Poetic Injustice (Beynika) Part 2

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Beyoncé's POV

"You comfortable back there?" Nas asked me.

"Yeah it's oka-ow!" I yelped as the car went over a speed bump and I hit my head against the side of the car.

"When we get there you can come out. Is it hot back there?"

"A little but I'll survive," I told him as I slid down further to prevent my head from hitting the side again.

I was currently scrunched up on the floor in the cargo space of the SUV that belonged to Nasir's mother. It was surprisingly clean back here besides the basketball that was currently in my lap to prevent it rolling around, a couple boxes of magazines, and a clunky vacuum.

"I'm pulling into her driveway now. Can we do a soundcheck real quick?" He asked as the truck came to a stop.

"Sure. Go ahead and get set up I'm ready when you are," I said.

Nasir had decided that he'd wear one of his Airpods while on the date and I would use my headphones with wires so I wouldn't have to worry about my Airpods dying. He turned up the radio station so I couldn't hear him and began talking.

His voice came through the headphones clearly when he said, "you still hear me?"

"Yep, loud and clear. You hear me?" I whispered back with the mic near my mouth to test how it would work out once this situation got more awkward.

"Yep. Shit- here she comes. Stay calm," he quickly said.

I scrunched my face up in confusion and rolled my eyes. I was completely calm, in fact I had no reason to be nervous. It wasn't my ass on the line here, it was his. Regardless, I was getting my dad's car fixed and $50.

"Don't forget my shit, Nasir," I warned.

"Yeah, yeah," he waved me off which I could see through the rear view mirror.

When he originally came up with the idea for me to hide in the back, I immediately said hell no. In my mind, I wasn't getting paid enough for all of this shit. I only agreed when he told me he'd get me some food from the diner, I didn't have shit to do tonight anyway.

I heard the passenger side door open and close.

"Hey Onika, how are you?" He greeted the girl.

The strong but pleasant scent of vanilla and flowers filled the car in her presence as Nasir began backing out of the driveway.

"Hi Nasir, I'm doing pretty good. I'm glad you were free today. I really wanted to get a chance to talk with you face to face, you know?"

When he didn't answer right away I knew that he was waiting for me to speak up.

"Tell her that you understand, vibes are important and shit. Then thank her for coming," I whispered.

"I get it, beautiful. You know vibes are important to making shit work between two people and our energy has to go together. Thank you for giving me the chance to see if we could go together," he expressed and a smile spread across my face. They really grow up so fast.

The rest of the ride was pretty uneventful with them making a bit of small talk but for the most part, the music filled the void. I was finally relaxing when Nasir suddenly went over a speed bump. My body left the floor and I bumped my head again on the way back down.

As if that wasn't enough, the vacuum ended up falling onto my chest, effectively knocking the wind out of me. I let out a cough and immediately covered my mouth with my hand as my eyes widened.

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