Chapter 35 You Lied

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Juliet POV

Paul: “Take good care of her Zayn.”

Zayn: “I will Paul.”

Analeigh: “Uncle Dan, Can I have ice cream.”

Dan: “Come on.”

Niall: “We should pack. We are going on tour.”

My phone began to ring. I walked to the kitchen. “Hello.” “Hi Juliet how are you.” “Good and you.” “Grate, I know today was your day. You have a photo-shoot today.” “I’ll be there.” “Alright I’ll see you there.” “Bye.” I looked at Analeigh. “Hey Dan, can you watch her and Toby I have a photo-shoot.” “Yes no problem.” “Here is money if she wants to eat or if Toby needs something.” “No I’ll pay for it.” “Please.” “No I got this. Go to your photo-shoot.” “Thanks.” I walked to the living room. “Zayn I’ll see you later.” “Where are you going?” “Last minute photo-shoot.” “I’m coming with you.” “We’ll meet you at the airport.” “Okay dad. If something happens to Toby or Analeigh.” “I know, I’ll call you, you should go I don’t want you to be late.” Zayn Derek and I headed to the photo-shoot. “For this photo-shoot you two are going to kiss.” “Excise me.” I walked over to Zayn. “Are you okay with that?” “I’m fine.” “Are you sure, I can say no.” “It’s your job I understand.” “I love you.” “I love you too.” I kissed him and went back to Derek. “Is everything okay?” “Yes.”

Zayn POV

I had Juliet phone. Amy texted her. “Juliet, you slut stay away from Josh. Or do you want Toby to get hurt.” “Amy. If you hurt Toby I’ll make sure the wedding is called off.  Stay away from my girlfriend.” “Stop pretending that you have a boyfriend. No one is buying it.” “It’s Zayn.” “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it.” “Then why did you sent it.” “It wasn’t me.” “Who was it?” She stop texting. Juliet was done with her photo-shoot. “Hey babe. Ready to go.” “Yeah quick question.” “What is it?” “Did Amy tell you she was going to hurt Toby?” She looked down at the ground. “Why didn’t you tell me?” “She told me not to tell Josh.” “You should have told me.” “I’m staying away from her.” “That going to be a bit hard.” “Why is that?” “She is coming on tour with us.” “I’ll get my own tour bus; I won’t go to your tour bus.” “You won’t see me.” “Yes I will, if stay at my tour bus.” “I don’t know.” “Fine I’ll just ask someone else.” “Just because I love you.” “We have to be at the airport by now.” We arrived at the airport. Juliet carried Toby. “You are an amazing mum.” “Thank you.” We sat down. “Uncle Zayn.” “Yes princess.” “I’m tired.” “Go to sleep I’ll wake you up when we get there.” “Okay.” Juliet, Toby, and Analeigh fell asleep.

6 months ago

“I know you still love him.” “No I do what I had with him it’s over.” “Why is he following you?” “You think I asked him to.” “Maybe.” “If you think that, I don’t know why we are together.” “We are together because we love each other.” “Doesn’t look like it.” “I love you. If he going to be calling and texting you every minute he leaves or I will.” “You know I don’t want you to leave.” “I know.” “Why did we even start fighting?” Juliet phone began to ring. “Never mind.” Her still fight with Daniel he made her smile. It hurt seeing her upset even when someone doesn’t trust her. They were so happy together they will always to fight when Josh called or text. Daniel should have known that she broke up.

Present time.

“Wake up Analeigh.” I carried Analeigh, she fell back to sleep. “We are going to the hotel.” “Paul about the tour bus, can I stay at Juliet tour bus.” “Why do you want to stay at her tour bus?” “Amy is going to be at out tour bus.” “Why is it so wrong to stay there?” We went into a room my room. “What’s going on?” “Amy and Juliet don’t get along.” “Yes they do.” “Look at what she texted her.” I showed him the text she sent her. “She said they got along.” “I don’t want to be there can I stay.” “Yeah, I’m going to talk to Josh about it.” “No Paul.” “Why not she is my daughter?” “She told Juliet not to tell Josh.” “Exactly, she said Juliet can’t tell Josh she didn’t say I couldn’t.” “That is not going to be a good idea.” Someone was knocking. I opened the door. “Paul you wanted to see me.” “Yeah I have a question.” “Alright.” “Does Amy get along with Juliet?” “Amy told me they talked and it went well. They plan a day to hang out.” “Really.” “Yeah she showed me the text messages.” “Alright you can leave.” He left. “You didn’t tell him.” “She lying to his face he doesn’t know it. I know she will leave because of my daughter.”

