Chapter 3: Rescued By A Rude Blonde

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"Everything you see that glitters, isn't always gold, everything you think is perfect, oh, isn't always so, many times, many times I wouldn't let my feelings show,"

-Cher Lloyd, Human

I walk into a small, random diner. I have about one hundred dollars left, so I figure I'd spend it on a cheap, yet good meal.

A small bell rings as I step inside. Naturally, you'd usually look towards the source if you hear a sound. But everyone's eyes linger on me. And, I'm not imagining it.

I assume no one will seat me, so I seat myself at the booth at the far end, next to the window. A blonde waitress around my age comes over almost instantly, but keeping a distance.

"Wha'd you want?" She asks, getting a paper. Finally, someone who works at a restaurant where they don't plaster a cheap and creepy smile on their face.I frown, staring at her name tag. It says,


"Like, the Greek goddess?" I ask.

"Huh-" She looks down at her name tag then back at me. "So?" She demands. I shrug.

"It's a nice name."

"Whatever. What do you want?" I almost laugh.

"I didn't get a menu." She rolls her eyes. How is she already frustrated?

"Drinks first."

"I'll take a hot chocolate."

"Right." She walks off into the kitchen, without taking her eyes of me. I look around and see that everyone is still looking at me as well.

"In our recent and last report," A reporter says as I glance up at a TV.

"We talked to a man who was saved last night by a girl." Hey, that's kinda convenient-wait a second.

It cuts to the same man who I saved last night. He seems to be in a living room, his home.

"She couldn't have been older than sixteen," I'm fifteen. "She had, bright white-blonde hair that turned to brown soon after she beat those guys." Apparently, I have white and brown hair. "I really don't know what her name is, she didn't tell me. But, I'm ever so grateful."

"And," The reporter asks, still holding the microphone to the man. I fight the urge to take off and run. I need to listen to the rest of this.

"And sir, how exactly did she save you?" He let's out a light-hearted laugh.

"Ma'am, you wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"We live in a world with Superman. I can believe anything." He clears his throat, getting ready for an explanation. Please don't, please don't!

"She had some kind of ice power. She raised her hand and spikes of ice came out of the ground! A block of ice formed around one of the guy's legs! It was amazing!" He laughs. "I just hope she doesn't become a super villain!"

The camera cuts back to another reporter in the studio.

"Frankly, I'm not surprised by this at all. Just a couple of days ago, a falling building was saved by a girl with ice powers, who created a barrier of ice to save pedestrians. We talked to a few witnesses, and the description matches. Thank you, Snow Queen."

My mouth falls open as the waitress comes back. She set's down a menu and my hot chocolate.

"We got a fly problem," She says. "Close your mouth." I look up at her as she adds,

"Is that you they're talking about?" I laugh nervously.

"Do I look like a Queen to you?" She looks me over with a suspicious glance.

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