'll talk to her. I'll see what I can do." "Thanks. I don't understand why people are mean." "No one will." We finished eating. Niall came inside with me. "Juliet I'm home." She didn't answer. I went to her room she wasn't there. "Juliet where are you." I looked for her everywhere there was a note on my bed. "Josh I went for a walk. I'll be back later. Juliet." "Where is she?" "She went for a walk." "Where?" "I don't know." "Okay," I called her she didn't answer. I called Paul. "Hey, Josh." "Have you seen Juliet." "Yeah, she passed by. Why?" "She didn't pick up her phone." "She is fine." "Okay bye." I sat on the couch. "Is she with her dad?" "No." "She fine." 10 minutes later she walked throw the door. "Where were you?" "I went for a walk." "Why didn't you pick up your phone?" "Sorry I didn't hear it." "Juliet, can I talk to you." "Yeah." Niall and Juliet walked to the backyard.Juliet pov"How are you feeling?" "I'm fine." "You don't deserve this hate. They don't know you." "Were just friends why can't people get that?" "People don't want to believe that. I know how it feels." "I don't know what to do. I don't even know her." "Look whenever you get hate, tell me. Well just talk about it." "Thanks, Niall." He hugged me. "Next time pick up your phone. Josh freaks out that you didn't answer him." "I will." We walked back to the living room. I saw my phone. "Hey want to get something to eat." "Yeah." "I'll be there in a bit." "Okay." Josh kept looking at me. "Yes." "Nothing." "Okay. I'll be back less than an hour." "Where are you going?" "I'm going to get some food.""Okay just call me if you need anything." "Yes, father." I laughed. "I'm not your dad." "I know." I left Zayn was there. "Hey." "Hi." "What did josh say?" "About what." "You're coming with me to eat." "I just told him I was going to eat." "Oh, why didn't you tell him?" "Why should I tell him?" "Just wondering." We got to the pizzeria. "You look lovely." "Thanks. You don't look bad yourself." "We need to talk." "About." I took a bit of my pizza. "About the kiss." "Okay." "I really like you." "You have a girlfriend." "No, I don't I broke up with her." "Okay." "Will you be my girlfriend?" I took another bit. "We won't tell anyone until you're ready." "Okay." His lips touch mine. My phone began to ring. "Hello." "Hey, where are you?" "Eating." "Who are you with?" "With Zayn." "Oh okay. Just tell Josh." "Okay, Dad." I hanged up. "You told your dad and not Josh." "Yeah. He's my dad." "You're so cute." We finished eating. He drove me back to Josh's house. "What are you doing tomorrow?" "Nothing." "Let's go shopping." "Okay." "I'll see you, tomorrow love." "Bye Zayn." I walked into Josh's house. "Who were you with?" "Zayn." "Why?" "He asked me to go with him." "Tomorrow we're going shopping." "Ummm." "Umm, what." "I'm going with Zayn." "We all can go then." "Okay." I walked upstairs. I texted Zayn. "Hey, Josh is coming with us tomorrow." "Really why." "He wants to go shopping." "Alright. Night babe." "Night Zayn." I fell asleep.Josh povI woke up. I went to wake up Juliet. "Juliet wake up." "What Josh?" "Get ready so we can go to the mall." "Okay." I walked downstairs. I saw Niall in the kitchen. "Hey, Josh." "Hey, Niall." "So are you and Juliet together yet." "No. We just friends." "She looks happy." "I know ever since she came back from her dinner yesterday she been happy." "Who did she go to dinner with?" "Zayn." "Oh. At least she happy." "Yeah." Juliet came down. "Morning Niall." "Morning Juliet." "Ready to go," I asked. "Yeah come on." She went with Zayn and Niall and I went in my car. We arrived at the mall. "What are you going to get?" "Umm, I just want to look around to see what's there." "Okay." Niall and I walked around. We saw Juliet and Zayn having an amazing time. "Are you going to wait for her forever?" "Yeah is that so bad." "No." "Okay good." I got some clothes so did Niall. Niall and I got tea at Starbucks. Juliet and Zayn had a lot of things. Seeing her with him didn't feel right. She was happy that I care about right now. "We're going home." "Okay, I'll see you there in a bit." Niall and I went home. "What are we doing tonight?" "Harry said were going club today." "Okay, I'm going to get ready." "Okay." Niall was in the living room while I went to get ready. I walked downstairs I say Juliet talking to Niall. "Wow, Josh." Juliet said, "What?" "You look amazing." "Thanks." "Where are you going?" "Harry told us that we are going to the club so get ready." "Okay." She went upstairs. "She is happy." "Yeah well, at least she is not thinking about max." "I know." She left her phone on the table.Me: "Hello."Max: "Juliet, listen to me."Me: "Okay I'm listing."Max: "You're not Juliet."Me: "What gave that away?"Max: "Let me talk to her."Me: "Umm no."Max: "It's important."Me: "So important that you lied to