Chapter 2: How It Started

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"And the worst part is, before it get's any better we're, heading for a cliff, and in the free fall I, will realize I'm better off, when I hit the bottom,"
-Paramore, Turn If Off

I quickly rinse my face with water and change my clothes. I am now wearing a grey hoodie with jeans. It's really not about looking fashionable when your running away from national security. It's about wearing comfortable clothes and being able to move in them.

I didn't commit any crimes. They want to experiment on me. They want to know how I'm able to do the things I do. Truth be told, I don't know how I do it myself.

I decide to walk out now, I need to keep going. After all, it is a rounded fourteen hour walk.
"What can I get for you?" The Starbucks girl asks. I read her name tag. In small, bold letters it says: Nina

"Could I get a grande hot chocolate, please?"
"Sure." She smiles. All too nice and all too perfect. I guess it's part of the job description. I look outside and see that it has started to snow.

Winter has always made me happy. Always makes me happy. In fact, my parents considered naming me after the white season. When I was younger, everyday I would beg my dads to take me outside. To build a snowman, or go sledding, (I always loved the rush of it.) to make snow angles. My parents liked to call me 'Snow Queen' because I loved winter so much and my snow angles always turned out perfect.

But, as I got older, winter switched from wonderland to more, magical. It has a way of bringing people together. I love snowboarding, but I've never really been able to skateboard. In fact, as it snows outside currently, I find myself becoming hypnotized. Sometimes, I just like to sit in my room and look outside the window, watching the bits of white adding to the-
"Miss!" A Starbucks worker calls. He looks around 30. "Your drink." According to his name tag, his name is: BRYAN. I to try remember names. You'll never know when you might need to recall something.

I'm about to take it, when he holds back.
"Hey, don't I know you?" He had to ask. I quickly look away so that he can't see my face.
"Hey," He snaps. "My God! I remember you! You saved that building from collapsing on that street! I was there! How did you do that?" He asks, with wonder tingling in his voice.
"I...I don't know what your talking about."
"Yeah, you do! It was like, WHOOSH! Suddenly, this huge barrier of ice formed. It was amazing! You saved people's lives that day um..."
"Arabella," I reply, instantly regretting using my real name.
"Arabella," He muses. "That's a beautiful name. Where's that fr-" I quickly put his money on the counter and grab the drink.
"Please forget you ever saw me," I beg, holding the warm drink in between my hands and walking out into the cold, snow-covered street.


The only light are the streetlights above me and the moon, which shines brightly. I'm walking across the street when I hear a vicious snarl.
"Pay up. Boss ain't got all day. Neither do we."
"I-I-I'm sorry," I hear a man's voice plead. "I don't have the money." I turn and see an alleyway where a small man is being surrounded by three men in suits carrying guns. I quickly hide out of sight.
"Aw, that's too bad." The same guy says. "'Wonder what your wife will have to say about that. Your daughter too. Gee, and she as just born yesterday! Don't even have a name yet! Oh, well. The world don't need any more population, anyhow."
"Please," The man says again. I can tell he's on the verge of a breakdown. "Don't hurt my family. Anything else you want."
"I think," A different voice says, still one of those suited men. "That the boss'll wanna see ya. Give ya a 'lecture'. If you know what I mean."
"Yes, yes," The man nods. "Take me. Just, don't hurt my family."
"Eh," the first one says. "We'll see about that."
"No!" He wails.

I don't know what I'm doing. Stiffly, I walk into the alleyway.
"Leave that man alone." Why am I talking like that? SHUT-UP!
"Mmm," One guy says. "Well, lookie lookie at this cookie. You sure are purdy, aren't you?"
"Yeah," another nods. "Speaking of purdy, I wonder how she'll purr when she's dancing in my lap."
"Yeah," the other adds. "Here kitty, kitty."

I raise my hand as tall and thick spikes of ice shoot up from the ground, forming a type of jail cell around one of them. Another charges at me, but a block of ice forms around his legs and he falls on the ground, knocking himself out.
"We-we won't bother this guy again!" The original one says. He turns to the man. "Keep your money! We don't want it anymore!" He runs out of the alleyway shouting,

I sigh. If you work for a mob, screaming for the Gotham City Police Department might not be good for you. I turn back to the man.
"I hope your safe." He grins at me.
"T-thanks. Thanks so much! You are...are...a miracle!" I shake my head as he runs up to me.
"You saved my life and the lives of my family. Please, tell me your name."
"Um, with all do respect, I'd rather not." He nods sadly.
"My family's been in deep debt to that stupid, money hoarding, selfish gangster. It's hard to explain. This man is a criminal." He pulls out a pocket watch.
"It's been in my family for generations. I'd like you to have it. You seem like you could use some money." I'm not sure if that's a complement, an insult, or neither.

This must be worth maybe a thousand bucks! I would be able to buy things, support myself, buy a warmer coat. Forget that, I can get a taxi.

But, I stop and look into the man's eyes. I'm sure he's happy, but it's a little too happy and I can see the pain it brings him for giving it up.
"Please, sir." I say. "You keep this. I can't bear myself to have you part with this beautiful antique."
"Your very kind." He smiles.
"You know, you may have crazy ice powers, but you have a warm heat. And that's hard to come by in this city." I sigh, don't I know it.

"Well, I better get home! I'll be late for dinner!" He says, running past me into the night. He then turns around and calls,
"I'll never forget you!" Sadly, that's the exact opposite of what I hoped he would do.

[A/N; hope you enjoyed that! Well, off to work on my next chapter for my other book.
BYES! ;)]

[And, I forgot the chapter name AGAIN! SORRY! :(]

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