#9 - Shay

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Just after 12 Shay enters my office with a big smile, and comes over to pull me up from my chair, and gives me a loving kiss before he look down at me with a loving smile.

"Angel, I missed you, I know I saw you just two days ago, but I haven't been able to think about much else than you and how great you are. And the feelings I had when you let me satisfy yo..."

I quickly put a hand over his mouth and looked over his shoulder at the door into Marcos office.

"Shay, I'm at work, what will my boss think."

This make Shay laugh but then the laughing immediately stops when he let his gaze slide down my body.

"Damn Angel, when you get to change your style of clothes you go all in. It's incredible, I knew you'd be a sight for the gods, but this far better than my expectations."

He smiled crooked, and I feel once again how I blushed. But Shay just continued.

"Marco must also enjoy the change that has made you so sexy to look at, doesn't he?"

"He's my boss, of course he complimenting my change, but he doesn't look at me that way."

Shay looks at me before he crooked a smile.

"He is perhaps your boss, but he is also my friend, and let me tell you that Marco certainly isn't blind to your beauty."

I look surprised at him, but before I get to say something Marco comes from his office.

"I thought I heard voices, glad you could come so soon Shay."

He exclaimed and gave him a bro-hug, before we all sat around my computer. My design came up on the screen, and Shay sat completely still and just stared, after several minutes of silence, where I began to be worried that he hated it, Marco laughed.

"Yes that was exactly how I felt when she showed it to me. It's amazing how she has taken our wants and needs and made it to a home where you will enjoy coming home every evening. She is a pure magician, not even I could have design this amazing house."

Shay nods, before he turns to me with a smile.

"This is wonderful Angel, I wouldn't change anything about it. Even the white pillars I love and those I thought I just had to learn to live with, but the way you have used them is fantastic. I simply love this house, this is how it should look."

He said with a glance at Marco who discreetly nodded before he again turned his gaze towards me with a smile. And I smiled again, happy that he likes my design for the house. Then Marco said.

"Fine then we just gets ready to build this house, which I and Alicia will take care of so we can get started as soon as possible."

He smiled. The next few hours we talk about how the interior of the house should look. I enjoyed seeing the two men really have opinion about how the decor of the house should look like, but there was something that made me wonder.

"But what about your brother, shouldn't we also take him into the decision?"

I ask, wondering and watch how the two men once again exchange glances before Shay laughs softly.

"Don't worry Angel, Marco and I have complete knowledge of his wishes."

"But ..."

I exclaim, only to be interrupted by Marco.

"Licia don't worry, everyone get their wish for this house, so relax and just enjoy the challenge of having to build this dream house."

He smiled, and I smiled back at him.

When it was closing time Shay came out from Marcos office where they had retreated, after we had finished the talk about the house, and sat on the edge of my desk.

"Well Angel, I hope I can get you persuaded to go to dinner with me?"

He said questioningly. I stared long at him before I nodded. There was something about this man that I just had to investigate more. Just then Marco out while he was in the process of removing his jacket.

"Have a good dinner you two. See you tomorrow Licia."

He smiled before he stepped into the elevator. I closed my eyes for a moment. I just had to find a way to get these feelings that I still had for my boss to disappear, now I had an attractive and sweet man who showed me interests, and that should make my feelings for my boss disappear, but it was clearly not the case, but how could I be attracted to two men at once, I wasn't such a person.

The dinner with Shay was nice, he was a wonderful companion and I enjoyed his company a lot. Once again, we stood in front of my front door, and Shay leaned down and took my lips in a deep kiss, I put my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me, prompting him to lie his arms tighter around me and pull me even closer against him, while his moaned. Slowly he let his hands run down over my body, and muttered.

"Fuck your gorgeous Angel, all these curves that just scream to be caressed and worshiped, you are so beautiful."

I moaned, loved what he made me feel, and even when he ran his hand up my thigh under my dress, I didn't stopped him, but just buried my fingers in his long soft hair and groaned hoarsely as he began to rub a finger outside my panties, and drove back and forth, I felt the moisture spreading down there and followed his hand, and it didn't took long before I opened my mouth to scream out my orgasm only to be silenced by Shays demanding mouth. He gently kissed me while my pulse slowly gets back down. When I was again aware of my surroundings, I heard him mutter.

"Fuck Angel, you are killing me, your indulgence to me, make me crazy, and I have so much desire to take you. But I don't want our first time happen out here where anyone can come by."

I stiffen at his last sentence, and pull away from him, only to grip Shays arm when my uncertain legs wouldn't hold me up. I blushed and mumbled embarrassed.

"God, I didn't even think where we were. It would have been embarrassing if any of my neighbors saw me like that."

This make Shay frown.

"Embarrassing? Do you feel ashamed for being with me?"

I look confused at him before I gently lie a hand on his cheek, while I shake my head.

"No, it wasn't what I meant. But you have to admit that it had been a little embarrassing if someone had seen you give me an orgasm."

After a moment, Shay said with a cheeky look in his eye.

"Yes you are right, although I would love that everyone knew that you were forbidden area, I wouldn't want others to see how wonderful you look when you come."

This leads me to slap him gently on the shoulder and exclaim half shocked.


But that's just makes him laugh before he unlocks my door, and after yet another gentle kiss, he pushes me into my apartment.

"Goodnight Angel."

He says gently, and I look back at him with shining eyes.

"Goodnight Shay, get home safe."

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