BeyBey's Kids (HolyTrinity) Part 3

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My dumbass went and got sick, add on my attention span of five minutes and this is late. My apologies 💀 Also...I'm realizing this oneshot never had like...a real plot, this is just me dumping my chaotic thoughts but y'all like it so I love it.

Robyn's POV

I was chilling at home when my phone began buzzing incessantly next to me. I was confused to see it was Beyoncé calling me since I knew she was usually at work during this time of day.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Hi baby, I have a huge favor to ask of you."

I scrambled for the remote to the TV and turned it down before saying, "what's up?"

"I have to go out of town for a work emergency. I'll be gone like two days max, I just need someone to watch the kids. Can you do it for me? I don't know who else to call." Her tone did sound pretty panicked.

Hell no. Absolutely not.

"Sure, anything for you," I said aloud. I really need to work on getting my mouth to actually say what I'm thinking.

She let out a sigh of relief. Well, there was obviously no backing out now.

"Thank you so much. You don't even understand how much you just helped me out. My mom has the twins and Blue right now and will drop them off later. Houston and Nola are out of school so they should be home by now. You can take them over to their dad's house in a couple hours so you aren't overwhelmed."


A little while later I was walking up Beyoncé's driveway. She had told me that the kids would probably get the door, but if they didn't, the key was under the potted plant. I decided to just go straight for the key because I planned on scaring the shit out of them.

I found the key exactly where she said it was and opened the front door. I was surprised that the house was dead silent.

"Hello," I called out.

I heard a couple bangs in the distance followed by a muffled, "help!"

"I can't believe I'm putting up with this shit for free," I mumbled to myself.

I started walking blindly in the direction I thought the voice came from. On my way there, I found myself passing through the kitchen. I searched through the drawers for a weapon and ended up with a butcher knife. It was just a safety precaution, I never knew what to expect out of the Knowles family.

"Hello?" I called out again.

"Help! Please!" The voice called out relatively closer.

I cautiously stepped out of the kitchen and began walking down the hallway. The floor beneath me creaked with each apprehensive step I took. This shit was giving me white girl in a horror movie vibes and I was not liking it one bit.

When I turned the corner I found a door with a chair propped up against the doorknob. It looked like it was probably a laundry room or some sort of storage closet.

"Anyone in there?" I asked and pressed my ear up against the door.

"Yes! Please open the door!" They begged.

I adjusted my grip on the knife handle in my right hand and moved the chair out the way with my left. Alright Robyn, now or never. I slowly reached out and twisted the doorknob. A shaky breath left my body and I quickly yanked the door open.

"Aha!" I exclaimed with the knife out in front of me, "oh. It's just you."

I was looking at none other than Houston.

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