Chapter 32: Making Time

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Okay. Sorry this took a while... I can tell some of you have been waiting and checking for the updates. But I'm pretty sure it will have been worth the wait. I worked pretty hard on this chapter. By the way did you know that the paper tag inside a Hershey Chocolate Kiss is called a Niggly Wiggly.

In which Sara hides and Thorin seeks.

Thorin pulled the glowing metal from the forges heat and began to strike and shape it, sparks flying through the stifling air. He was working to craft a new hinge for one of the large barn doors that he had noticed was broken. After several more strikes he returned the metal to the heat and with his discarded shirt wiped the stinging sweat from his eyes, grateful for the faint breeze that blew around him cooling his bare skin. He dropped his shirt back onto the pile of tools and things to be repaired. By the state of Beorn's forge and the broken tools Thorin had gathered it was clear that it had been quite some time since he had used it. Leaning against the wall of Beorn's house was a cracked shovel and a pitchfork; on the ground sat several smaller hinges and an old broken chain that needed to be fixed. Beorn had also requested nails and horse shoes be made.

During the conversation at breakfast yesterday, Beorn had offered to provide the company with new packs and supplies though he would have to travel to the woodman's village in the south to get some of the items needed. Thorin had gathered all the money that remained among the company, which was admittedly not much, and offered it to Beorn to help pay for the supplies, but the giant man had waived him off. The dwarves however, had not wanted to accept charity, and so after much discussion and with Balin's tact, an arrangement had been agreed upon. The company would each labor as they could to repay Beorn, tending the animals, repairing fences and buildings, working in the gardens, and other such tasks as they knew how to perform, but Borin had insisted that only he tend the bees and no one had argued with him over it. Bifur and Bofur had agreed to carve several new dishes to replace some of the ones that Beorn had worn out over the years along with new ones for the company. Dori and Bilbo had volunteered to repair and make a few articles of clothing for their host and Beorn had gifted them a bolt of sturdy cloth to make clothes for the others, though some clothing would still have to be bought. Thorin was commissioned to repair broken tools and anything else that needed a blacksmith's skill. Beorn had admitted that he was capable of the metal work, but was loath to do it, so the arrival of a more skilled blacksmith was more than welcome.

Thorin pulled the iron from the fire once again and began to pound it flat with quick sure strikes and several minutes later as he was shaping the pin for the new hinge a hand fell on his shoulder temporarily halting him mid-swing. He turned to see Dwalin behind him. Taking time to finish the last few strokes he then plunged the pin into a bucket of water at his feet and set his hammer aside.

"Didn't mean to interrupt yer work," said Dwalin. "I just wanted ya to know that I brought ya more wood. I know how lost in thought ya can get when ya work."

"Your arrival and the brake are not unwelcome," he said grabbing up his shirt and waterskin before going to sit on a log in the shade offered by the house behind them.

"How go the repairs?" asked Dwalin taking a seat beside him.

"Well enough, though it seems our host did not lie when he said the forge was neglected. It took me almost half a day yesterday to put it to rights before I began," said Thorin, wiping his neck and face.

"When will ya be finished?" asked Dwalin, flicking wood chips from his pants. Thorin took a long slow drink before speaking.

"Two, maybe three days." He leaned his head back against the wall behind him, rolling his shoulders and flexing his hand as the tissue of the newly healed wound gave a twinge sending painful sparks shooting down his left arm.

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