#17 - We wont let er regret

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*Marco's P.O.V.*

I lay a loving arms around Licia and feel how sleep quickly takes over with our angel. I smile gently at her sleeping face. Even in her sleep, she was unbelievable beautiful. I can't believe we finally here that Licia had finally given herself to us in the most amazing way I could have imagined. I felt the bed move, and saw that Shay had risen up to look at me with shining eyes.

"It was fantastic, I had never imagined that we could get her to give herself to us so freely the first time with us, but dam man she's fantastic."

He smiled and caressed her cheek. I nodded, because I totally agree, she's great, and if I have anything to say she will be a part of us the rest of our lives, but even though she lay here between us, I knew that nothing was decided yet. So I looked at Shay with serious eyes.

"Yes, she's fantastic. But I'm afraid that tonight was too easy. Tomorrow Licia will properly wake up and begin to find all possible causes to why what we did tonight was wrong. And she will try to withdraw herself from us again."

Shay gritted his teeth, and I knew that he knew that I was right, but with his eyes on our angel, he replied.

"I know you're right. But fuck with such a passion hidden in her, I will never allow her to pull away from us. She can try as much she wants, but I will never accept it. Her passion hadn't come forward, if she didn't have feeling for us, and we just have to get her to realize that. We must get her to realize that she belongs with us, and that's even if there is someone who will look down on our relationship, I will not allow her to create distance between us, she must realize that from the moment she gave herself to us, she was ours in the most literal sense."

I nod while I also y gaze rest at Licia. Shay is right, we will never let her withdraw from us now. She's ours now that she just have to get use to it, because she is never allowed to leave us. With a contented sigh I lie down next to her with a arm around her waist, and feels that Shay do the same after a few seconds. And for the first time in over a year, I lie down to sleep with a satisfied smile on my face, this is what I've dreamed about for so long, and I will not let anything spoil it.

I wake up the next morning by movement in the bed and automatically tightens my grip around the body next to me, and smiles sleepily, even before I fully awake I know that it is Licia lying in my arms, and with a murmur I bury my mouth at her neck, and kisses her gently at the spot between her neck and collar, and smile when I feel a joyous shiver go through her.

"Good morning, Angel, did you sleep well."

I feel her nod silently but when she once again trying to pull away from me I tight my grip even further.

"No, where do you think you're going Angel?"

I ask, still with my mouth by her neck but now I opened my eyes and looked in hers, but she quickly lower hers when we made eye contact. I gritted my teeth before I grabbed her by the chin to get her to meet my gaze again, but she refused.

"Licia, you can't just pretend it never happened. That neither I nor my brother will permit. Since you gave herself to us yesterday, it also mean that you now is ours, our to worship, our to protecting..."

I smile when Shay kisses her gently at the neck before he whispering continues.

"Our to satisfying and our to delight in every possible way."

Licia utters a moan but I can see that she tried to hold it back.

"I shouldn't ... This is wrong ... what we did ... it shouldn't..."

I interrupted her raving mumble since I didn't like the direction it took. So I lowered my mouth and took hers in possession, and to my delight she hesitated only a moment before she answered the kiss with a moan, I pull back but let my forehead rest against hers and smile gently down to her.

"You have no idea how much I've been waiting for this"

I mumbled

"You in our bed, your mouth against mine, you as the very first thing I taste in the morning."

I mumble this while I let kisses rain down over her face. Licia comes with pleasurably sounds, but then she pulls away.

"I have to get home. I have to change clothes, and we have a meeting already at 9."

I shake my head, I don't want her to leave us.

"You drive with me to work, nobody will notice that you have the same clothes on."

This causes Licia to look superior at me before she pulls a little out in her clothes and I look astonished down on it when she exclaims.

"Don't you think there is anyone who will notice that I'm warring wrinkled clothes?"

It's Shay who answers.

"Don't worry about that, you go to the bathroom to take a nice refreshing bath, and while you do that, I will make sure that your clothes are ironed, then no one can see that you have given us our best day ever yesterday."

This causes Licia blush deeply, and with a deep chuckle Shay turn her head towards his, so he can kiss her before he gives her a gentle smack in the buttocks.

"Come on Angel, get in the shower with you, remember to lie clothes outside the door. Not that I would mind getting it inside the bathroom while your bathing, wet and naked, but I think we should save it for another time. Cause if I see you naked, there's no doubt that you don't get to work today."

Licia comes with an outbreak before she quickly gets up from the bed and disappears into the bathroom. I look over at Shay who smiles and I smile back.

"She's not quite committed yet, she tried to find excuses for leaving us, but we just have to make it impossible for her, make sure she is in our vicinity until she agree to that her place is permanently with us."

Shay nodded before he was out of bed and stretched before he went to the bathroom door that got up just as he got there, and Licia handed her clothes to him. But as she was about to close the door again, Shay put a hand on it and said.

"All of it Angel."

I could sense Licia's hesitation before her hand again came out the door, this time with her bra and panties, which Shay with a muted thank you took out of her hand and let her shut the door between her and us. Shay looked at me with a twinkle in his eye and a wry smile before he slowly led the panties up to the nose.

"Hmm, our Angels delicate scent, it proof that we satisfied her yesterday."

He muttered, before he threw them to me. I catch them with one hand and imitating my brother's actions and take a deep breath. And Licias scent makes my member to stare, I groan silently before I open my nightstand drawer and puts her panties in it, sure that she shouldn't wear them for the rest of the morning. I saw Shays obscene smile, and knew that he agreed with me, so, with a chuckle, I left the room to use one of the other bathrooms. I wouldn't have minded to share the bath with Licia, but also knew that it would not happen. I wouldn't allow her to pull away from us, but I also knew that we had to give her a little space to get use to the situation, and to give her some privacy was one of the things I knew was necessary and that I still could give her.


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