Poetic Injustice (Beynika) Part 3

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*clears throat*Hello everyone, let's just pretend that I ain't fall off the wagon okay? 😁Okay

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*clears throat*
Hello everyone, let's just pretend that I ain't fall off the wagon okay? 😁Okay. I'm just going to try to finally wrap up some of the oneshots I started and never finished.

Onika's POV

"Sooooo, how'd it go?" Teyana asked me loudly with a smirk.

I took my eyes off of my reflection in the mirror above the bathroom sink and glared at her.

"Yeah Nic', how'd it go?" Ariana inquired, the difference being that she was genuinely curious while Teyana was just trying to embarrass me in front of the rest of the team.

"How did what go?" I feigned confusion as I turned back to the mirror and continued adjusting my bun.

"You know what we're talking about Nika, don't do that," Teyana whined.

"Fine. My date with Nas went really well," I admitted.

The locker room filled with a chorus of 'awww' and 'so cute' at the news. I could feel my cheeks turning red out of embarrassment but also happiness.

"Tell us more! You know we're nosy," one of the girls prodded.

"Well, it was just as natural as the first date we went on. We didn't even do much talking," I told the girls.

The room fell silent and when I looked away from the mirror, I saw they were all giving me the same suggestive look.

"Why y'all looking at me like that? He took me on a picnic and y'all know I like to eat. We were doing more chewing than actual talking," I explained.

Teyana's hands found their way to her hips with her pompoms before she said, "Now Onika, come on hoe. You think we're that dumb? Go ahead and spill because you know if you don't I'm just gonna go ask him."

"Okay fine! Maybe there was a little making out involved but we were mostly eating." I began to smile, not because of reminiscing on my date over the weekend, but because I had finally perfected my bun.

If anything, the team was more invested and excited about Nasir and I than I would ever be. Things had truly been going great between us though. As they chatted amongst themselves about my relationship, I glanced up at the clock.

"Alright girls let's go, I'm trying to get out of practice early today," I announced as I began walking toward the door.

"You got another date or something?" Ariana teased to which I rolled my eyes.

"No. I have an essay due tomorrow that I didn't even start. Wait a minute...don't you still have to do it too?"

"Yes but I'm farther along than you. I wrote my name and the date at the top of the word document last night, that seemed like enough progress," she said triumphantly.

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