You (Beynika) Part 2

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Onika's POV

Hello, I think we need to talk. Meet me at the cafe on fifth street.

"Are you Onika?" A woman asked as she stood from a table in the corner of the coffee shop.

The girl had puffy, black hair that hung down in her face, as if she was trying to hide her eyes. A very athletic build with sculpted abs that peeled through under crop top that she had then covered up with an oversized corduroy button down.

"That's me." The girl shakes my hand and gestures for me to sit down across from her.

I don't know who she is, and I don't know why she wants me here, but I couldn't help but come out of pure curiosity. The message she sent me on Instagram was a reply to the story I had posted with Beyoncé.

"Did you tell her you were coming here?" She whispers.

"No, I didn't know what this was about so I didn't tell her," I explain.

"Listen, I don't want to take up a whole lot of your time, not to mention that I don't know if she's watching," she began, "but you need to get away from Sasha while you still can."

"Who the hell is Sasha?" I ask.

"The girl you're with," she says impatiently.

"Maybe you have the wrong person. My girlfriend's name isn't Sasha, it's Beyoncé."

"I wouldn't be surprised if she lied about her name to one of us...or maybe both," she tells me.

I lean back in my chair and cross my arms. I didn't know what the hell this was all about, but I still felt like I was wasting my time.

"You wanna get to the point of all this?" I said with a sigh.

"She tried to kill me. I'm trying to help you before it's too late, get away from Sash- whatever the fuck her name is."

I opened my mouth and closed it again in confusion, "I'm sorry, what?"

"I told her I didn't want to be with her anymore and she tried kill me. Something was up with her from the start but I didn't know what," she murmured as she played with a bracelet on her wrist.

"I'm listening."

"She came into my life at the perfect time. Like a knight in shining fucking armor. And it was like...right before we met...people started going missing, but I thought maybe it's just a coincidence. Then while we were dating, more people disappeared. I thought they were leaving because I changed or something. I wasn't about to let my relationship ruin everything else in my life so I told her I didn't want to be together anymore," she explains.

"And so she tried to...kill you?" I don't believe it for a second and I begin to chuckle at her, but she doesn't crack a smile.

"Tell me...has she ever taken you to a park?" The girl randomly asks me. Now this is starting to get weird. Maybe she is the real maniac here.

"A park?"

"Like a really pretty park. Multiple walking trails, some less used than others. There's a river on one of the less popular paths," my face changed as she continued her description, "I can tell by your expression you know exactly what the fuck I'm talking about. She took me there all the time, it's where she was the most calm. So that's where we went when I told her we needed to break it off."

"Why would you do it there?"

"I don't expect you to get it. Well, actually I do. You see, Onika, you and I are one in the same. She was in love with me, so in love with me. I wanted to make sure she was as calm as possible when I broke the news. If that was as calm as she could be, imagine if I had done it elsewhere."

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