#8 - The new house

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Alicia P.O.V.

Monday morning came, and I stood uncertainly in front of my full-length mirror, over the weekend I had been confident and felt that my new dress code was the right one, but now others than my closest friends actually had to see it, and I was worried, what if it was too much, I was not a size 6 model, should I actually show my body's curves. For I have to admit that the dress I had chosen for the office did show off my curves. The dress reached just above the knees, so it was not that that was the problem, no it was the black fabric followed my bodys curve and the sides of the dress was dark gray, which actually did give me a hour happy figure as Lisa constantly had complimented me for having, and yes, in this outfit, even I could see it, I had a hourglass figure, just on a larger scale than is usually compared hourglass shapes with. But now I was come this far and I wouldn't back off and disappoint both myself and my best friends. Determinedly I took my black 5 centimeter stilettos on, as I had been getting use to this weekend, and to my surprise I found it surprisingly easy. With one last searching look in my mirror, I left the apartment.

As soon as I entered the door Marco came out off his office with a big smile, however it turn into a surprised expression, as he let his gaze slide down over me before he again looked up at me, this time with a wry smile.

"But Licia, this weekend has been good for you. It looks good on you, you really are beautiful. But the only thing I can think of right now is how to get anything done when the only thing I can think about is you who stand here in front of me like a revelation."

I feel that I blush and turn my eyes down, but Marco grabs me on the chin and make me look him in the eye.

"I'm sorry Alicia, I know you don't like when I get too personal. But how can I not when you come here and look like a completely different person, not that you were not pleasing to the eye before, but now you are unbelievable beautiful.

He said hoarsely. And I just blushed even deeper before I shyly muttered.

"Thank you Mr. DiAngelo. I realized it was time for change, and my friends helped me pick out clothes and shoes. However, I have to get use to it, its a little nerve wracking to change thi much, even if only on the outside. And I was also a little nervous that you might wouldn't like the change, I mean regard to the company, and if that is the case, then you just have to say it then I change it back during working hours."

I offered, but even before I had even finished talking Marco shook his head.

"No Licia, you shouldn't change anything, I love your new look, and are glad you took the step, it looks good on you really. But don't let some guy come and steal you from me."

He said teasingly, yet seriously, and I turn once again my gaze down, causing Marco seriously to exclaim.

"Licia? ... There is no chance of..."

I interrupt him before he could complete the sentence, and with an uncertain grin I say.

"No, of course not, I love my work here, and will not leave it for anything in the world."

I see how Marco grits his teeth, but when he says something he sounds relaxed, so I assume that the anger I saw in his eyes was something I imagined.

"I'm glad to hear that Licia."

I smiled softly at him before I sit down at my desk to type my code in, so I could get into our systems.

"Well it reminds me that Shay said you had promised to stand for settlement of his new house on the ground you were looking at Friday?"

I looked carefully at him.

"It was not quite what I agreed to. I agreed with Shay I would try to design the house he and his brother would like to have built. But I made it clear that I was not an architect, and therefore would not stand for anything else then to make a design. But he seemed very anxious that I should be in charge of it all. I'll try to convince him that can't stand for something about the building of the house."

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