Chapter 7: Training Starts Now

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"This is the, part of me, that your never gonna ever take away from me, no. Throw your sticks and you stones, throw your bombs and your blows, but your not gonna break my, soul,"
-Katy Perry, Part Of Me

"Do you know how to fight?" Black Canary asks, as she leads me into a training room. It resembles more of a community gym, but smaller. With treadmills, mats, punching bags, those bar things that people swing on in gymnastics, weights and all that tiring stuff. I'd much prefer sitting on a couch watching TV, eating a bag of chips, but I do try to keep fit.
"Uh, if the occasion calls for it." I reply, as she stops at a punching bag. "I mean, I've never been trained professionally." She nods and seems to be lost in thought for a few seconds.
"Punch this." she says, taking a few steps back.

I give her a blank look, but my look falters when she doesn't add anything.
"Ok, a few things wrong." She let's out an annoyed sigh, folding her arms.
"Alright. What?" I gesture to my hands, then at the punching bag.
"First of all, a punching bag? This is a little cliché." Black Canary shrugs, as she steadies the bag so that it's perfectly still.
"What else?" She asks sarcastically. Why won't anyone here just answer my questions? They're not hard!
" gloves."
"In a real fight," she yawns and fixes me with an intense stare. Which, I have to admit is kind of intimidating. It seems like she's really nice and sweet one second, then totally viscous the next. Well, maybe not viscous.
"Your not going to have a pair of punching gloves, nor will your enemy wait for you to get some."
I shrug. May as well give it a shot.

I punch the bag lightly, and turn back to her.
"See? Nothing."
"That's because your not trying. This time, throw your body into it more."
We trade places so that she can demonstrate.

Truth is, I can throw a pretty good punch. But I'm not entirely sure I want to reveal everything about myself to her. Again, I'm really not 'tough', like Artemis. I would like some help and I'd love to have an actual friend. I'm just afraid that if I let myself go, then I'll end up hurting someone.

She must've noticed my bored expression, because she walks over to the mats. Oh, great. I REALLY don't want to fight Black Canary. I make a mental note to stay on her good side.
"Stand in front of me." I do what she tells me to and walk in front of her. I don't think I have anything to worry about. She'll go easy, right?

But, as soon as I'm still, she throws a hard punch to my jaw, making me whip my head to the side as I stumble back.
"That's a punch," she says, smirking. My jaw is now throbbing, but I try to pretend it doesn't hurt.

How did she just hit me? How did she catch me so off guard? I try copy the same punch she did, but she just steps to to the side, missing it effortlessly. She laughs, taunting me.
"Ara, I think Barbie fights better than-"
This time, try something different. I swing my leg up and kick her in the nose. As she starts to stumble back, I've regained my footing and kick at her legs behind her, causing her to trip and fall flat on her back.

I'm expecting her to curse at me or something like that, but she only laughs again.
"Nice job! We can definitely improve on that though." I offer my hand to her and she grabs it, pulling me down hard as she stands up. I feel a sharp pane as my back connects with the mat.
"Don't trust your allies." She tells me, as if it's something I should never forget. She grabs my arm and pulls me up.


A few minutes after a bit more fighting, she teaches me how to stand. Canary instructs me on how far apart to leave my legs, and how my elbows should be tucked in tight.
"It's import to have your dominant hand and foot in front of your non-dominant ones. That way, you'll always get a better hit, since those will deal more damage."

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