#1 - Meeting Shay

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A/N - his story is dedicated to KiraLang who gave me some characters and asked me to write their story – Challenge accepted ;) I hope both she and all of my other readers are going to enjoy my story about Alicia, Shay and Marco. This story is going to contain some mature content.



*Alicia P.O.V.*

I sat in the corner at the nightclub, why did I let my friends persuaded me to go with them, I hated nightclub. There was just a lot of noise and drunken people, and I couldn't see the cozy about it.

I felt there was someone staring at me, so confused I looked around, and saw a man who stood by the door, he didn't hide that he was looking at me. I look confused back at him, but his expression didn't change. the strength in his eyes didn't go unnoticed by me, this was a powerful and intimidating man, quickly I look down, I wasn't interested in this man's attention, if I were to be completely honest, I liked it best when I found myself a little in the background, I really didn't like attention. I was interrupted in my thoughts by my best friend Sebastian, who leaned toward me and shouted in my ears to drown out the music.

"It seems that you've woken that guy's interest, little sugar mouse".

I turned my head and smiled at him before I shouted back.

"I'm not interested in wakening anyone's interest, and certainly not his."

I once again looked to where the man stood, and was greeted by lightning eyes, and he had grit his teeth hard together and it was obvious that there was something that had made him upset. Quickly I looked away again, I was always nervous when I was around an angry person. Sebastian, who saw my discomfort, pulled me closer to him, with his arm around my shoulder.

"Relax Alicia, you know me and Trish never will leave you in a situation where you don't feel comfortable. And that the high mysterious man over at entrances show you interest ..."

He was interrupted by a high-pitched voice that stopped beside us, and condescending exclaimed.

"You can't be serious. Why would Shay Angelios one of the world's richest and most beautiful men, who can get pretty woman as ME to lie at his feet, show interest to a dumpling as Alicia, what about her would he find appealing, she don't have any attributes there can be attractive to a man like him. Honestly Alicia get down to earth again, you can'r really believe that he is interested in you, for God's sake, there are millions of women who has more to offer than you. And in this case, I'm in the same room, he will then never seriously consider you when I am within a radius of 50 miles."

Said Melanie, who was a colleague of me, and for some reason, she had from the start hated the sight of me. Now she looked condescendingly at my body. I could feel that I blushed, I knew that I wasn't a model type. My weight told me that I wouldn't mind dropping some pounds to get yo my ideal weight. But even if I had some extra pounds on the side, it honestly haven't thought much about it, of course, sometimes I had thought that now I had to lose weight, but I never got to it, both because if I were to be honest, doesn't have the necessary self-discipline, but also because the extra pounds really don't bothered me that much. It was only when people like Melanie came with comments like this that my weight really bothered me.

"Keep your bile for yourself Melanie, not everyone likes their women with only skin and bones like you."

Sebastian hissed, prompting Melanie to stare angrily at him, I put a comforting hand on Sebastian's arm and smiled wryly at him.

"Bastian, let me take care of this, it have nothing to do with you. You go out and find someone to dance with, I promise to come over when I and Melanie is finished."

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