Chapter 5: Even more jealous Xiao

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Returning to the Wanghsu Inn, Aether and Paimon stated that they would come to the Wuwang Hill to meet one person - Hu Tao. Talking to the girl, he could laugh a little and tease Paimon, calling her together with Hu Tao Emergency Food. But he couldn't notice that a certain pair of golden eyes watched him enviously. When he heard the rustling of trees, he turned and looked at the branches, but saw nothing but a few leaves falling. Hu Tao, who had been adjusting her blouse for a few moments, looked at Aether and cocked her face with obvious interest. 

-Something happend? 

- No... I don't think so - he mutter and then looked at Paimon who was looking at the same place. - Paimon are you thinking the same as me? 

- Uh-uh! - she nodded looking at the blonde.

- Hu Tao, we'll go now. It was nice seeing you, see you soon! - They waved at the shorter girl who returned the gesture with a smile on her face, sticking out ger tongue for a moment. 

When they left a bit, they heard the sound of a falling body and a weapon stabbing into the ground, which shook slightly. Aether and Paimon looked at each other before hearing a scream that led Aether to run swiftly toward that direction. Ignoring Paimon who was southing after him to stop, he ran on recognizing Xiao's voice. 

He must have been injured several times by the protruding roots, which sometimes had thorns, while running beetwen the trees. Listening to the short scream, he felt tears in corners of his eyes and the inscription on his hand began to burn. He looked at him and saw a strong green color that made him swallow. He rubbed his eyes from tears and started to run faster, then stopped and looked at Xiao who was watching him covered in blood and there were dead bodies of enemies around him. 

- X..Xiao? - He looked at his golden eyes full of tears that watched him fearfully. He approached him slowly and noticing that he was not moving, he grabbed his face. At the moment when his fingers touched the cheeks of the other boy, he felt that the inscription on his wrist had stopped burning, and he started to cry more. He put his forehead to his own, causing Xiao to calm down. - Please don't do that anymore, Xiao. 

- Im just a monster.. 

- No! Your not Xiao. You're a wonderful person! Many people owe you the fact that you help people even though they show fear. Not everyone is able to do it, understand? It is thanks to you that many people are still here, it is thanks to you.. - he was not given to finish because he felt a mouth on his own. He gasped in suprise, but returned the kiss still keeping his hands on Xiao's cheeks, who, in return, put his hands on his waist. They moved away after a while and the blushing blonde looked back into Xiao's golden eyes. 

- Maybe I wasn't like that once, but I think it has changed thanks to you. Thank you Aether. - He said kissing him again.  

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