Chapter 15: The war just started.

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Another cloudy day. The knights trained every day until the end of the day, unfortunately every day until 11 PM no one saw Xiao with his eyes. Childe saw Zhongli worry about the Adeptus, as it slowly began to worry him too. Diluc, on the other hand, was all tense, waiting for him to get a message to Kaeya, which unfortunately had not been coming for a long time. 

It was almost 7 o'clock when the golden eyes saw Xiao full of monsters' blood on him. Zhongli raised an eyebrow, but didn't say a word because he knew how nervous Xiao was walking at that time. The absence of a soul mate had more of an impact than the common man, he had known it from the moment he had to part with Childe himself.

At one point, one of the guards who was standing in the north ran to the center of the square, attracting everyone's attention, even Xiao.

- It's bad! - he shouted, adjusting the weapon in his hand - You can see the flames from afar, probably close to Dawn Winery!  Some of us must go there!

Diluc stared at the man as if nailed to the ground. Jean and Lisa looked at the red-haired man, then slowly approaching him.

- Master Diluc? - Lisa began.

-No .. Fuck, no! This can't be true! - he shouted after a while, taking the weapon in his hand and running in the direction known to everyone.

- Master Diluc! Jean shouted. - We need help! Let some of us come with us! - She shouted after a moment turning to Lisa - Stay here and help others, please Lisa - she said, at which the woman sighed nodding her head. - Thank you - she smiled weakly.

-Be careful -  she said in her "motherly" voice, smiling back.

- Let the rest gather! We're going to the outskirts of Liyue! - Childe shouted, glancing at Xiao after a while. - Are you ready to get your boyfriend back? - He asked. 

Xiao muttered something under his breath nodding his head slightly.

He has always been ready to help his loved ones. He couldn't hear Aether's voice calling for help because he was too far away, but he knew he would help him soon. Soon. 


- Do it. - Bored blonde muttered looking at the high flame in which stood one of the larger houses in the whole "village". After a while she looked at the blue-haired man who was leaning against the tree, holding his chest. - If you don't want to die, you have to do it! You don't want to get it again? - she asked. 

- I can't .. - he muttered, sliding down the trunk. The pain in the cage was excruciating and it doubled over looking at "home". He felt dizzy and sick, and the smoke was tearing a hole in his lungs. 

- You're hopeless, Kaeya Alberich. - she spat, venom in her voice. - And you think you are the wonderful Captain? In dreams! - She laughed, glancing at her brother, who was staring at the ground, holding back tears and clenching her jaw. He hadn't looked at his sister since he left Inazuma, and even the day before. The blonde sighed irritably and then looked at everyone. - Let's leave him here. He won't get that far, and he might even die here. - she moved towards Mondstadt - We are going further. 

Everyone who was on Lumine's side followed their "princess", also pushing Aether who looked at Kaey who just smiled at him saying something mute. All he could understand from the movement of the blue-haired's mouth was "I'm sorry." The tears he tried so hard not to let out into the light of day came to this by themselves, causing a hollow cry that was mingled with pain. He felt terrible. 


Some comments and next will be tommorow? 👀

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