Chapter 1: The meaning of "Tofu"

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After a short hike, Aether finally enters the city of Liyue, from which he hears many screams of children, the conversations of busy adults and the few animals that walked around Liyue. Looking around, he noticed a familiar red tuft of hair. He ran up to the man who was busy talking to one of the store employees.

- Childe! - The paimon shouted, attracting the attention of the redhead. He thanked the cashier giving her a mora bag and then looked at Paimon and Aether.

- Hello Paimon, Aether. What brings you here?

-We would like to meet Mr. Zhongli - replied the flying Paimon, waving her hands vigorously.

- Oh? - he muttered. - He should be in the Wanmin restaurant. Maybe lead you to him?

-Please - Aether replied, nodding his head slightly.

Childe adjusted the bag that the cashier had given him in his hand, then headed towards the Wanmin restaurant. Aether and Paimon followed him every now and then, glancing at the blonde's wrist. Aether looked away from his hand, then looked back at Childe, who was humming the song. When they finally got to the restaurant, they noticed Zhongli sitting at one of the tables, drinking tea.

- Mr. Zhongli! Mr. Zhongli!

Paimon shouted as she flew over to the man putting down the cup. Golden eyes looked at Paimon, then at Childe and Aether, who approached him.

- Hello Mr. Zhongli - Aether greeted as he sat down to the right. Childe did the same, sitting on the other side of Zhongli. He moved slightly to him then grinned broadly.

- Hello Paimon, Aether - he nodded, studying their faces. Paimon was worried, while Aether was calm, but there was a hint of uncertainty in his eyes. - Something happened?

- We have .. A little problem - Paimon said, showing Aether to show his wrist. Aether, understanding the message, showed his wrist pointing it towards Zhongli. - You know what that might mean?

- "Tofu"? Childe asked, looking at the wrist as well. He bit his cheek uncertainly from the inside, then looked at Zhongli. The man looked at the wrist and then closed his eyes for a moment. Aether, unsure of what Zhongli might say, he focused on the table.

-A soulmate - Zhongli replied at last.

- Soulmate? - Aether asked and the man nodded. Childe looked away from his wrist, moving nervously in the seat. Paimon and Aether, seeing this, looked at each other confused and then looked back at Zhongli. Paimon, however, as an inquisitive creature, stared at the redhead every now and then. - What do you mean, soulmate Mr. Zhongli? - Aether asked.

- Every few years - he pointed his finger at the boy's wrist - different words appear on the wrist of random people. It can be one, two or even three. - He said, running his finger over the inscription, which after his touch began to glow slightly green. Aether watched what Zhongli was doing with quite a shock. - Words mark the first words spoken of your soulmate. Unfortunately, the words come at different times. Often, however, it already occurs in teenagers. - He finished looking at the boy. Aether looked at his wrist, still examining the green color. - Surprisingly, you are the first person in 100 years I see with this label.

Paimon, who was still watching Childe, flew up to him at one point and picked up the sleeve of his jacket. She saw a similar thing on his wrist, except that it read "Mora". The redhead, embarrassed by this fact, lowered his head down.

- Childe? - Aether asked, looking down at his wrist.

- Weren't those the first words Mr. Zhongli said to you? - Paimon asked, drawing the man's attention to Childe.

- ... Maybe?

-So that means Mr. Zhongli is your soul mate? - Paimon asked curiously.Childe hid his face in his shoulder, thereby covering the blush that was showing up on his cheeks. Zhongli took Childe's hand from Paimon, then ran over the lettering, the color of which was shimmering to gold.

- How long have you known about this? - Zhongli asked looking at him.

Childe immediately looked up at Zhongli's face. - I just found out! I ... I ...

- Do not say anything. - Zhongli said embracing him lightly.

Aether looked at them then smiled slightly under his breath. He pulled his hand towards him and then, as before, Mr. Zhongli ran his hand over the inscription, which again changed with a green color.

So I have a soulmate?

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