Pen Pal (Beynika) Part 2

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Not even gonna lie...updating this on time is the most consistency I've had on this app in over a year LMAO

Beyoncé's POV

One day. Only one day left before I get on the plane to take me to see Micaiah. I was filled with anticipation but also anxiety. My free time was filled with a mixture of me smiling and also wringing my hands as I daydreamed about how things would go.

"Y'all I am so nervous about tomorrow," I admitted to the girls at lunch.

"Why?" Michelle asked.

"How are y'all not?" I wondered in disbelief.

"Uh...quite easily actually. I'm just going to look good and look at boys," said Kelly.

"And I just leave it all in the Lord's hands," Michelle continued.

"And I'm just excited to hang out with Kehlani and get back to the strong ass weed I know and love," Robyn finished dreamily.

I don't know how the hell Robyn plans on getting away with all that considering the heavy chaperone presence, but I'll just let her have her moment. Plus, I had bigger issues on my hands, like the fact that all four of us would be sharing a room together so my secret will no longer just be my secret.

"I honestly don't even understand why you're so nervous about this trip. You said it yourself, the mission is simply to get that dick and go," Kelly remarked.

I couldn't hide it anymore as much as I wanted to. It would be way too obvious once we get to Trinidad so it's better that I fess up now and avoid the embarrassment.

"So, I may have lied to all of y'all just a little bit about Micaiah. He's not really a summer fling...but he's not my boyfriend either. We definitely talk like we're in a relationship but it's not like it's official," I admitted.

Kelly jumped up from her seat and exclaimed, "I knew it!"

"Bitch shut up," I whispered and motioned for her to sit down. The whole cafeteria was looking at us in silence at this point.

She sat down and quickly apologized for putting me on blast in the heat of the moment. I'm glad her outburst didn't have any details about what the actual surprising news was because getting into a relationship was far from part of the assignment.

"So do y'all be sexting and stuff? Well-not sexting know," Kelly inquired at a low volume.

I could feel my cheeks heat up as the other three girls looked at me expectantly. Of course I can't really be surprised that she would ask such an intrusive question but damn. She really had to ask it in public?

"No, it's deeper than that," I revealed causing Kelly's interested look to quickly fall as she waved me off.

I went back to creating my checklist in my phone of the things I needed to pack. There was no way I would let anything not go as planned if I could help it.


The girls whispered excitedly behind me as I slid the keycard into the lock on the door. There was a beep followed by a click and I pushed the door open. I was surprised at how spacious the room was with its main area with four beds, sitting area with the flatscreen TV, adjoined bathroom, and balcony which Kelly was running toward now.

She slid the door open and stepped out. The rest of us hung back and watched since we knew better than to get near her at her unpredictable moments.

"We're here T&T! The main attraction has arrived! Excuse me! Excuse me, sir! How old are you? Me? Old enough!" She shouted while looking down at whoever was in the open courtyard below.

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