Chapter 4: The Team

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"Wild hearts, making all mistakes, switched on, but we're never phased, get down, we don't play it safe, go out on a blaze, live for the day,"

-Cher Lloyd, Killin' It

The road stops in front of a large patch of grass surrounding the mountain. In front of us, the mountain is still close, but it doesn't make sense.

"Uh," I ask obviously. "How do we get in?" I can tell she's smirking. I hate that.

"Just wait." She clears her throat and announces,

"Artemis, B07." Almost instantly, a female robotic voice answers,

"Recognized." I look around for a speaker, but get distracted when the grass area between the mountain and us, slides away revealing a room of some sort. She drives down the slant and finally stops the bike in the big room around us.

"Off." She commands as I dismount and toss her the helmet.

The room is a sand colour. Walls, floors and ceiling. But there's this big, silver circular thing in front of us that really sparks my curiosity. Is it a portal to somewhere? Just decoration? A Stargate?

All around us, there are cars, other motorcycles and things I've never seen before. Like, a huge sphere. I wonder what that's doing there.

"Hey, is that the Batmobile?" She looks at where I'm pointing and shakes her head. Then, as expected, she neglects my question. I don't know how, but she just really get's on my nerves; and she knows it.

"Come on," She says. I follow behind her as we walk into the circle-thingey.

What I see on the other side is completely different.

If I can use three words to describe this place, I think I'll use: Massive. Costumed. And Batman.

There's a huge main, central computer in the centre of the room. Gathered around it is Batman. Wait, there's something wrong with that sentence.

I've seen him on TV and in the news. He doesn't look that freighting. But standing here makes me want to hide.

Surrounding him is a group of teenagers in superhero costumes. The only one I really know is Robin, who I must say looks even cuter in person. But, I'm pretty sure my competition is every girl in Gotham and possibly Metropolis.

The one that stands out the most to me is a girl in a blue skirt, a white t-shirt with a red X across it, and a blue cape with matching boots. They're all starring at me, as if I've been expected. Artemis starts walking up to them and shoots me a look to follow.

I feel stiff and it's hard to keep going. For one, unlike Robin, Batman is much more intimidating. When Artemis stops, I stop and they all examine me as if trying to come up with the best way to kill me. They start to make me nervous and once again, makes me want to shrivel up and die. I've always been more of the shy type, although I don't like admitting it.

I hate it when I'm the centre of attention.

It always makes me feel so nervous, as if they're trying to come up with the best insult. I wish I can just disappear.

"I know how you feel," The green girl says. Being me, I have to come out with the stupidest answer.

"Um...what?" Artemis laughs at me and the girl gives me a smile.

"I just read your mind." She gives me a blank look, then knocks herself in the head, giggling.

"Hell-o Megan! She doesn't know your powers!"

"W-" Artemis rolls her eyes. "She just does that."

"Oh." A monotone and commanding voice shocks me out of my happiness.

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