her."Max: "You're such a dick you know that."Me: "Really you're going to tell me that after what you have done to her."Max: "My life is none of your business."Me: "She's my life so, it is my business."Max: "She doesn't even love you. She loves me."Me: "Are you kidding me? You lied to her and you think she loves you oh my gosh your funny."Max: "I'm telling the truth."Me: "Please stop making me laugh; the truth is that all you say is lie."Max: "Tell Juliet she better keep the baby."Me: "She's not pregnant."Max: "Yes she is."I hanged up. "Who pregnant?" "Apparently Juliet, according to Max." "He is a liar." "I know." Julie came down. "Wow." "What?" "You look stunning." "Thanks." "Max called." "Will he ever stop calling." "Quick question I know it's stupid but." "But what." "He said you're pregnant. Are you?" "No." "Okay, I just wanted to know. I didn't believe him." "Okay, can we leave now?" "Yeah." We arrived at the club. "Hi, Josh." "Hi, Liam." Zayn was with Juliet. "Did you know that Perrie and Zayn broke up?" "No, I didn't know that." "They did. Yesterday morning." "Do you know why?" "Nope." I saw Juliet she began to drink. "Will you watch her don't let her leave with any guy." "Okay." I started to drink as well. This girl came up to me. "Hey want to dance." "Yeah." We began to dance. I notice Juliet was with Liam and Zayn wasn't anywhere to been seen. I don't even remember how drinks I drank. "What to have some fun?" "Yeah." We walked to her car.Juliet pov"Have you seen Josh." "No." I took another shot. "Can I buy you a drink.""Sure." It was a guy. "Juliet is that you." "Yeah." I looked confused. "You forgot about me but still wear the necklace I bought you." "Keaton." I hugged him. "I tough you were just some random guy." "I'm not random." "What are you doing here?" "We'll they offered me a job at Hollister as a model." "That is amazing." "I know. Are you Josh going out yet?" "No." "Aww, he will ask you. Just hold in there." I felt bad I couldn't tell my own best friend that I was dating Zayn Malik. I turned to Liam. "Have you seen Zayn?" "No." "Thanks." That what everyone keeps says no. Ugh, I was tired I listing to no. "Another shot," I told the bartender. "How many have you had?" "I lost count." "Come on I'll take you home." "Thanks." We walked home. "You looked beautiful." "Thanks." "You can't even walk." "My head hurts." "That's because you're drunk." "I'm not drunk." "No, you're not." We got to Josh's house. "Can I ask you something?" "Yeah." "What happened with max?" "He used me. Got what he wanted and left." "What do you mean?" "He slept with me and broke up with me." "That is awful." "He told everyone that I told him to. He is a liar." "Babe I'm sorry." He hugged me. "Come on let's go inside." We walked up to my room. "I'll call you tomorrow to see how you're doing." "Okay." Before I knew it I fell asleep. "Juliet, move over." I did as they asked. "Juliet I love you." "Okay." I tired around to see who it was. Their lips touch mine. "Go to sleep beautiful." The next morning I woke up. Who is next to me? I see it was Josh. How did I get home? Why is he sleeping here? I took a shower. When I came out he was sleeping. I got my phone and walked to Starbucks. I got my cafe and walked back home. My phone began to ring. "Hello." "Hey, how are you feeling?" "Like shit." "Hangover.""How did you know?" "You don't even know how you got home." "Nope." "I walked you home you were so drunk." "Oh my gosh. Did I do something stupid?" "No." "Okay." "I have to go I'll text you later." "Okay bye, Keaton." I walked into the house. Josh was still sleeping. I turned on the TV. "Juliet is pregnant, and not saying anything. Max will tell us the truth." What in the world? I'm not pregnant. I saw Max's face appear on the screen. "So tell us, Max. How is Juliet taking this?" "She loving it. She just so denial. She won't even tell her father about the baby." "Why is she denying the baby to her father?" "People are going to think that it's Josh or Zayn baby." I got my phone and went on twitter. "Just to put rumors to rest, I'm not pregnant. I'm not dating Josh or Zayn. I don't pay Max to sleep with me. He is a liar." Right, when I put that up Zayn called me I walked to the yard so I would wake up Josh. "Babe, what's going on?" "Max is telling the world that I'm pregnant and I'm denying it to my dad so people wouldn't think its Josh or your child." "Do you want me to come over?" "No. I'll be fine." "Okay. I'll see you later." "Okay bye." I just sat down. Why is he a liar? Ugh. I checked my twitter. "She is just doing this for attention." "Yeah, she probably got an abortion." "I saw her go in the three yesterday." "I know she did pay Max so he can sleep with her because Josh wasn't there." All of their comments were hate. Why are people agents me? I stopped reading I couldn't take it. I