Ambitionz Az a Ridah (Rihnika) Part 2

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I love how I go from 125 votes, to 76, to 58, and now I can't get above 30. I'm about to hang up my Wattpad career at this point💀Anyway, the final part to this oneshot is coming out next, again, I don't like when these are too long and I would've had to cut out details.

Onika's POV

"The fuck we doing outside of Lucky's?" Kehlani questioned Jhené who was sitting right next to her in the car while I was in the backseat.

"Don't ask questions. We'll be back in a second." Jhené waved her hand for me to get out of the car with her.

Kehlani mumbled something under her breath before reaching for the stereo to turn up the current song playing which was Never Had A Friend Like Me by 2Pac.

"You got an actual plan? Or are we just going in guns blazing like the police," Jhené whispered.

I reached into my back pocket and pulled out the long gold chain with diamond encrusted lettering at the bottom. Jhené's eyes lit up at the sight of the diamonds dancing and gently lifted them up to her face.

"Wait...whose is this? I don't know a...Jules," Jhené looked at me with her eyebrows cutely furrowed.

"I don't know one either," I said with a shrug. "But I won it fair and square at poker. I just have no use for it. Imagine me wearing this shit and people thinking I'm his girl or something. So it's getting sold. Let's go," I finished my statement and pushed open the door:

The bell above the door rung loudly as we entered. It was basically like a thrift store in the front but there was a glass jewelry case that wrapped around in a back corner that was used as a counter. On top of that, there was entire glass wall holding different rings and necklaces.

"Lot of glass in here, seems unsafe," Jhené whispered to me as we approached the front desk.

"Gotta be bulletproof. How else is there a pawn shop right in the middle of a hood that's untouched," I muttered back.

I got to the desk and was greeted by an old man with a name tag that read 'Lucky' with the word 'owner' under it in a smaller font. Just like I suspected, Robyn didn't work here.

"What can I help you ladies with today?" He asked with a sweet smile.

"Uh...I was wondering how much I could get for this chain," I explained and handed it to him.

He stuck his tongue out in concentration as he examined it before he held it away from his face.

"You know, I'm not so good at this anymore. Seeing the finer details and stuff. Just give me a second, I'll be right back," he said before limping off to the back.

I could see why his name was Lucky. He had a limp, it was hard to ignore the scars on his arms from him being cut up, presumably with a knife, he was missing his middle finger and pinky on his left hand, and on top of that, he had a cataract. He was lucky to have made it through all of those experiences.

I went to talk to Jhené about my observations but she was already across the shop, looking at autographed records and CDs. I leaned against the glass counter and looked at all the jewelry. Damn, if only I had the money. I would in about two seconds if Lucky would just hurry up.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Robyn aggressively whispered making me jump.

"Uh...getting this chain appraised. I don't have any use for it, might as well make some money," I shrugged.

I looked up as her glare quickly softened into a smile and she began to chuckle.

"What's so funny?" I crossed my arms.

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