Chapter 10: Accepting Help

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"I put these things aside for years, 'Til laughter took the place of tears, it's like I was asleep, and now I'm here...oh I wanted so much but only needed you."

-Kylie Minogue, Cosmic

I drum my fingers on the table and stare out the windows as the others talk. Sadly, I was tricked into going out for pizza with the others, but now that I'm here, I don't really mind. It's not like they're taking to me anyway. And they're not talking about me, either.

I should be out there, on the streets. Running from the F.B.I or any other government. But instead, I'm with these people who think they're my friends.

"That's why you were running away?" Asks M'gann, as I then to her angrily.

"What?" She looks down as if deciding whether or not to tell me, but eventually looks back up. No one is talking, just listening.

"Your running from the government?"

I let out a small growl-like sound, and stare out the window again, refusing to make eye contact with anyone.

"Wha'd you do?" Wally asks through a mouth full of pizza. As usual, I don't answer they're questions. Even though it would be nicer to actually listen to them, since they're being so nice to me, I still keep myself from facing them.

"We cannot help you," Kaldur says from in front of me and at the end of the table. "If you do not tell us what's wrong."

Time to face them. With a glare, I look up at the Atlantean.

"What if I don't want your help? Ever consider that?"

But, I know that I shouldn't have said that. Maybe I should at least try to let them help, because I do need it. I just don't want to appear weak. I don't want them to start bullying me too.

"I'm sorry," I breathe, starring at my worn-out sneakers. "I didn't mean for it to come out that way." Artemis sighs and looks around awkwardly a bit, before looking at me.

"Want some advice?"


"Take our help. You need it." I open my mouth to protest, but I know that she's right.

I'm going to accept they're help. If I do this, then they'll give me what I need. What I don't understand is why they want to help me so much. And be my 'friend'.



A few minutes later, they've finally started ignoring me, leaving me to my thoughts. I'm one of those types of people who like to be alone, rather than be with people. People will back-stab you, talk about you behind your back, lie to you and numerous worst things.

Me, myself and I is the only person I fully trust on this whole planet.

But at the back of my mind, something keeps bothering me. I think there's more to this case than meets the eye. I wonder if Robin actually read the information, or just skinned over it and focused on downloading.

There are just so many questions which are nagging at my mind. Who created the drug? Who's selling it? Who's bought it?

"You alright?" Robin asks from beside me. For a second, I thought that was one of the questions I was just asking myself. "You barely touched your pizza."

"I'll take it to go." I reply flatly, still not looking at him.


By the time we get back, it's past curfew so we quickly rush to bed, with hopes that Batman isn't lurking in the shadows, which I'm told he does a lot.

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