Pen Pal (Beynika) Part 1

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Just came to clear my drafts :) also before y'all start talking about me being Ms.Keisha aka dead, life and work been whooping my ass (I work at a hospital and if I could tell y'all the things I have seen chileeeee) ✋🏾

This oneshot is 3 parts all of which will be put out this week

Beyoncé's POV

Assemblies. One of my least favorite parts of the educational experience, right behind school itself. I could never get behind the idea of getting an entire grade or school together in a stuffy gym for administration to read off a PowerPoint that could've just been sent out in an email.

Here I was in the middle of it all, at least I was brushing elbows with a group of friend and not some randoms like the last assembly when I tried to hide out in the bathroom and failed miserably.

"I wonder what this is about. You all turned in your senior dues, right?" Brandy asked the group of us.

We all looked around at each other and gave a collective nod. The truth is, none of us knew what this impromptu meeting with the principal was about, not even the teachers. Whatever it was, I hoped she would get on with it because these hard bleachers had already started to make my butt fall asleep.

"Ladies and gentlemen," the principal spoke into the microphone from the middle of the gym with the PowerPoint projected on a screen behind her.

"Finally," I muttered to myself.

"So, it's come to my attention that some of you have started letting your grades go. That is not acceptable this far in the year. I want all of you to graduate because I know you're all capable of it, and frankly, I don't want to see you next year," she droned.

I pretty much tuned her out as she flipped through the PowerPoint and talked as if we all couldn't read...well-most of us can.

"Y'all, where is Michelle?" I asked, and right on cue, I saw her enter the gym and begin walking up the stairs.

"Excuse me. Pardon me. My bad." Michelle whispered as she shimmied down the row. A few whines and murmurs could be heard as she stepped on toes, tripped, and grabbed random shoulders to steady herself as she moved toward us.

She finally landed on the other side of Kelly, who was sitting next to me.

"What was even the point of doing all that? The assembly is almost over, you could've just stayed hiding in the bathroom," Robyn pointed out.

"I wasn't hiding in the bathroom, I was looking at my butt," she shot back a little too loudly.

Everyone in the general vicinity turned to look at her with perplexed looks, causing her to hunch her shoulders and bury her head in her hands, as if that would help her disappear.

"Girl what the hell are you talking about?" I asked.

"In my dream last night, I had a really big butt and one of the boys on the basketball team walked past me when I was at my locker and told me my ass was fat," she recounted.

Robyn chortled and said, "must've been in a dimension where they don't use the letter 'L'," causing all of us to erupt into giggles.

"Whatever, y'all are just some haters."

"Can this lady wrap it up?" Someone said from behind us. I had almost forgotten where I was.

"The last topic I want to go over is the senior trip," the principal's voice echoed around the gym.

"Uh...didn't we already discuss the senior trip like months ago?" Michelle wondered.

"Yeah but you know since freshmen year I've always said there's no way in hell my senior trip is going to be going to some water park or amusement park. With the help of our dear class president Brandy, I wrote a letter to the principal asking for her to rethink that and I guess this is the results," Kelly told her.

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