Josh POV

I saw Juliet. “Juliet, can we talk.” “Sorry I can’t talk.” “Why not?” “Look I have to get back to my son if you don’t mind.” “Josh, are you coming?” “Please Juliet.” “I’m a mum; I have to get back to my son. You don’t want your fiancé mad at you.” “Just one minute.” “Oh Josh.” “We can talk later; right now I have to get to my son” Juliet left. “Josh, are you coming?” “I’m coming.” I went to my room. “Babe so. When are you and Juliet going to hang out?” “Tomorrow.” “What are you too going to do? “What is with all these questions?” “I just want to know.” “Well I’m going to sleep.” “Alright.” The next day I saw Juliet going in her tour bus. “Juliet why aren’t you with Amy?” “What are you talking about?” “You and Amy were going to hang out today.” “I never got an invitation.” “She told me that you were going to hang out.” Toby began to cry. “Look I have to take care of my son.” Zayn was singing to Toby. Toby stopped crying. “What are you doing here?” “Well your fiancé is staying at our tour bus, so I deiced to stay with my girlfriend. Why are you here?” “Amy told me she was going to hang out with today.” “Uncle Josh.” “Analeigh.” “Are you going to stay here to?” “No I just came to talk to Juliet.” “Oh.” Analeigh left. Juliet came back. “I’ll feed Toby.” “I’ll do it.” She gave Zayn the bottle. “Josh they have to sleep and sound cheek is in 3 hours.” “Can we talk after the concert?” “Yeah.” I walked and went back to our tour bus. “Hey Amy. How was it spending time with Juliet?” “It was fun.” “Why are you lying to me?” “I would never lie to you.” “I just talked to Juliet and Zayn she was never with you. Why did you lie about that?” “I’m sorry Josh.” “Guys time for sound cheek.” Paul left. “I have to go.” “Josh, can we talk about it?” ‘Yes when I’m done with sound cheek I really have to go.” I enter the arena. Juliet was first one for sound cheek. Zayn and Juliet began to sing together. Analeigh began to dance. So did Zayn and Juliet. “Come on Uncle Josh join us.” “No.” Analeigh ran up to me. “Come on Uncle Josh.” We all began to dance.

Juliet POV

I was done with sound cheek. “Juliet.” I turned around it was Amy. “Yes.” “Thanks a lot now Josh and I are going to break up.” “Don’t blame me I didn’t do anything.” “Yes you did, I was support to hang out with you, he found out I lied.” “How is that my fault?” “You told him I wasn’t hanging out with you.” “I was telling the truth if you guys brake up that is not my fault. I wasn’t the one that lied to him.” “It’s you fault if we break up!” “Juliet come on lets go to your dressing room. Lou is there.” Alex took me. “Hi Lou.” “Hello Juliet. I’ll do your makeup.” “Thanks.” “What was all that yelling about?” I told her what happen. “I don’t understand why would she yell at you for that, if she the one that lied.” “I don’t know.” Zayn came in. “What was all that yelling about?” “Juliet. On stage now.” “Okay Dad.” I looked at Zayn. “I’ll tell you when I’m done.” “I’ll tell him.” “Thanks Lou.” I went on stage. Austin and Cody came and performed with me. I was done. I hugged Zayn. Amy gave me a dirty look. Josh came up to me. “Juliet can we talk.” “Guys. On stage now.” I kissed Zayn. “Good luck.” “Thanks boo.” I carried Analeigh. “Juliet. I’m hungry.” “Me too. When uncle Zayn is done with the concert we’ll go out to eat.” “Okay.” Analeigh began to sing alone. “I want to be with Lux.” “Come on.” “Hello Analeigh.” “Hi Lou.” “You want to play with Lux.” “Yes.” Analeigh hand Lux where playing. Josh enters the room. “Can we talk now?” “What do you want to talk about?” “About us.” Zayn came in. “Juliet ready to go.” “Yeah let’s go.”

Mrs. Devine or Mrs. Malik A Love Triangle (Hold)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora