Chapter 15: Kryptonite

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"Don't wanna leave your comforts, wanna find a cure, we're afraid of who we see in the mirror, we wanna let go but it feels too pure, who wants to be alone in this world, you look around and all you see is hurt,"

-Nelly Furtado, Afraid

Kaldur leads me into what he tells me is the room Robin is staying in. The hall is completely white expect for the doors, which are mahogany.

"It is just a short debriefing," he reassures me, pointing to our approaching destination. I give him a look of confusion as we pass a few doors.

"But I thought you were the leader of the team."

"That's true. However, Robin is Batman's protégée, and I am not." I'm about to ask more questions, when we arrive at Robin's room. I turn to Kaldur, but he's already walking away. Rude, I think as I cautiously grip the brass doorknob and turn it to enter.

Darkness hits me as soon as I enter. The only light is coming from a small light source where I can't pinpoint at the moment. Then, I see Robin sitting on his bed with headphones on and shouting at a laptop.

"WHAT SHOULD I DO, THEN?!" He yells angrily. He looks like he's about to have a long rage fit. Really, he seems like he's about to explode. I stand at the door and close it quietly, startled and curious.

"Well, what if she finds out?!" He replies to whoever he's talking to. Speaking of talking to, I wonder who he's talking about. He let's out a frustrated moan, and runs his hands through his hair anxiously, eyes fixed on the screen.

"IT'S NOT MY FAULT WE LOST HIM!" He freezes, and sighs. Suddenly, his expression softens, as he takes a long breath. I wish I could calm down easily like that.

"Sorry, I just...yeah. Yes. I'll report back soon. As soon as Ara comes in. Goodbye." He slams the lid on the computer and yanks his headphones off. I wonder why he's so-

I feel a hard impact as the headphones hit me in the forehead, before dropping to the floor. The impact is surprising, I had no idea it would hurt that much. I put my hand to my head, massaging where it hit. That may leave a mark.

Robin looks over in my direction. "Ara?" Looking around, I see the light switch and turn it on, as the room flickers to life. "Ara!" He stands up quickly. "I'm so sorry, are you hurt?" He sits back down and I make my way over to join him.

"Well yeah. Emotionally."

"How so?" He asks, reopening his laptop as I sit next to him. The bed is surprisingly comfortable. Then again, this is practically a playboy mansion.

However, the room is still nice. It has dark red, Victorian wall paper and green carpeting. There's a chandelier in the middle of the ceiling, and I believe the bed is Queen sized. There's also a mahogany door on the left which I believe leads to a washroom.

"Because," I answer, still looking around. "Apparently you think that I-" I catch and stare at my reflection when I see the dresser mirror.

I stare at my hair especially, which still isn't messy. People say I'm lucky, but I'm not. Especially born looking like this. I've always hated how I look. No matter what age I was. I stare at my now blonde hair, which Canary had said that I change. She thinks that my hair changes colour when I use my 'gift', (as she calls it) so she said it would be easier to just dye it. It's now a blonde-white, which still looks as bad as my brown hair. No matter what I do, I'll still be ugly. I wish I could be pretty like Artemis and M'gann. And every other girl on this planet. A lot of people, especially my parents, say that I'm beautiful, but they all just want to spare my feelings. Enough people have told me the truth anyway. I let out a long and wistful sigh and stare at myself, wishing I was someone else.

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