walked back in turned off the TV went to the park. No one was there it was better. I felt alone no one believed me. They all believed Max the liar. I couldn't take it anymore. I felt the tears falling down my cheeks. "Juliet." I saw someone sit next to me. "Why are you crying?" "I'm sorry, do I know you." "Yeah." "Sorry I don't remember you." "I'm Keaton twin. I'm Finn." "How are you?" "Good you." "Things could be better." "What's wrong?" "My ex is a liar. People believe what he says and they keep sending me hate." "That is awful. Is thy why you were crying." "Yeah." "Some people are just stupid. They believe lies and not the truth." "I don't want to bore you with my problems." "You're not boring me. I want to help." He smiled. My phone began to ring. "Hello." "Juliet you're alive." "Yeah." "Where are you?" "At some park why." "Why didn't you tell me?" "You were sleeping." "Oh, next time tell me." "Okay well, I'm coming home now." "Okay bye." "I have to go. I'll see you around." "Yeah." "Bye Finn." I walked home. "Juliet, don't scare me like that. Where were you last night?" "At the club why." "I asked Liam where you were and he didn't know. You just disappear." "I tough you would t notice I left." "You and Zayn were having an amazing time." "I wasn't with Zayn the entire time." "Who were you with then?" Josh said, "Keaton." "Keaton who." Josh said, "My best friend, what were you doing in my bed?" "I didn't make it to my room so I went to yours." "Did anything happen?" "No, you were sleeping when I got here." "Okay." Someone was knocking. I open the door. "Is Josh here?" "Yeah. Josh door." I walked upstairs I called Niall. "Hey, Julie what's up." "Do you want to come with me to work out?" "Yeah, I'll be there in a bit." "Okay, thanks." I walked downstairs. The blond girl was sitting on the couch. She gave me a dirty look. I ignore her hoping she will disappear. "Hey, I'm going out with Niall. I'll be back in an hour or 2." "Okay. I'll see you when you get back." I got my bag and walked out. I got into Niall car. We got to the gym. "Is something bothering you." "Max is such a liar." "I know." "You heard what he said this morning." "Yeah. I also saw what people were saying." "They don't believe me." "Yes, they do. Only 10 didn't but the rest believed you." He showed me on his phone. "People know he is a liar." Niall and I worked out for about 2 hours. We got hungry I didn't really eat. "What happened at the club last night?" "You don't remember." "Not really I remember talking to some guy that it." "You were talking to Keaton. He walked you home." "Oh, I didn't do anything stupid did I?" "No. But you were so drunk you couldn't walk straight." "Oh my." We finished eating and went back to Josh's house. He was gone. "We'll he not home." "What are you going to do?" "I'm going to see my dad." "I'll take you." "Thanks." Niall and I enter my dad's house. "Hi, Dad." "Hey, Juliet." "Hi, Paul." "Hi, Niall." Niall and my Dad went to the kitchen and I sat on the couch. "Hey, Juliet." "Hi, Livy." "I want to show you something. I'll be right back." She left I closed my eyes for a bit. Before I knew it I had fallen asleep.Paul pov"She has been getting hate." "Yeah. People just don't believe her. She's not pregnant." I walked to the living room she was sleeping. I saw her phone. I got it and wet in the kitchen. "Your go ugly who would want you to be pregnant your kids will be ugly as you." That awful how can someone say that? I knew Niall already read it. "I don't understand why they hate her." "One reason is we are famous and then she came to the picture." "That is stupid." Livy came in. "Dad? Why do you have Juliet's phone?" "I was just checking on something." "Juliet, wake up. Please play with me." I heard from the living room. Juliet povI woke up. I fell asleep. "Okay, I'll play." Jeremy had his toys. "Jeremy let Juliet sleep." "It's fine Dad." "Are you sure?" "Yeah." I began to play with Jeremy. I heard my phone ring. "Hello." Where is my phone I heard my dad talking? "Yeah, she is here. I'll tell her to call you back later." I walked to the kitchen. "Is that my phone?" "Yes." "Why do you have it?" "It was ringing when you were sleeping." "Who called?" "Josh." "Okay." I walked back to the living room. "Juliet, can we get ice cream." "Let's tell dad." "Daddy please I want ice cream." "Jeremy you have to eat." "Please daddy I want to go with Juliet." "I'll bring him back." "Okay take Livy." "Okay." "I'm going as well." "Okay, Niall." Jeremy got his shoes. "I'm ready, Juliet." "Okay, Jeremy." He holed my hand and smiled. "Juliet." "Yes, Jeremy." Where do you live?" "I live with Josh." "Why?" "He asked me to live with him." "How come?" "He wants me to live with him." "Oh." "Why Jeremy?" "I wanted you to live closer to me." "Awww. I don't live far." I hugged him. "I know Juliet." I