Chapter 56: Compromising

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"I want to see her," said Kili obstinately, pushing himself up in his bed

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"I want to see her," said Kili obstinately, pushing himself up in his bed. It had been three days since he had fallen gravely ill, two days since he had moved back to the Master's house, and only yesterday when he had finally woken long enough to hold a cohesive conversation. But today Sara could tell he was determined to leave his bed.

"Oin said you're not to get up till tomorrow," insisted Fili, trying to push his brother back down. Kili only brushed his hand away impatiently.

"I need to see her," repeated Kili, wincing as he tried to pull his injured leg from under the blankets. "I have to thank her."

"Your thanks can wait a day," said Fili, moving to block him from getting out of bed. "Why are you being so stubborn?"

"I need to do more than just thank her. I still need to apologize."

"Apologize for what? For getting shot with an arrow? That's ridiculous. You only got shot because we were dragging her back onto the raft after she got knocked out. What could you possibly have to apologize for?"

"Sara," whined Kili, looking past Fili to where she leaned against Dwalin's empty bed. She tried not to moan as she pushed off and came to Fili's side. Her lower back has been bothering her all day and she was not sure why. Perhaps she had pulled a muscle yesterday while moving crates of papers in the records room.

"What do you want me to say?" asked Sara, looking down at him. "We almost lost you. You can't blame us for wanting to make sure you are healthy before you move around."

"Exactly," said Fili, retrieving the lunch tray they had brought Kili from the kitchens. "Now eat." Kili glared up at them but sat back against the headboard of the bed to receive the lunch tray all the same.

"I thought at least you would understand," he said, looking at Sara as though she had betrayed him. Fili handed him a fork meaningfully.

"I understand you almost died and Tauriel brought you back."

"Which is why I need to go see her. It's the second time she's done that and I haven't even thanked her."

"Second?" asked Fili, confused. "When was the first?" Kili flushed slightly under his brother's scrutiny.

"In Mirkwood," muttered Kili, pushing the eggs around on his plate with a fork. Something clicked into place in Sara's memory.

"You mean you still haven't talked to her about that?" she asked incredulously. Kili shook his head looking supremely guilty.

"About what?" asked Fili, looking back and forth between the two of them.

"Why ever not?" she asked Kili, ignoring Fili.

"I didn't have a chance," said Kili quietly.

"Didn't have a chance, or never took the chances you had?" she asked shrewdly.

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