#10 - Twin brother?!

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* Shay's P.O.V. *

- On Friday afternoon some months later -

"Shay, you have to work quicker. I don't know how much longer I can wait for her, I have dreamed and longed for her for almost a year, I can't take it much more."

I stared at my twin brother, yes I said twin brother, though no one will ever believe that it is indeed the truth, it could be that we aren't similar at all, yes you wouldn't even believe that we were related. My brother had inherited all his feature from our mother who came from Texas, he has lighter skin than I, and had greyish-blue eyes and dark brown hair, all in all he looked like a true American boy. Whereas I had inherited my looks from our Korean father, which meant that, unlike my brother's more common American appearance, I was the exact image of a Korean man, my olive-colored skin and dark eyes and all-black hair that was longer than what was in, and therefore often where up in a small ponytail, made it clear that I had inherits in Korea. You've heard of identical twins, but it is far from my brother and I, we don't look like each other at all. I looked over at my brother, and it is obvious that he I about to go out of his skin. As he had just said, he had been interested in Alicia the last year, and I had felt what it had done to him, yes I said felt it, some way I and my brother could feel each other's feelings, of course, not all the time, we had both learned to block our link, but it happened that when our emotions were too fierce, that we could no longer keep our link blocked, so then the other brother could feel what the other felt, and it was the case with my brother and his feelings for Alicia, I had the last 6 months sensed his feelings whenever he was near Alicia, and I knew that he the last couple of months had been able to feel what Alicia did to me. I put a hand on his shoulder.

"I know how you feel, I feel exactly the same, ever since I met her at the nightclub, I haven't been able to get her out of my head. But you know as well as I that Alicia isn't just a woman we can go to and say that we want to share her, she will think that we are perverts."

I said, and could feel his impatience, as if it were my own. What it really was, since I also couldn't wait to have her in my arms and could caress her wonderful body. My brother stiffened.

"I can feel it, you know, when you kiss her, I can feel what her kiss does to you, and every time I see her, I can't think of anything, other than that I will be the one she kisses."

I look down at him, how could I not have thought of what I put my brother through every time I allowed myself to kiss Alicia's wonderful lips. I knew that the feeling I had for her was too heavy for me to block from my link to my brother.

"I'm sorry bro, I ... I will try not to kiss her, or at least not let it develop so you can feel it all ..."

I would continue but stopped confused as he shook his head.

"No! Don't start to pull back from her, you're suppose to get her to actually consider a relationship, first to you and hopefully then to both of us."

I nodded, I knew he was right. Usually when I and my brother was with a woman, it was someone realized it, then I and my brother love having sexual triangles, along with our chosen woman. And before you become outraged and think that we are in the family, then you should know that we have no interested in each other in any sexual way. The reason we enjoy sharing women is this link that we share, which means that we will never be able to enjoy a relationship completely without the other, not because we even touched the other, no, we both concentrate 100% on the woman who is the center of our desires, but you could say that we really are a person that has been split in two, and to be fully satisfied, we need to share thing and experience. And I couldn't wait for me and my brother could wake Alicia's body alive. To worship her, and get her passion to blaze, watch her eyes darken with excitement while we could smell her arousal, taste her, touch her everywhere, satisfy her. My thoughts were interrupted when my brother exclaimed in despair.

"Damn Shay, stop those thoughts, or you get me to come right here and now. I don't have the pleasure to coul draw Alicia into my arms and get some of my excitement to disappear, stop giving me pictures of her in intimate situations. "

I laughed a little embarrassed that my fantasies have got both mine and his hormones to go crazy. I have the last months spent much time with my little angel, and haven't been able to hold back with kisses and caresses, she is simply so receptive, but still adorable shy, that I can't keep my hands to myself, and although I enjoy being with her, I know in the back of my heart that something is missing. I looked at my brother.

"Alicia told that she couldn't see me tonight because you two was going to a social event?"

I saw how Marcos eyes lit up, and couldn't but rejoice that he looked forward to spending time with Alicia, and he smiled and saying.

"Yes, I will have the joy of the Licia tonight, and I look forward to it. I hope I can get her to realize that I could be interesting. I Just hope that her relationship with you have her to turn me down completely. But I'm afraid that us how it's going to go, I'm sure that in her head it's wrong to be attracted to more than one at a time, that she told you herself. So that means that we must beat that obstacle before we can hope for a relationship with her together.

I nod, because I know that my brother is right, it will not be easy to convince Alicia that she belongs to both of us. But I know that I and my brother will do everything in our power to make her ours.

"Don't worry, our Angel's going to be entirely ours.

"Angel? How did you come up with that nickname, it fits well to her."

My brother smiles, and receive a wry smile back from me before I shrug.

"Yes, I thought it was appropriate, since our last name has Angel in it and I want it to be clear that she belongs to us."

This leads to a big smile from my brother, and it is obvious that he likes the meaning of my nickname.

So shay have a twin brother - how many did see that coming?
Hope you enjoy my story, and please vote and comment, I love to know what my readers think

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