Announcement 2:

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Yes, I know I spelled that wrong. At least, oh whatever.

Now, I know what your thinking. At least, I hope your thinking this or else this would be PRETTY awkward....

I would like to address two things.

One, yes. It's true. I DID write a book. A science fiction book about a girl named Siberia and her ship members facing a creature that can change it's form. It's super cool-Star Trek stuff, and I hope you all like it. When I finish editing it(because it's REALLY long) and re-edit it, I'll publish it. And then I'll write three more books. Yay!

I feel like it's really hard to write books on here that are not Fanfics. Now, I know. That may sound a little hypocrite-y. So the Fanfic community get's a lot of hate. Sorry others. But Fanfiction is AWESOME for so many reasons. And you people who hate us, well, you guys need to widen your perspectives a little bit.

Secondly, this book will be updated every Wednesday. But, I guess I lied because here's another thing that's going on!

This has nothing to do with the book, so yeah:

I've been having some...problems. You know how in every single Disney sitcom ever made, there's that group of really snarky b*tchy girls? Well, they exist. And they are in my school. This is what happened:

(Quick note, that little star is because I DON'T SWEAR. Swearing is pretty lazy. Smart people can think things out. I mean, if doe thing really bad happens, you can make an exception. So, be like Heavy D, AND DON'T SWEAR! 😀 Actually, that sounds kinda bossy. Sorry)

There's this guy. Let's call him.............Aegis. (Those dots are how many seconds it took to think of that. And, Aegis is actually the name of the main guy in my book)
Anyway, yes. This guy's name is Aegis. For three weeks, we were in the same class. Then our class got disbanded. But, you see, there was this thing. (Ugh, NO! God, stop making everything sound so dirty! 😔) There's this ship name between me and him and such and stuff. But, he's actually the most popular guy in my school. I'd consider myself popular among the unpopular people, you know? Anyway, he's popular with that group of evil girls I was talking about earlier. And well, I haven't been updating because it was getting hard. I spend everyday dealing with them and when I get to writing a chapter, I just can't.

But really, anyone and EVERYONE can relate when I say bullies are NO JOKE. They will do ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING to bring you down and make you feel like crap. I've gotten things like people giving me looks, and rumours, and having my name graffitied in the change room with little...things. You know, the, um, THIS: 😜. In fact, today I got an award. An AWARD. At school at an assembly. When I stood up to retrieve it, I get: "That girl is such a b*tch!" Not to mention all the other stuff like ignoring me and so forth. And getting others to ignore me too.

It's sad, but it's life. In fact, I KNOW that these girls are so evil, that one day this will go to such an extent that one day, I will get hurt. Like, REALLY hurt.

But, enough sad talk. You wanna know the truth? They're just like Nick Jonas because they STILL. GET. JEAL-OUS. (That is Nick, right? It's not Joe or that other guy whose name no one remembers?) The harsher it get's it's the more jealous they are. So, technically, they're bulling THEMSELVES because they are exposing how jealous they are. And yeah, I know that sometimes I'm pretty stupid too. Like, I'll say something and think "Wow. That was really stupid." right after. Or do something. Or I might think, "Wow that was really rude." So if it's the little things, just ignore it and smile and be happy. If someone rolls their eyes at you, say something like "Why are you rolling your eyes? Is there something up there I should be looking at?"

In fact, one girl (let's call her C) was starring at me in a really rude way. (As per usual) So I asked her, "Why are you looking at me like that?" And she responded with, "Why can't I look at you? This is a free county." And I usually would've started a fight (on accident!) but I just burst out laughing and was like, "What? How did you get 'this is a free country?!'"

But this all ties back to one girl who we will call.. Sure. And she's been dating this guy so she hates me even more. So, you know what, maybe I'll just go up to Aegis and talk to him about this because I'm not the type of person to sit around take other people's crap. Sorry.

And for all of those people who aren't like me and just take it, here. (This may get a little gross)

Think of it like this. I might say to you, are you gonna take crap like that? And this person might be sad and say yes. WELL, WHAT IF I ACTUALLY HANDED YOU A JAR OR THEIR CRAP. YOU WOULDN'T TAKE THAT, RIGHT? (At least, I hope you wouldn't.) SO, WHY SHOULD YOU TAKE THEIR VERBAL CRAP, HUH?

And you know what's REALLY funny about this situation. I can predict that this guy WILL ditch those girls, because if they know what they're doing...well...sarcastic sorry in advance!

That's all for now, talk to you guys soon. I can't wait to see your guys responses!

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