Chapter 13: Snowflake Tattoos

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"I haven't thought of you, for years you know, your memory seems, to come and go, our time meant so much to me, and now, you can't be found."

-Gwen Stefani, Wonderful Life

Anxiously, I duck my head and enter the back seat of the limo. Batman says that we should all take separate ones, or else they'd get suspicious. As in, 'Why would they all come together?'

Trembling, I shake my head and grasp the handle on the door, closing it shut. Letting out a long breath, a slouch in my seat and try to relax.

We wait until everyone else has left, which is when we drive out of the cave and eventually onto the highway.

After a few minutes, I get bored of starting out the windows. I reach beside me to get my phone, but mutter a small curse under my breath. We weren't allowed to bring our phones. "An extra security measure." He told us. What am I supposed to do in the meantime?

"You alright back there?" A woman's voice calls. Hmm, I was so sure my driver was male. She must've noticed my perplexed expression, because she let's out a lighthearted laugh.

"You seem a little shocked, Arabella."

"I was just so sure you were a guy," I reply. That may have come off a little rude, but I'm not in the mood for regret. But, I honestly could swear that my driver was a guy. I remember when our limos pulled up. We weren't standing so far away. A few seconds after the cars arrived, we turned to Canary because she wanted to wish us luck. Perfect time for some kind of-

No. I'm being ridiculous. There is no possible way my actual driver was knocked out and this girl switched places. No possible way...Or is there?

"How did you know my name?" I ask, suddenly becoming self aware. I see her looking at me through the rearview mirror, pausing before answering.

"Batman told the drivers who they would be driving."

"But the drivers were all hypnotized or something like that," I reply, leaning back in my seat. "so our location wouldn't be discovered. How did he tell y-"

"Look, kid," she snaps, angrily and annoyed. She grips the steering wheel so hard, that I can hear the leather creaking. "I'm not gonna drive you anywhere unless you stop interrogating me, deal." She ends it off as a statement, not really as a question. I decide to look ahead, trying not to make her angry again.

I remember the route Batman showed us to get to the mansion. Just in case something goes wrong, I may have to walk there. Which would probably be a pain. It's a good thing I remember how to get there, because all of a sudden we make a sharp turn to the left, going off route.

"Hey," I say laughing, desperate to lighten the mood. "I, uh, think you made a wrong turn."

"It wasn't wrong." I see her smirk through the rear-view mirror.

I have to tell the team. I'm about to think to them, when I stop myself. I don't need them! I've practically been taking care of myself for all my life. I'm sure I can handle this one person.

"Stay calm, got it?" The woman sneers from the driver's seat. "I can see you struggling around back there."

"Where are we going?" I demand, fear building up in my head. Am I going to die? Are they going to interrogate me? Or hurt me? Of course, I can handle anything.

I lean forward and delicately touch her shoulder, expecting her to freeze. Any second now...Nothing's happing. Frowning, I try to concentrate harder until I get a small headache. Confused, I sit back to hear her taunting laughter. I watch as I see bits of ice dance across my fingers. Why didn't that transfer to her?

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