Chapter 17: Dreams

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[AN: K, no more repeated artists from here on out.]

"I don't mind movin' on, don't wait up I'm already gone, can't stay still."
-Lights, Speeding

I've been having strange dreams tonight.

I keep waking up in the middle of the night. Over, and over again. One dream was never repeated. Instead, it seemed like every five minutes, I'd wake up from another dream in a cold sweat and shaking hands. Sometimes they're good. But most of them have been horrible. But my most recent one was about my parents. Earlier today I had decided not to go against Kaldur's rule. He told me not to go, and I decided I wouldn't.

But this dream left me with second thoughts. It's hard to remember what was happening, it was all a blur. Through it all, my heart raced so fast I thought it would leap from my chest. I laid on a hard, bushy surface. Grass maybe. All I knew was that I had to keep my ears covered. All around me were angry currents of wind, threatening to destroy me. It yanked at my hair, tugged at the coat I was wearing, screamed demands at the top of it's lungs. I felt so helpless laying there that I started to sob. I cradled myself in my arms as violent torrents of wind wrapped around me.

I was able to find a brief moment of collective sanity by opening my bloodshot eyes. My parents stood before me, smiling happily. I cried for help; I pleaded, I begged. But they just stood there and laughed.

"You abandoned us," Father looked down on me. "Now we, are going to abandon you." His words left me speechless and weak. That left me vulnerable. Violently, I was sucked inside the hurricane, and that's when I awoke.

I now sit up in my bed. Every limb feels weak, and my eyes are still moist. Not seeing any tissues, I wipe my eyes with my sleeve. In this moment I realize that I've been neglecting people. Now, more than ever, I need someone. Anyone, I just want some comfort.

I look over to the window on my right, the moonlight shining through the glass. It makes a beautiful, silver reflection on the floor. I nod to myself, deciding what I have to do. Making as little noise as possible, I slip out of my PJ's into a pair of yoga pants and a t-shirt, and walk over to the window. I carefully turn the latch and pry the glass upwards, revealing my door to the outside. I'm one leg out the window when I realize something: I can't get there. There's no way I'm going to get to Gotham from here, especially since I'm on this stupid mission. On one hand, though, I kind of feel bad for abandoning them.

Oh, well. I curse, bringing my leg back inside and slamming the window shut with a heavy THUD.

"Now what?!" I mutter to myself. I begin to pace around the room, whispering to myself and rubbing my eyes.

"I just need to talk to my parents." My eyes lazily drift over to the door. How can I communicate with them? I could try Way too risky. Especially since I'm currently inside a group of drug dealers houses.

Maybe I just need...a glass of water and something to eat. I'm absolutely famished after all. I quickly run towards the door, and poke my head outside. I take a breath of the fresh air, breathing and trying to think straight.

I wipe my eyes once more and look around the hall. The lights are off and it seems very quiet.

I think back to the dream, and what my parents had said.

"One day, I'll come back to you. least, I'm going to see you." I whisper, pressing my hand against the cool surface of the door. Almost immediately, a thin layer of frost circles outwards from my palm. I cringe when I see the finished product. I mean, frost inside? Doesn't seem very likely. I step into the hall, closing the door.

"Let's think this through," I nod to my thought as I look both ways, straining my ears to listen to any movement. On my left I see three more doors then a wall. However on my right, there is one more door and spills out into the open rooms. When I hear nothing, I continue down the hall to the kitchen.


"Let's see here," I mutter to myself as I search through their cabinets. Twizzlers, Jolly Ranchers, and other candies are piled high. Well, I guess when you have a drug that keeps you and your physical appearance healthy, I suppose you don't really need to consider what you eat. Sighing, I pull the cabinet doors closed and look over to the fridge. When I rummage through and find nothing, I look over to the family room. 'Oh, TV.' I think, staring into the black screen. 'Technology is killing us these days'

Suddenly, I come up with an idea.

"Wait...phones are technology, right?" I ask myself, smiling. "Yes." I grin and nod. "Yes, communication! Phones!" Robin has our phones. If I could just sneak into his room and take it, I can call my dads. Just to talk. I miss them, and I just want to hear their voice.

I make my way down the hall to Robin's room and press my ear against the door softly. Nothing. So, I knock as quietly as possible. Nothing again. Carefully, I place my hand on the door knob which turns, and I quietly step inside his room.

[AN: Yes, I know. It's short. I've been away. I know. Don't kill me.

And hey, I thought it would be cool if I posted a super-small part from my new book. It's definitely going to have a much more mature theme to it. And it won't have a lot of Sci-Fi stuff in this snip-it. Seriously, I've been trying to come up with a name for five months and I have NOTHING!!! Anyway, tell me what you think!!!! Or don't, I dunno. Just do whatever makes you happy. :)
(I'm putting it in italics. And please don't mind mistakes and such. I told you guys, I'm not done editing the whole thing yet. Anyway thanks! :))

"Oh thank you Madam! This is enough to feed my family for...DAYS! May the Gods bless you and your kind spirit!" He runs off and I call after him.
"I DON'T HAVE ONE!" I turn to Aegis, who's standing there with his arms crossed, smirking. Ah, typical him. Well I hope he's enjoying the show.
"I-I don't."

Aegis gives me a kind hearted grin, a side of him I haven't seen in a long time.
"Yeah, yeah alright. Come here." Cautious, I walk over to him. He puts his arm around me and continues walking.

It's almost like that feeling you get when your in high school. When your crush leaves that little slip of paper in your storage compartment saying that he likes you. I can feel myself blushing. Man, I hope this feeling goes away soon.
"Si, you've done some pretty horrible stuff, but what you just did was pretty damn amazing." I smile at his compliment. He must be in a pretty good mood today!
"Thanks. And hey, you're not that bad either."
"Aw. Really?" He rolls his eyes at me and I playfully hit him in the stomach.
"Yep." We smile at each other, and I'm praying that it lasts for a long time. Sadly, it only lasted for almost a micron. His arm drops and he looks behind us. Gods, I wonder why-
"Yes Captain?" Then, I'm shocked. All the colour is drained from his face. This is NOT good. When Captain Aegis is scared, then, well, we're all screwed.

The first thing I see is the chicken-the one the boy loves so much-with a knife stuck through the head. As dead as it'll ever be. Then, I look up. What I see will haunt me forever.

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