#13 - Talk about it

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* Shay's P.O.V. *

I angrily opened the door to Marcos room with so much force that it hit the wall with a bang.

"Marco you idiot ..."

I yelled, and my brother sat up in his bed with a jerk, and look bewildered me.

"What the hell Shay ..."

He begins, but I interrupt him.

"I just got a text from Alica where she canceled our dat today ... An SMS, dammit."

I cried out while I desperately ran a hand through my hair. Marco got a hunted look on his face, before he tumbled out of bed.

"Fuck, she canceled with you?"

He asked, and his panicked and heartbroken expression, made me calm down.

"Yes. Apparently something comes in the way ... Maybe it's true, maybe I just make a mosquito to an elephant..."

I say confidently, but Marco shakes his head.

"No, if there really was something unexpected there come in the way, she would have called, not sent a text. It's my stupid behavior yesterday that has led to this, I went too far, too fast, and now I pushed her away, not only from me, but both of us. What the hell was I thinking?"

He shouted angrily and hit the wall with his hand. And I could feel his rage through our link, and I knew it was directed at himself. But I didn't know what to say to make it better. Then silence spreads between us before Marco quietly exclaims.

"Maybe I should just pull out of this. I begin to believe that our hope for Licia is useless, but if I withdraw, you might be able to keep her. If we continue our plan, then we risk losing her completely. But if I resign now, at least you have a chance with her."

I stare at him in astonishment, before I shake my head.

"No Marco, forget it both of us are supposed to have her. I can't expose you to have to see and feel me with Alicia. None of us will ever be completely happy if I'm the only one who gets her, and you know that, if you just forget your stubbornness. We'll get her to understand, but she may need time, which we have known the whole time."

But I wasn't surprised when Marco clenched his teeth hard together and shook his head.

"I'm not stubborn; it's the right thing to do."

He said before he walked toward the door to leave the room. But my next sentence stopped him.

"Okay, so I take her to myself. Then is only me who gets to have her, me who gets to touch her, me who get the joy of the small outbreaks she comes with when she's turned on and me who ... "

I smile when Marco angrily turns to me, and with raised eyebrows I continue.

"What? You said you wouldn't have any problems with it. And now I only talked about it, think about how you would feel if it actually was how it would be, you will through our link could feel when I'm with her, cause you know just as well as med that no matter how much I try to close the link, then I will not always be able to succeed, and you will could feel my excitement and joy by being with her. So be honest with yourself, can you live with that in the future?"

Marcos clenched jaws worked before he looked away, before he with a deep sigh shook his head.

"No I can't. I am way to selfish, I should just let you have her. But just the thought of it drives me crazy ... We must find a way to make her interested in both of us."

I nod consensual. We both know that the task will not be easy, but we are anxious to make it happen. Because if we failed our future would look empty, it's Alicia we want.

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