Chapter 9: Family

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"No money no family, sixteen in the middle of Miami."
-Iggy Azlea, Work

"So," Wally says, as we fly over to the warehouse. "I'll say what's on everyone's mind. What's your hero name, babe?"
"Snow Queen," I answer flatly. "But, I think it's overrated."

Saying it out loud, that's what I truly believe. I admit, it sounded cool before, but when it's actually used, it seems stupid.
"Not at all." M'gann smiles at me. "I think it suits you quite well."
"Yeah..." Wally mutters, looking at me. "It does suit her well." I raise my eyebrows accusingly, as Robin laughs, rolling his eyes again.
"Yep. Someone's in Fantasy Land again. Hey, do M'gann a favour and don't drool all over the ship, alright?" Wally turns around and glares at him.
"DUDE!" Everyone bursts out laughing; I think they could actually be good friends! The first friends I've had in all my life.


"What are they doing?" M'gann questions into my head as we watch the area. They seem to be packaging crates onto a plane.

The area is huge. The warehouse stands tall and gloomy in the moonlight, and surrounding it is a huge pavement area with seemingly hundreds of armed men patrolling the perimeter. It's probably large enough to keep two planes side by side. On each side of the building.
"My best guess is," I think back to her, the only sound being the wind rustling through the trees. "That they're loading that drug onto that plane, which will go to a buyer."
"Or," Robin adds. "Shipping it to multiple buyers." I nod to him, considering that as a possibility.

We lay low and hidden in this small forest section, so that it'll be much harder to spot us.
"So?" Wally asks impatiently, tapping his foot so fast, that all you see is a black blur.
"What's the plan?"
"It is: get in," Kaldur answers. "And get out. I propose we split up so that one group looks for a sample, and the other for information." Yep, Kaldur definitely is the boss of the team.
"So. Robin, Arabella, Wally and Artemis are in one gr-"
"Ha," Superboy interrupts, with his arms crossed and shooting me an angry look. What have I ever done to him? "There's no way I'm letting her out of my sight. I'm coming with." Kaldur sighs out loud.

What's his deal? I think, frustrated. Honestly, he just can't lay off!
"I heard that," Superboy grumbles. Well, as grumbly as you can think.
"Fine." Aqualad nods. "Artemis, your coming with me. Superboy, your with them. Robin will act as the leader of the group and will collect the intel."
"Deal." Robin nods to him, to show that he understands as Kaldur's group get's up runs off. But, we stay here.

I'm about to ask what we're going to do, when Robin pulls up a small holographic screen from his glove.
"I'm going to locate where they house all the data. Some kind of central computer." He tells us, tapping on multiple things.

I've never seen technology like that. At my house, we barely have any electronics. I was so fortunate to get a phone. I had been saving for five years.

But, I'm pretty sure a whole new world is opening up. Humans are much more advanced than most people think.
"That's cool," I think. "That tech you got there." He looks up at me and grins. Robin looks like he's about to answer, when Superboy interrupts. Can't he just let people talk?
"Don't say anything." Superboy snaps harshly. "She's probably a spy."

I breathe deeply. Control myself, that's the only way I won't hurt anyone. Don't lash out at Superboy.
"Can you fly?" Wally, or Kidflash asks me.
"No." I answer, as his face lights up.
"Awesome! I call carrying her!"
"I'll take her," Robin thinks, still staring at the screen. Wally grumbles, but doesn't complain.

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