#18 - Can we keep it a secret at the comany

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Alicia's POV.

I step naked into the shower and let the hot water pour down over my sensitive body. I retain a groan, I couldn't believe my body was still so sensitive after last night. I bite my lower lip, and blushes at the thought of last night. I knew with my mind that last night with Marco and Shay, shouldn't have happened, that it was so wrong to have a sexual relationship with two men at once, but my reaction yesterday made it clear that my body didn't agree with my mind, that it enjoyed the attention the two men gave me. Even know my body reacted when the water hit my body, my nipples stuck out and my clit tingled, so it was my quickest shower ever. I step out of the shower and dry myself off with a soft lime green towel and then I look around in the bathroom just to shake my head of myself, of course my clothes are not in here, I gave it to Shay before my bath. I bite my bottom lip nervously before I wrap the towel around me, and then slowly unlock the door and stick my head into the bedroom to ask for my clothes. But the room is empty. Uncertain I step into the room to check if Shay had put the clothes in here. But to my surprise, it's nowhere to be seen. I can hear Shay and Marco's voice somewhere in the house, and after some hesitation, I follow the sound, and go down the stairs to end up in a room with large windows, providing a wonderful view at the surroundings and the swimming pool area. This house was amazing, all the details were well thought out, and it was incredible that Marco had designed and built this even before he was an architect. My thoughts got interrupted by Shays voice.

"Angel, I have your clothes over here have just given it a quick wash and ironed it. So it is clear for you."

He smiles at me, and I feel the redness in my cheeks when I get both men's full attention. But it disappears slowly when I see both their gentle smile, before Marco with a teasing grin exclaims.

"Angel unless you are prepared to meet late at work to give me and my brother the pleasure to satisfy you again, I think you have to take your clothes and quickly get your wonderful and almost naked body out of here."

And yes, that is all it tokes before my reddening again was at its peak. And it didn't help when Shay continue.

"If it makes any difference, I fully support you meeting late a work."

I quickly grab my clothes and turned on my heels again to leave the room and hear their laughter follow me. When I once again is safe in the room where I slept last night, I can't help but smile a little t myself, for although I hadn't admitted it to myself, I would have been worried if they had regretted what we did yesterday, but it was clear that this was not the case, that they would actually gladly do it again. And my body made it clear that it would be more than happy to do it again. But I had to be responsible, and get dressed so we could get to work. So quickly I throw the towel to get dressed, only to stop surprised when I discover that there lacks an important element in the clothes pile, my panties. I look around confused they have to be here somewhere, but to no avail. Quickly I put on my bra and dress before I slowly step out of the room, very conscious of my lack of clothing. Marco looks up from the stove where he stands and is in the process of making breakfast, and smiles softly to me when I walk into the room, before he grabs my waist and pulls me to him, to give me a gentle kiss.

"Good morning, Angel, you look wonderful."

I smile shyly again and whisper softly.

"Good morning."

I come with a surprised squeal when arms got put around me from behind, and I was drawn into the warm embrace of Shay before he kisses me affectionately on the side of the neck, and mumble.

"Mmh, you smell nice, you should bath with our shampoo every morning, then you would always smell like us, I love it"

He said with a husky voice and I felt an excited shiver go through me. Marco put the breakfast on the table and holds a chair next out for me and pushed it in to the table when I sat down. This was wonderful, I had never felt so loved and protected before, and if I got this feeling of being in the company of these two men, then I would embrace it and try not to be affected by other people's opinions about our unusual relationship. I knew it was easier said than done, but I would at least give this special relationship a try, if it the two men were interested in more than just a one-night stand. As if Marco could hear my thoughts he narrowed his eyes and said.

"This is not a one-night stand, both I and Shay are very interested for this to develop, and become a relationship. We know very well that it is much to ask you, and this is a very anomalous relationship, but we are really keen on making it to work, and just hope that you are willing to give us a chance to convince you that a relationship with us will outweigh the negative comments which will undoubtedly be thrown in our direction once this relationship becomes public."

He says, and both he and Shay looks at me. I breathe deeply about the serious turn the conversation has taken. But is pleased that Marco is so honest about their intentions, but also that he openly says that it's not only are going to be a dance of roses. I grab a hand from each of them and squeeze them gently.

"I know that it will not be easy, and that some will look down at me when they find out that I have a relationship with two men. But what you two make me feel makes me want to take the chance of being socially ostracized. My feelings towards you two, I can't keep ignore, and I have to at least give this unusual relationship a chance."

I see how wide smile eased the tense expression of both Marco and Shay faces and can't help but smile goofy back. Think that I little shy Alicia actually are going to try a relationship with two men.

When we have finished our breakfast Marco stands and reaches down for my hand and smiles.

"Well Angel, let get to work."

I catch his hand with a smile and muttering a silent goodbye to Shay before I let Marco takes me out into the hall where he helps me on with my coat. But when we are about to walk out the door strong arms grip me around my waist and a mushy voice whispers in my ear.

"Weren't you going to say goodbye Angel?"

I gasp surprised and turns my head to look at Shay over my shoulder, who now bows his head and grab my lips in a deep kiss before he pulls away with a wry smile.

"Goodbye sweetheart have a good day."

When we came to the office and we stood in the elevator Marco pulled me into his arms and mumbled, as he let his hands glide lovingly down my back.

"This night was absolutely wonderful. And to know that this wonderful curved body now belongs to me and my brother is great."

I blush, both of joy but also because he behaves lovingly even now when we are at work. As if he can maybe my conflicting emotions he pulls back and looks down at me.

"What's wrong?"

He asks quietly with a look at me, I sink nervously.

"Please don't misunderstand this, but can we keep this to ourselves for a while?"

I see him stiffen and clench his teeth immediately before he with stiff movements get the elevator to stop, while he still keeps eye contact with me.

"Do you want to keep our relationship as a secret? ... Do you feel embarrassed to be with me?"

He asked hoarsely, and I can see how hurt he is affected by my comment. At once, I approached him and loving lay my hands around his face.

"Marco no, I'm not embarrassed, but at the company, even you have to be aware that there are going to be gossip when our relationship get out, and I would like that the first time in our relationship to be where we can just enjoy our relationship and not a lot of comments that undoubtedly will come when our relationship is known to our surroundings."

This causes Marco to smile lovingly down to me before he bends down to kiss me thoroughly.

"I can do that, I don't mind that you only want to concentrate on me and Shay here in the beginning. And if you don't want our relationship to be know ay the company then I accept it ... for a while. I will not keep our relationship a secret forever. But I can accept that you would like us to yourself for a while."

He said teasingly before he again pressed the button to get the elevator to run. Just before the elevator stopped, he pulled me into another kiss then he muttered.

"Make sure not to bend too much, what is located under your skirt is designed exclusively for me and Shay."

For a moment I look astonished at him before my eyes widen, fuck, my panties, I would have asked them about it at breakfast, but I was disturbed and had forgotten all about it. But now I suddenly became very aware of my bare abdomen and blushed deeply, but before I could say anything there was a *kling* and the elevator door opened. Marco sent me a cheeky look that made it clear that he enjoyed this situation while I could only see it embarrassing in it.


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