got him ice cream. Someone hugged me from behind. "Hey, love." "Josh, what are you doing here?" "I wanted some ice cream."He looked at Jeremy. "Hi, Jeremy." "Hi." He sat down. I sat next to him. "Do you like josh?" "Yes." "What bothering you?" "Is he your boyfriend?" "No." "Okay." "Is that why you thought I lived with him." "Yes." "We are just friends okay." "Okay." "Hey, babe." Zayn kissed my cheek. "Hey." "Hi, Jeremy." "Hi." Niall was talking to Livy. Josh was with the blond girl. "Juliet, who is that with Josh." "That josh friend." "She's mean." "Don't worry it will be fine." He smiled. "Let's go to the park." "Okay." "Niall, we're going to the park." "Okay let's go." I didn't say bye to josh I didn't want to bother him. We arrived at the park. Jeremy and Livy were playing I was just in the swing. Niall sat next to me. "OMG NIALL HORAN." He smiled. "Ew its Juliet." I ignore her. "Why are you even with josh? You're just using him for his fame." "How would you know that? You're not even with us." She slapped me. "What is wrong with you?" Livy and Jeremy came near me. "Stay away from Josh." "How many times I have to say it I'm not going out with him?" "You're not a fan. A fan will never hit one of our friends." I saw Josh running throwers us. "Why did you hit her?" "She only is using you for your fame. I'm only looking out for you." "Juliet, are you okay." "I'm fine." "How dare you hit her?" "She deserves it." "No, she didn't. Don't you dare call yourself a fan." That was Niall's last words to her. We walked back to my Dad's house."Are you sure you're okay?" "Yes, Niall." "Juliet, tell me the truth." "I'm fine Josh." We enter my Dad house. "Daddy, Daddy some mean girl hit Juliet." "Are you okay?" "Yeah, I'll be fine." It hurt a lot. "It's so red what happened." "A girl told Juliet that she is using Josh for his fame. Juliet answered how you would know you're not with us. That when she slapped her." "I shouldn't I let you go get ice cream." "Umm, we were at the park." "What were you doing in the park?" "I wanted to go daddy.t It's all my fault the mean girl hit her." I hugged Jeremy. "Look at me. It's not your fault. Don't ever think that." "Okay, Juliet." He hugged me back. "Daddy can I watch a movie with Juliet." "Yes." He took me to his room. Keaton texted me. "Hey heard what happen. I don't even understand why she would do that." "I don't either." "My brother told me he talked to you." "Yeah, we did." "Juliet wants to see Toy Story." "Yes." He put on the movie. I got a text."Hey, it's Finn. Hope you don't mind I got your number from my brother.""Hey, Finn. It's fine.""What are you doing tomorrow?""Nothing. Why?""Do you want to get a coffee with me?""I'll love too.""I'll see you tomorrow at 10.""Okay. I'll see you tomorrow."Josh came into the room with Liam. "Toy Story." He sat down next to Jeremy. Josh sat next to me. He had his arm around me. Josh kept texting. I fell asleep halfway throw the movie.Josh PovJeremy and Juliet both fell asleep. "Liam I'm going to take her home." "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow." I was walking out before Paul stopped me. "You're leaving." "Yeah, she fell asleep already." "Okay just be careful." "Okay." I got to my house. I laid her down on her bed. I took out her phone from her pocket. She had a text message from Finn. "Do you want me to pick you up tomorrow?" What is she doing tomorrow? I walked to my room. All I keep thinking about who was Finn. Where is she going tomorrow? I fell asleep. The next day I woke up. I walked downstairs I saw Juliet. "Morning." "Morning Josh." "Where are you going?" "I'm going to hang out with a friend." "Okay." I saw her leave. Why didn't she tell me this name? I texted everyone if they wanted to come over for a cookout. I texted Juliet.Juliet PovFinn picked me up. We arrived at Starbucks. "Who do you live with?" "I live with a friend." "Is your friend a girl?" "Calm down there. Is a guy." "Man. What's his name?" "Josh." "Oh man, I wished it was a girl." "Ha." I stuck my tongue out at him. "That not nice." "I'm sorry." He began to laugh I got a text from Josh. "Hey, I'm having a cookout ask your friend if he wants to come." I looked at Finn. "Josh wants to know if you can come to his cookout." "Tell him thank you but, I can't." "Okay." "Sorry Keaton wants to hang out before." "OMG YOUR JULIET." "Hi." "I believe you. Can I get a picture with you?" "Yes." Her mum took the picture. "Thank you. You made her day." "You're welcome." "I think you're amazing. I believe you, I always will." "Thank you." She left. "I have to go I'll see you another day." "Bye Finn." I walked home. "Juliet, where's your friend?" "He couldn't come." "What's his name?" "Finn." I walked up to my room. I was lying down when the door open. It was Zayn.

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